  • 141 participants
  • 199 discussions
First oVirt community meetup in Boston MA area
by Douglas Landgraf
9 years
VM Migration Fails (Network thoughts)
by Christopher Young
9 years
OVirt SDK python ip problem
by rein
9 years
Move from Gluster to NFS
by Christophe TREFOIS
9 years
[ovirt-cli] query snapshot in preview of a vm
by Jiri Belka
9 years
Importing VMs into Cinder backend
by Bond, Darryl
9 years
Update Self-Hosted-Engine - Right Way?
by Taste-Of-IT
9 years
UCS Integration (vmfex/SRIOV)
by David LeVene
9 years
Guest not reporting
by @LiNixG33k
9 years
3.6 engine-backup
by Giorgio Bart
9 years
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