[Users] local iso folder not mounted
by Umarzuki Mochlis
I installed ovirt 3.1 from dre repo on centos 6 using allinone plugin
from that repo
it timed-out during adding local host
when I logged into web management, I can see on host's tab that
local_host failed to be installed and NFS ISO domain (which actually a
local folder) was failed to be mounted. But I can mount it with
mount.nfs manually.
What did I missed here? I wanted to create a single ovirt server for
testing purposes.
Umarzuki Mochlis
12 years, 4 months
[Users] VNC console connection information dialog doesn't show host's FQDN
by Adam Tkáč
Hello all,
oVirt web interface doesn't write host's hostname in VNC connection
info dialog. It writes only IP address. Is it possible to configure
this somewhere? I remember the dialog wrote FQDN but it doesn't write
it now, not sure how it got broken. Currently the connection dialog
looks like this:
Please use your VNC client to connect to this VM.
Use the following parameters:
Password: WxGYrAg7wjXF
(note: this password is valid for 120 seconds)
However I would like to configure it to write this:
Please use your VNC client to connect to this VM.
Use the following parameters:
IP:Port: host.example.com:5902
Password: WxGYrAg7wjXF
(note: this password is valid for 120 seconds)
Is it possible to do it somehow? Thank you in advance.
Regards, Adam
12 years, 4 months
[Users] Call For Agenda Items -- oVirt Weekly Meeting 2012-09-12
by Mike Burns
Meeting Time and Place
oVirt Weekly Sync
* Wednesdays @ 15:00 UTC (may change during DST changes) - always
at 7:00am US Pacific, 10:00am US Eastern.
* To see in your timezone date -d 'WEDNESDAY 1000 EDT'
* On IRC: #ovirt on irc.oftc.net
This is the agenda for the 2012-09-12 meeting:
* Status of Next Release (Release Criteria, Target GA date)
* Sub-project reports (engine, vdsm, node, infra)
* Workshops
* Project Manager Election
If you have other topics, please reply to me and I will add them to the
agenda. If you propose a topic, please be prepared to lead the
discussion during the meeting.
12 years, 4 months
[Users] Cannot add another host to "all-in-one" datacenter
by Adam Tkáč
Hello all,
I installed an oVirt datacenter via "all-in-one" plugin, which means
everything currently runs on one machine. I would like to add another
host to this datacenter, it has it's own storage for virtual machine
images, but oVirt refuses to add it with error "Cannot add more than
one Host to "Local Storage" Data Center". Is it possible to configure
this somewhere and add the host to the local_datacenter?
Thank you in advance for response.
Regards, Adam
12 years, 4 months
Re: [Users] Can't add NFS domain
by Changsen Xu
Thanks a lot for your answer. I just got vdsm compiled and installed
on fresh FC17 (installed with live cd), used your 3.4.9 FC16 kernel.
Yes, now, engine can add it as host, great. But engine still can't
add NFS domain. Any idea what is happening?
John Xu
On Mon, 2012-09-03 at 23:52 +0200, Damiano Verzulli wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Il 03/09/2012 05:47, Changsen Xu ha scritto:
> > Damiano,
> >
> > How did you install the kernel-3.4.9-2.fc16.x86_64.rpm ?
> with:
> rpm -ivh kernel-3.4.9-2.fc16.x86_64.rpm
> on the node. Actually my node was a Fedora 17 installed as such.... and
> not the ovirt-iso-image (BTW: I thought you were working on an FC17, not
> on a ovirt-node-image, sorry!).
> > Installed it on the node iso from ovirt.org ? Those iso are read
> > only, even if I "mount -o remount,rw /", I still can't persist the
> > kernel files, system complained out of space.
> Sorry. As I said, I worked on standard FC17.
> > Or did you install on fresh/empty Fedora Core ?
> exactly
> > Then how did you install the vdsm?
> by following this guide:
> http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_3.1_release_notes#Fedora_Host
> In detail, starting with a "running" fedora:
> # yum localinstall http://ovirt.org/releases/ovirt-release-fedora.noarch.rpm
> Afterwards, right after installing the Engine (on a different host, in my
> case), simply adding the "ovirt FC17 node" as a new node from the
> web-interface of the "engine", the "adding process" will take care of the
> setup of all the software components.
> So, in the end, it will be the engine that will connect to the node and
> launch, on the node, the setup (yum install....) of all the required RPMs
> (...that are provided by the repository provided by the initial
> ovirt-release-fedora.noarch.rpm.
> HTH.
> > I just can't find any detailed guide on internet.
> Ovirt is a great project, really. But unfortunatly it lacks documentations.
> Bye,
> DV
> - --
> Damiano Verzulli
> e-mail: damiano(a)verzulli.it
> - ---
> possible?ok:while(!possible){open_mindedness++}
> - ---
> "Technical people tend to fall into two categories: Specialists
> and Generalists. The Specialist learns more and more about a
> narrower and narrower field, until he eventually, in the limit,
> knows everything about nothing. The Generalist learns less and
> less about a wider and wider field, until eventually he knows
> nothing about everything." - William Stucke - AfrISPA
> http://elists.isoc.org/mailman/private/pubsoft/2007-December/001935.html
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
> Ye4AnRPA36VdnuGc3JZ6jjk4WfCGwlHd
> =Eiip
12 years, 4 months
[Users] [oVirt 3.1] Export VM
by Andres Gonzalez
I have a VM that has a 30 GB thin provisioned hard disk, but when I make an
export from the GUI the process allocates 30 GB instead of the 6 GB that
the disk is using now. This could be something that I have wrong or a bug ?
I have installed oVirt 3.1 under CentOS 6.3 (dre repo).
Also, is there any way to upgrade qemu to have the possibility of make live
snapshots and exports ?!
12 years, 4 months
[Users] ovirt vs openstack
by Neo Vlanik
Forgive me if this is a dump question.
What is the difference between ovirt and openstack projects? Are both of
these projects perform the same job creating a cloud?
12 years, 4 months
[Users] oVirt-engine Migration Docs
by Neil
Hi guys,
I've read the following regarding upgrading from 3.0 to 3.1...
"Due to the nature of this upgrade, we DO NOT recommend it, users are
advised to do a 3.1 clean installation, and to import all VM's and
template into the new installation."
I'm running a live ovirt-engine(very early 3.1 release with no upgrade
path) system with 3 VM's and I'd like to do the recommended -- "clean
installation and import all VM's and template", but I'd like to know
if there are any detailed guides on how to do this?
I also have an unused server that I can use as a spare host that I can
add into my clean engine install to get the VDSM onto the latest
version as well, but how do you go about exporting and importing the
VM's and the template?
I am working on a live system and downtime needs to be limited, not
sure if this is the correct procedure?
Prepare old engine:
1.) Create a export storage domain
2.) Suspend each VM and export (presume suspending is enough and they
don't need to be shutdown?)
3.) Detach export storage domain
Prepare new engine machine:
1.) Install new ovirt-engine
2.) "Restore previous keystore and preserve .sh scripts" presume this
is how the configs and DB are restored?
3.) Log into ovirt as admin and add only the spare host (to ensure
that VDSM 4.10 is used, because I'm currently using VDSM 4.9)
4.) Attach export storage domain
5.) Import VM's all running on new "spare" host
Upgrade old VDSM hosts:
1.) Remove VDSM 4.9 on old hosts(2 of them)?
2.) Add/install the new hosts from inside webadmin to get the old
hosts up to VDSM 4.10?
I'll gladly document the steps in detail if there is no detailed guide
already for this.
Thanks, any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Neil Wilson.
12 years, 4 months
[Users] Problem with creating a glusterfs volume
by Dominic Kaiser
So I have a problem creating glusterfs volumes. Here is the install:
1. Ovirt 3.1
2. 4 Nodes are Fedora 17 with kernel 3.3.4 - 5.fc17.x86_64
3. 4 nodes peer joined and running
4. 4 nodes added as hosts to ovirt
5. created a directory on each node this path /data
6. chmod 36.36 -R /data all nodes
7. went back to ovirt and created a distributed/replicated volume and
added the 4 nodes with brick path of /data
I received this error:
Creation of Gluster Volume maingfs1 failed.
I went and looked at the vdsm logs on the nodes and the ovirt server which
did not say much. Where else should I look? Also this error is vague what
does it mean?
Dominic Kaiser
Greater Boston Vineyard
Director of Operations
cell: 617-230-1412
fax: 617-252-0238
email: dominic(a)bostonvineyard.org
12 years, 4 months