open error -13 = sanlock
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Hello, can anybody explain this error no.13 ( open file ) in sanlock.log .
The size of "ids" file is zero (0)
2016-02-28 03:25:46+0100 269626 [1951]: open error -13
2016-02-28 03:25:46+0100 269626 [1951]: s187985 open_disk
error -13
2016-02-28 03:25:56+0100 269636 [11304]: s187992 lockspace
If the main problem is about zero file size, can I regenerate this file
online securely , with no VM dependence ????
dist = RHEL - 7 - 2.1511
kernel = 3.10.0 - 327.10.1.el7.x86_64
KVM = 2.3.0 - 29.1.el7
libvirt = libvirt-1.2.17-13.el7_2.3
vdsm = vdsm-4.16.30-0.el7
GlusterFS = glusterfs-3.7.8-1.el7
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Hello, can anybody explain this error no.13 ( open file ) in
sanlock.log .<br>
The size of "ids" file is zero (0)<br>
2016-02-28 03:25:46+0100 269626 [1951]: open error -13
2016-02-28 03:25:46+0100 269626 [1951]: s187985 open_disk
error -13<br>
2016-02-28 03:25:56+0100 269636 [11304]: s187992 lockspace
If the main problem is about zero file size, can I regenerate this
file online securely , with no VM dependence ????<br>
dist = RHEL - 7 - 2.1511<br>
kernel = 3.10.0 - 327.10.1.el7.x86_64<br>
KVM = 2.3.0 - 29.1.el7<br>
libvirt = libvirt-1.2.17-13.el7_2.3<br>
vdsm = vdsm-4.16.30-0.el7<br>
GlusterFS = glusterfs-3.7.8-1.el7<br>
8 years, 11 months
VMs Pause During Live Snapshot Creation
by Duckworth, Douglas C
It is my understanding that VMs must pause during Live Snapshot creation
when "Save Memory" option is selected.
If you're only seeking to mitigate against issues that might arise after
doing package updates then what's the advantage of going with that route?
Down the road does anyone know if it will be possible for oVirt and
eventually RHEV to gather snapshots without Pausing VMs? Does Docker
make this a feature we likely won't see developed?
Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
Unix Administrator
Tulane University
Technology Services
1555 Poydras Ave
NOLA -- 70112
E: duckd(a)
O: 504-988-9341
F: 504-988-8505
8 years, 11 months
SUCCESS / error
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Hi, next explanation
VDSM log give me following message
Is this live checking for storage availability ? If "SUCCESS" then why
"<err> " ???
17:31:55,275::fileSD::262::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(getReadDelay) SUCCESS:
<err> = '0+1 records in\n0+1 records out\n346 bytes (346 B) copied,
0.00022692 s, 1.5 MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0
iflag=direct of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=1 (cwd None)
17:31:57,886::fileSD::262::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(getReadDelay) SUCCESS:
<err> = '0+1 records in\n0+1 records out\n734 bytes (734 B) copied,
0.000391403 s, 1.9 MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0
iflag=direct of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=1 (cwd None)
17:31:58,318::fileSD::262::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(getReadDelay) SUCCESS:
<err> = '0+1 records in\n0+1 records out\n335 bytes (335 B) copied,
0.00048095 s, 697 kB/s\n'; <rc> = 0
iflag=direct of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=1 (cwd None)
dist = RHEL - 7 - 2.1511
kernel = 3.10.0 - 327.10.1.el7.x86_64
KVM = 2.3.0 - 29.1.el7
libvirt = libvirt-1.2.17-13.el7_2.3
vdsm = vdsm-4.16.30-0.el7
GlusterFS = glusterfs-3.7.8-1.el7
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Hi, next explanation<br>
VDSM log give me following message<br>
Is this live checking for storage availability ? If "SUCCESS" then
why "<err> " ???<br>
SUCCESS: <err> = '0+1 records in\n0+1 records out\n346 bytes
(346 B) copied, 0.00022692 s, 1.5 MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0<br>
iflag=direct of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=1 (cwd None)<br>
SUCCESS: <err> = '0+1 records in\n0+1 records out\n734 bytes
(734 B) copied, 0.000391403 s, 1.9 MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0<br>
iflag=direct of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=1 (cwd None)<br>
SUCCESS: <err> = '0+1 records in\n0+1 records out\n335 bytes
(335 B) copied, 0.00048095 s, 697 kB/s\n'; <rc> = 0<br>
iflag=direct of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=1 (cwd None)<br>
dist = RHEL - 7 - 2.1511<br>
kernel = 3.10.0 - 327.10.1.el7.x86_64<br>
KVM = 2.3.0 - 29.1.el7<br>
libvirt = libvirt-1.2.17-13.el7_2.3<br>
vdsm = vdsm-4.16.30-0.el7<br>
GlusterFS = glusterfs-3.7.8-1.el7<br>
8 years, 11 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.6.3 Final Release is now available
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce today the general availability of
oVirt 3.6.3.
This latest community release includes numerous bug fixes and several new
features, such as:
- The WebSocketProxy VDC option(and a few others) can now be updated
without need to restart the engine.
- OVIRT-CLI now use remote-viewer instead of spicec for spice based
- unassigned host status now reflects more the real status
- cloud-init service after appliance deployment is now disabled
oVirt is an open-source, openly-governed enterprise virtualization
management application, developed by a global community. You can use the
oVirt management interface (oVirt Engine) to manage hardware nodes, storage
and network resources, and to deploy and monitor virtual machines running
in your data center.
If you are familiar with VMware products, oVirt is conceptually similar to
vSphere. oVirt serves as the bedrock for Red Hat's Enterprise
Virtualization product, and it is the "upstream" project where new features
are developed prior to their inclusion in Red Hat's supported product
Additional Resources:
* Read more about the oVirt 3.6.3 release highlights:
* Get more oVirt Project updates on Twitter:
* Read more about oVirt Project community events:
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
8 years, 11 months
Not seeing Gluster options on Cluster properties
by Will Dennis
Hi all,
I am running a hyperconverged setup of oVirt 3.6, where I pre-made the Gluster volumes that are used for the hosted engine and the VM storage domains. I have seen in screenshots of 3.6 HC setups that there should be options to enable Gluster integration in oVirt by checking a box in Cluster properties > General tab (“Enable Gluster Service”) but I do not see that checkbox in my Cluster properties > General tab. What must I do to enable this integration?
BTW, I see that there is a package "vdsm-gluster-4.17.18-0.el7.centos.noarch” installed on all of my oVirt nodes… Is there another package that I am missing?
8 years, 11 months
virt-v2v converting multi-disk
by Clint Boggio
I'm in the process of migrating a series of VM's from KVM environment, to an OVirt environment. I've used virt-v2v to convert quite a few M$ and Linux machines with great success.
Coming up I've got to convert a Linux VM that has 3 virtual disks. Inside that VM, the three disks are part of an LVM volume.
1. How will virt-v2v handle these three virtual disks ?
2. On which disk image will I run virt-v2v ?
3. Will virt-v2v "follow" the three images and convert the machine or will I have to somehow tell it to include all three disks ?
4. Shall I have all three images together in the same directory when I run the tool ?
5. Is this the appropriate forum for this question ?
As of the writing of this question I'll be using OVirt 3.6 updated on a 4 node cluster running CentOS 7 , and the most recent version of virt-v2v as is available on Fedora 23.
8 years, 11 months
oVirt New Install
by Brett I. Holcomb
I am in the process of testing oVirt to replace ESXi 6 and have run
into some issues that I haven't found answers to. I've used ESXi for
quite a while and done some work with Microsoft's Hypervisor but am new
to oVirt. It looks like it has potential to replace the others but
there are some major issues I'm trying to work through. I'm using a
hosted-engine deployment. The host is a guest on VMware Workstation 11
on Windows. Not the best but it lets me test oVirt.
I've created the VM, the engine is installed, the webadmin works, and I
can SSH to it but I'm seeing some things that I haven't been able to
find answers to so any help is appreciated. I'm using DNS to resolve
and both the engine and host can ping each other, reverse lookup on
their names works.
1. I used an iSCSI LUN on a NAS for storage during the deploy install
but this storage does not show up in the admin portal list of storages.
Is it supposed to? It's being used as it now has 3+ our of 50 gig
2. I used a local directory on the VM for an initial ISO domain but it
does not show up in the admin portal. I have more than 15 Gig of space
available. Shouldn't it be showing up in the list of storages? I
tested using this (
oting/troubleshooting-nfs-storage-issues/) and from the host I can
mount the engine's exported directory and create a file in it as the
vdsm user.
3. My host wants confirmation it's rebooted which it has been both with
hosted-engine vm-shutdown/vm-start, and rebooting from within the
engine. If I tell it to confirm I get the message below. Well, it's
status is running. i can't connect when it's connecting or non-
operational!! I've put the system into maintenance mode with hosted-
engine commands, I used the context menu on the hosted-engine vm in the
portal to put it into maintenance but it still refuses to confirm it's
rebooted. Any ideas on how to get it confirmed. I've also rebooted
the hosted-engine host with no change.
"Error while executing action: Cannot confirm 'Host has been rebooted'
Host. Valid Host statuses are "Non operational", "Maintenance" or
4. My Default Data Center is uninitialized which is probably why
nothing works. If I use guide me and attach the hosted_engine choice
it tells me it cannot acquire a host id. I restarted the sanlock
service and then when I attached the storage the dialog hung up
spinning it's wheel and never returned. I restarted the VM from
hosted-engine and still get the AcquireHostId failure. The iSCSI lun
is being used and accessed by the engine as there is 3+ gig of space
used. If I try and attach the hosted_engine storage the icon changes
to a wrench, then back to the red down arrow and I get the error about
not acquiring a host id. What host id? I only have one host! I've
reinitialized the lockspace all with no effect. The /var/log/ovirt-
engine/engine.log has this error. What invalid argument? I've seen
some bug reports on this but they are back in version 3.3 or so and are
supposed to be fixed.
'' f
ailed: EngineException:
tion: VDSErrorException: Failed to CreateStoragePoolVDS, error = Cannot
acquire host id: ('1d26d977-
0a67-43ab-bfb8-462cea95029a', SanlockException(22, 'Sanlock lockspace
add failure', 'Invalid argumen
t')), code = 661 (Failed with error AcquireHostIdFailure and code 661)
Any help is appreciated.
8 years, 11 months