Call for Papers Deadline in Two Weeks: LinuxCon/CloudOpen Europe
by Brian Proffitt
Conference: LinuxCon Europe
Information: LinuxCon is the only event covering all matters Linux - offering collaboration and education for everyone in the ecosystem from developers and maintainers to sys admins and architects to business executives and community members.
Date: August 20-22, 2014
Location: Dusseldorf, Germany
Call for Papers Deadline: July 11, 2014
Call for Papers URL:
Conference: CloudOpen Europe
Information: CloudOpen is the only conference offering collaboration and education for all matters of open source cloud, from CloudStack to KVM to Xen, Hadoop, Gluster, OpenStack and more.
Date: August 20-22, 2014
Location: Dusseldorf, Germany
Call for Papers Deadline: July 11, 2014
Call for Papers URL:
Brian Proffitt - oVirt Community Manager
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 6 months
Mask the CPU model
by Punit Dambiwal
Can i mask the CPU in Ovirt as we can do in the openstack
/cloudstack...actually i don't want users to know the actual CPU model....i
want it to modify actual CPU model with custom defined CPU like "Virtual
CPU" instead of "Nehalam/Sendybridge" in the guest VM.
10 years, 6 months
Re: [ovirt-users] ISO_DOMAIN issue
by Dafna Ron
did you restart ovirt-engine service?
On 06/25/2014 05:54 AM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:
> Ok, thanx.
> Now when I try to remove the connection I get this:
> [oVirt shell (connected(a)
> <>)]# remove
> storageconnection 91fca941-d9f3-496c-908f-92d31bce6a64
> ====================================================== ERROR
> ===================================================
> status: 404
> reason: Not Found
> detail: Entity not found: null
> ================================================================================================================
> 2014-06-24 15:53 GMT+02:00 Dafna Ron <dron(a)
> <>>:
> the destroy should clean the db only and any cleanup on the
> storage/hosts side should be done manually by the user.
> cleaning the iso domain from the vms would be a nice addition if
> not done today - can you please open a bug on this?
> Please check if your hosts have old mount to the iso side and
> umount it.
> restart of vdsm service on the hosts and engine service should
> clean any leftovers after that.
> if not, please file a bug since old connection should be clean
> from the db.
> Dafna
> On 06/24/2014 01:53 PM, Sven Kieske wrote:
> well as far as I know you should put any domain
> first into maintenance, then detach from all DCs
> and then remove it.
> by force destroying you get what you now have:
> old connections which are dead and log spam.
> So I assume it would be safe to delete the connection
> to this storage domain, but ymmv.
> Am 24.06.2014 14 <tel:24.06.2014%2014>:45, schrieb Koen Vanoppen:
> By "destroying" it in ovirt management interface...
> --
> Dafna Ron
Dafna Ron
10 years, 6 months
Host not restarting through manager
by mad Engineer
I have two UCS server,both are configured for power management, but
when i put host to maintenance and restart it by selecting power
management>restart on the OVirt Manager it shows as rebooting but the host
is not really rebooting,i had the same issue with HP servers ILO2.
What should i do to make it work
Also under Host>power management>test is failing with "Test Failed,
Failed: You have to enter plug number Please use '-h' for usage"
Thanks for any help
10 years, 6 months
[ACTION REQUIRED] unresolved deps for ovirt-optimizer-ui
by Sandro Bonazzola
package: ovirt-optimizer-ui-0.1-1.fc19.noarch from ovirt-3.5-beta-sanity
unresolved deps:
ovirt-optimizer-webadmin-portal >= 0:3.4
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
10 years, 6 months
oVirt and VDSM isolatedprivatevlan hook
by Matjaž Črnko
I'm looking for a way to prevent the users/administrators of our virtual
machines to change their ip.
One of the interesting solutions I stumbled upon is the isolatedprivatevlan
I installed the hook via yum, added the Custom VM Setting
that I'm not sure if it's correct as it was written up quickly.
Now when I set the custom setting via the panel and try to start the VM I
get the following error:
"VM TestVM is down. Exit message: XML error: Invalid specification of
multiple <filterref>s in a single <interface>." If I read the wiki[1]
correcty the <interface> should have multiple <filterrefs> when this hook
is activated. So I'm wondering if the hook is simply out of date/not
working or am I missing something else?
I'm running oVirt 3.4.2-1.el6 on CentOS 6 (everything up to date).
Any help would be greatly appreciated, (including other ways of preventing
the VM ip changes from users)
[1] -
10 years, 6 months
Spam oVirt Power management
by Maurice James
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Does anyone know where on the filesystem or the database does the engine store the power management information? Username and IP info for drac?
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
<html><body><div style="font-family: times new roman, new york, times, serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000"><div>Does anyone know where on the filesystem or the database does the engine store the power management information? Username and IP info for drac?<br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div></body></html>
10 years, 6 months
[QE] [ACTION NEEDED] oVirt 3.5.0 Beta / branching delay
by Sandro Bonazzola
I started building ovirt-engine this morning as soon as ovirt infra team patches have been merged.
The build is still running since 6 hours ago due to heavy load of jenkins slaves, so we couldn't perform basic sanity tests on the build yet.
The build is based on git hash 54d6a0bba7e9d62f2ec3bd16157ca2387b57ab58 and is running here [1]
As soon as it finishes we'll publish it on nightly master snapshot and will be tested tomorrow morning.
If sanity test passes, the ovirt-engine-3.5 branch will be created from above hash with the content of the snapshot including the build [1].
Any other change to the repo other than critical fixes (like missing dependency fixes or new builds addressing critical issues) shouldn't be allowed
in that yum repository. If you're aware of any critical issue fixed later than 54d6a0bba7e9d62f2ec3bd16157ca2387b57ab58 please let us know as soon as
Note to VDSM team, I see VDSM already branched a few days ago but in nightly snapshot builds are still coming from master branch and no jenkins job
has been created for building from 3.5 yet.
Please provide the right RPM needed for this beta release or the one built from master will be taken.
I'm sorry for the delay.
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
10 years, 6 months
Fwd: [ OWF 2014 ] CFP Deadline extended until 15th of July
by Brian Proffitt
Open World Forum 2014 (
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Deadline extended for the CFP : 15th of July (
Classic and essential subjects such as Cloud computing, Data, Internet of Things, Dev, etc. will be treated from the point of view of users. We will also put a strong emphasis on trending topics : Security, Privacy, Trust and Mobility.
If you wish to submit a proposal about one of these topics and many more, please do so on the page dedicated to the Call for Paper ( .
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10 years, 6 months