Fwd: [CentOS-devel] [Cloud SIG] Rocky Milestone 2 RDO Test Days June 14-15
by Sandro Bonazzola
RDO team is going to have a test day for Rocky Milestone 2.
I think it may be a good time for checking compatibility between oVirt and
RDO Rocky (Glance, Neutron, Cinder) and report issues if any.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rain Leander <rleander(a)redhat.com>
Date: 2018-06-07 20:23 GMT+02:00
Subject: [CentOS-devel] [Cloud SIG] Rocky Milestone 2 RDO Test Days June
To: centos-devel(a)centos.org
Who’s up for a rematch?
Rocky Milestone 2 is here and we’re ready to rumble! Join RDO [0] on June
14 &
15 for an awesome time of taking down bugs and fighting errors in the most
recent release [1].
We certainly won’t be pulling any punches.
Want to get in on the action? We’re looking for developers, users,
operators, quality engineers, writers, and, yes, YOU. If you’re reading
this, we think you’re a champion and we want your help!
We’ll have packages for the following platforms:
* RHEL 7
* CentOS 7
You’ll want a fresh install with latest updates installed so that there’s no
hard-to-reproduce interactions with other things.
We’ll be collecting feedback, writing up tickets, filing bugs, and answering
Even if you only have a few hours to spare, we’d love your help taking this
new version for a spin to work out any kinks. Not only will this help
issues early in the development process, but you can be the one of the first
to cut your teeth on the latest versions of your favorite deployment methods
like TripleO, PackStack, and Kolla.
Interested? We’ll be gathering on #rdo (on Freenode IRC) for any associated
questions / discussions, and working through the “Does it work?” tests [2].
Like Rocky said, “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows,” but with your
help, we can keep moving forward and make the RDO world better for those
around us. Hope to see you on the 14th & 15th!
[0] https://www.rdoproject.org/
[1] https://www.rdoproject.org/testday/
[2] https://www.rdoproject.org/testday/tests/
K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team
CentOS-devel mailing list
Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
6 years, 7 months
Error starting VM after update Ovirt node
by Spickiy Nikita
Hi, i upgraded oVirt node to version. After upgrade I can not migrate VM or run VM on the node. After viewing logs file i find several errors. One of them:
2018-06-07 15:52:20,536+07 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (ForkJoinPool-1-worker-3) [] EVENT_ID: VM_DOWN_ERROR(119), VM ansible.example.com is down with error. Exit message: internal error: Process exited prior to exec: libvirt: Lock Driver error : Failed to ope
n socket to sanlock daemon: Permission denied.
I run setenforce 0 and VM can running on the node.
audit2allow -a
#============= setfiles_t ==============
#!!!! WARNING: 'bin_t' is a base type.
allow setfiles_t bin_t:file entrypoint;
allow setfiles_t self:capability sys_chroot;
#============= svirt_t ==============
#!!!! The file '/rhev/data-center/mnt/' is mislabeled on your system.
#!!!! Fix with $ restorecon -R -v /rhev/data-center/mnt/
#!!!! This avc can be allowed using the boolean 'virt_use_nfs'
allow svirt_t nfs_t:file open;
#!!!! The file '/run/sanlock/sanlock.sock' is mislabeled on your system.
#!!!! Fix with $ restorecon -R -v /run/sanlock/sanlock.sock
#!!!! This avc can be allowed using the boolean 'virt_use_sanlock'
allow svirt_t sanlock_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
I run restorecon -R -v /run/sanlock/sanlock.sock, but it did not help
6 years, 7 months
Can't login into ovirt api
by Guilhem Berna
I'm trying to login into the ovirt api under ovirt 4.2 but the admin account user for the administration portal doesn't work.
Maybe It created another api account at installation but i don't recall it.
I'm unable to find any documentation regarding user management and api access.
Can someone point me in the right direction ?
Best regards,
Guilhem Berna
Sysadmin PHOSPHORE.si - [ https://www.phosphore.si/ | https://www.phosphore.si ]
6 years, 7 months
Re: Hey, guys, I have a trouble with ovirt OVN.
by Petr Horacek
Hi Marcin, do you see what could be the problem here? Maybe I'm missing
2018-06-07 14:08 GMT+02:00 Egor Chyzhevskiy <egorkachic(a)gmail.com>:
> I tried, but my vm didn't get ip address..
> 2018-06-07 15:06 GMT+03:00 Petr Horacek <phoracek(a)redhat.com>:
>> Just skip the subnet step. Create the network, connect it to physnet and
>> attach a VM.
>> 2018-06-07 13:59 GMT+02:00 Egor Chyzhevskiy <egorkachic(a)gmail.com>:
>>> Thank you for fast response. Ok, for example, i gave subnet to my ovn
>>> network and my vm get ip After that i
>>> tick connect to physical network ovirtmgmt(all vm's in this network has ip
>>> 172.20.139.x). I don't have ping between vm ovn network
>>> with subnet) and 172.20.139.x (from physical network ovirtmgmt). What shoul
>>> i do to get communication between them?
>>> 2018-06-07 12:07 GMT+03:00 Petr Horacek <phoracek(a)redhat.com>:
>>>> You should not assign a subnet to external provider network connected
>>>> to physical network. I think both physical and OVN DHCP servers will work,
>>>> but I'm not sure which one has priority.
>>>> If you have DHCP server running on your ovirtmgmt network, just create
>>>> a network on external provider and connect it to the ovirtmgmt. Then VMs
>>>> connected to this network should obtain IP from ovirtmgmt DHCP server and
>>>> they should be able to ping one another or ovirtmgmt interface.
>>>> Hope that makes it a bit more clear.
>>>> 2018-06-07 9:45 GMT+02:00 Чижевский _ЕД <egorkachic(a)gmail.com>:
>>>>> You are right, but one little thing, i think that ovn has his own dhcp
>>>>> service.. Am i right? Could you please tell me some words, how does work
>>>>> option when i tick connect to physical network? For example, can i ping
>>>>> vm's from ovn network to ovirtmgmt, or how does it work?
6 years, 7 months
write a PopupWidget for Web UI
by dhy336@sina.com
Hi,I write a web UI in oVirt engine, write a EntityModelDateTimeBoxEditor in my PopupWidget. But my calendar not to select a day. I want to select.
source is :
53 @UiField(provided = true) 54 @Path(value = "validDate.entity") 55 @WithElementId("validDate") 56 EntityModelDateTimeBoxEditor validDateEditor; 57
72 private void initEditors() { 73 ¦ log.info("====================initEditors==============="); //$NON-NLS-1$users 74 75 ¦ validDateEditor = new EntityModelDateTimeBoxEditor(); 76 ¦ validDateEditor.getContentWidget().setDateTimeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); //$NON-NLS-1$users 77 ¦ validDateEditor.getContentWidget().setValue(new Date()); 78 ¦ validDateEditor.getContentWidget().showDateOnly(); 79 ¦ validDateEditor.getContentWidget().setEnabled(true); 80 81 ¦}
can you give me some advise?
6 years, 7 months
Ovirt 4.2.1 Java SDK ~Payload above Size: [8931] throws HTTP 404
by atripathi@hypergrid.com
Using Ovirt Java SDK for VM automation .. I have to use payload mechanism as I am trying to using same user_data for all VM customization (Centos, Ubuntu and Windows)
As push user_data content of size 8931 (String length) is it throwing 400
final_message: "The system is finally up, after $UPTIME seconds"] Size: [8931]
org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Error: HTTP response code is "400". HTTP response message is "Bad Request".
at org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.internal.services.ServiceImpl.throwError(ServiceImpl.java:113)
at org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.internal.services.ServiceImpl.checkFault(ServiceImpl.java:40)
at org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.internal.services.VmServiceImpl$UpdateRequestImpl.send(VmServiceImpl.java:1543)
at org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.internal.services.VmServiceImpl$UpdateRequestImpl.send(VmServiceImpl.java:1464)
Sample code --------------
List<org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.File> files = new ArrayList<org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.File>();
String metadata = cloudinit.cloudInitMetaFile(map, vmname, vm.id());
String userdata = cloudinit.cloudInitUserData( map, vmname, pkglist);
logger.info("Cloud-Init Script - user data [{}] Size: [{}]", userdata, userdata.length());
if (networkdatafile != null && !networkdatafile.isEmpty()) {
contentnetworkdatafile = cloudinit.cloudNetworkConfigMetaData(map, "eth0" );
6 years, 7 months
oVirt 4.1 ETL service sampling has encounterd an error
by Staniforth, Paul
our oVirt 4.1 system has had a DWH error since around 4am this morning,
It comes up with the error
ETL service sampling has encountered an error. Please consult the service log for more details
in the ovirt-engine-dwh.log
2018-06-05 12:00:18|QXiOTi|gAp8Q4|Cz1F21|OVIRT_ENGINE_DWH|SampleRunJobs|Default|6|Java Exception|tRunJob_5|java.lang.RuntimeException:Child job running failed|1
Exception in component tRunJob_1
java.lang.RuntimeException: Child job running failed
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tRunJob_1Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:6067)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_2Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:5809)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCConnection_1Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:4444)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCConnection_2Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:4319)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tRowGenerator_2Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:4188)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_3Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:3593)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_5Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:2977)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_4Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:2295)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCConnection_3Process(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:1649)
at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_1.SampleTimeKeepingJob$2.run(SampleTimeKeepingJob.java:11363)
and in the postgres log there is
ERROR: integer out of range
STATEMENT: INSERT INTO vm_interface_samples_history (history_datetime,vm_interface_id,receive_rate_percent,transmit_rate_percent,vm_interface_configuration_version,received_total_byte,transmitted_total_byte) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Paul S.
To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to:-
6 years, 7 months