Space in entity names (VM and Network) in oVirt
by Hari Prasanth Loganathan
Hi Team,
I have VM's and Network's in oVirt with space in the name. How can I
perform an exact search for the following name
*Name1*: Aug X X
*Name2*: Aug X X X
1) I try to search with space in the name, It is not working. X X
It is not returning any result.
2) I try to search with encoded value for space in the name, It is not
working. (encoded value for space is %20)
3) I try to search like below with '*' for space and end up getting both
the values in response,*X
so what is the correct way to search the name with space ?
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6 years, 5 months
Re: Update to 4.2.5, Cant start VMs
by Vincent Royer
Indeed the Storage domains are via NFS served by Windows Server 2016.
the workaround says "use NFSV3", I'm afraid this will break my existing
installation. For now, all my VMs are running on one host that is still on
On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 2:35 PM Stefano Bovina <bovy89(a)> wrote:
> I don't know if this fit with your environment, but take a look (See
> attachment).
> 2018-08-06 6:02 GMT+02:00 Vincent Royer <vincent(a)>:
>> I updated the engine, and one of my nodes to 4.2.5. I'm attempting to
>> re-start the VMs that were pinned to it, and migrate another VM to it so
>> that I can update my other node.
>> When I try to start the VMs that were pinned to the host, I get:
>> VM Tuning3 is down with error. Exit message: XML error: Multiple 'scsi'
>>> controllers with index '0'.
>> To fix this I tried to detach the disk and re-attach it, no luck.
>> When I try to migrate a running VM to this host, I get:
>> Host Letty has network interface which exceeded the defined threshold
>>> [95%] (bond0: transmit rate[0%], receive rate [97%])
>> The host I'm migrating FROM gets a similar error, and the VM does not
>> migrate. I tried the different migration policies without any luck.
>> I did successfully migrate the Hosted Engine to the new host, no errors.
>> Thanks for any advice!
>> Vincent
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6 years, 5 months
Update to 4.2.5, Cant start VMs
by Vincent Royer
I updated the engine, and one of my nodes to 4.2.5. I'm attempting to
re-start the VMs that were pinned to it, and migrate another VM to it so
that I can update my other node.
When I try to start the VMs that were pinned to the host, I get:
VM Tuning3 is down with error. Exit message: XML error: Multiple 'scsi'
> controllers with index '0'.
To fix this I tried to detach the disk and re-attach it, no luck.
When I try to migrate a running VM to this host, I get:
Host Letty has network interface which exceeded the defined threshold [95%]
> (bond0: transmit rate[0%], receive rate [97%])
The host I'm migrating FROM gets a similar error, and the VM does not
migrate. I tried the different migration policies without any luck.
I did successfully migrate the Hosted Engine to the new host, no errors.
Thanks for any advice!
6 years, 5 months
better understand ovirt-engine functions
I've been reading through documentation
But am struggling still to understand the role ovirt-engine plays. Would anyone have recommends for additional reads?
The problem I'm tackling currently looks like this:
- We have (2) oVirt Data Centers, each populated by a single Cluster. The Data Centers are physically & network-wise 'distant' from one another
- hosted-engine runs on (3) of the (4) Hosts in Data Center A / Cluster A. hosted-engine does not run on Data Center B / Cluster B
- When we disrupt network connectivity around Cluster A (yes, that's Cluster *A*), Hosts in Cluster B crash (requiring a power cycle) and Guests in Cluster B get stopped and paused
I'm struggling to understand why mussing with Cluster A affects Cluster B. From pcaps, I can see plenty of TLS traffic from Cluster A's Hosts -- presumably from ovirt-engine running on Cluster A -- exchanged with Cluster B. So, during my last maintenance window, I put hosted-engine into maintenance mode ... but Hosts/VMs in Cluster B were still affected.
Where do I go to better understand what ovirt-engine does when it is 'managing' Hosts & VMs?
6 years, 5 months
Datacenter of several Hosts with Local Storage ? (share Logical Network)
My question is pretty simple :)
Is there a way to configure Local(s) Storage Datacenter with more than 1 host ?
The goal is is to share some Datacenter simple parameters between several hosts (with Local storage) like Logical Networks ?
If it is not possible what is the best way / workaound to do this ?
To compare, on Xenserver, it is possible to configure a "Pool" of some hosts which have Local Storage, but which share same Logical network configuration.. (I do not say XS is better^^, far from it !)
Thanks for all :)
6 years, 5 months
MoM - Not working ? How to use it ?
I'm trying to test Memory balloon useful functionality, but l'm unable to make it work successfuly.
Firstly, I enable the MOM on my Cluster:
Memory Balloon
Enable Memory Balloon Optimization
Secondly, I configure a VM virtual machine like this:
On system tab:
Memory Size : 28672 MB
Maximum memory : 28672 MB
On Ressource allocation tab:
Memory Allocation:
Physical Memory Guaranteed : 2048 MB
Memory Balloon Device: Enabled
Thirdly, I test
1- I boot the VM. After boot VM consume 200MB
2- I lauch perl program which consume 26GB.
3- During this, Host RAM usage is near 90%
4- I stop the perl program, and on guest side, RAM usage drop down to 200Mo
5- On host side, RAM usage keep to 24 - 26GB. I wait some time to show if the qemu-vm process drop is host-ram-usage. Ram usage keep to 24GB.
6- I try to launch another VM like the first one (but with 8GB RAM and 2GB Guaranteed) , on the host (to "force" Mom ?) but I'm unable to lauch it, Host free mem is insufficient
I change MoM log to debug to show something:
2018-07-31 11:49:31,887 - mom.RPCServer - INFO - ping()
2018-07-31 11:49:31,888 - mom.RPCServer - INFO - getStatistics()
2018-07-31 11:49:31,888 - mom.Monitor - DEBUG - Field 'mem_free' not known. Ignoring.
2018-07-31 11:49:43,313 - mom.VdsmRpcBase - DEBUG - VM List: [u'9632443f-d302-43f7-a279-778e64ee98f4']
2018-07-31 11:49:43,465 - mom.VdsmRpcBase - DEBUG - Memory stats: {'swap_out': 0, 'swap_usage': 0, 'mem_free': 28221020, 'major_fault': 0, 'swap_in': 0, 'swap_total': 0, 'mem_available': 28650472, 'minor_fault': 99, 'mem_unused': 28221020}
2018-07-31 11:49:43,468 - mom.Monitor - DEBUG - Collector <mom.Collectors.GuestIoTuneOptional.GuestIoTuneOptional instance at 0x167de18> did not return any data
2018-07-31 11:49:43,931 - mom.RPCServer - INFO - ping()
2018-07-31 11:49:43,932 - mom.RPCServer - INFO - getStatistics()
2018-07-31 11:49:43,932 - mom.Monitor - DEBUG - Field 'mem_free' not known. Ignoring.
2018-07-31 11:49:44,258 - mom.Monitor - DEBUG - Field 'mem_free' not known. Ignoring.
2018-07-31 11:49:44,284 - mom.Evaluator - DEBUG - debug: ('No shared pages, setting ksm_merge_across_nodes to', 1)
2018-07-31 11:49:44,286 - mom.Evaluator - DEBUG - debug: ('entry: apply_NUMA_policy',)
2018-07-31 11:49:44,286 - mom.Evaluator - DEBUG - debug: (1, '=ksm_merge_across_nodes ACTUAL from kernel')
2018-07-31 11:49:44,286 - mom.Evaluator - DEBUG - debug: (1, '=ksmMergeAcrossNodes REQUIRED from oVirt-engine')
2018-07-31 11:49:44,289 - mom.Evaluator - DEBUG - debug: ('exit: apply_NUMA_policy return_value = ', 0)
2018-07-31 11:49:44,310 - mom.Policy - DEBUG - Results: [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0.2, 0.05, 0.2, 0.05, 0.0025, 'change_big_enough', 'shrink_guest', 'grow_guest', 0.22506353015141964, 'balloon_logic', [0], 'guest_qos', [0], 300, -50, 64, 1250, 10, 0.2, 'change_npages', 'apply_NUMA_policy', 6550590.4, 30058208, None, 0, 0, None, -1, 100000, 'check_and_set_quota', 'reset_quota_and_period', [None], 0, 'set_io_limits', 'reset_io_limits', [0]]
Does I miss something ? MoM behavior ?
Thanks for all !
6 years, 5 months
Tuning and testing GlusterFS performance
by Jayme
So I've finally completed my first HCI build using the below configuration:
Dell PowerEdge R720
2x 2.9 GHz 8 Core E5-2690
2x250gb SSD Raid 1 (boot/os)
2x2TB SSD jbod passthrough (used for gluster bricks)
1Gbe Nic for management 10Gbe nic for Gluster
Using Replica 3 with no arbiter.
Installed the latest version of oVirt available at the time 4.2.5. Created
recommended volumes (with an additional data volume on second SSD). Not
using VDO
First thing I did was setup glusterFS network on 10Gbe and set it to be
used for glusterFS and migration traffic.
I've setup a single test VM using Centos7 minimal on the default "x-large
instance" profile.
Within this VM if I do very basic write test using something like:
dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test conv=fdatasync
I'm seeing quite slow speeds, only 8mb/sec.
If I do the same from one of the hosts gluster mounts i.e.
host1: /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/HOST:data
I get about 30mb/sec (which still seems fairly low?)
Am I testing incorrectly here? Is there anything I should be tuning on the
Gluster volumes to increase performance with SSDs? Where can I find out
where the bottle neck is here, or is this expected performance of Gluster?
6 years, 5 months
Unable to login to the WEB UI Unexpected character ('<' (code 60))....
I installed oVirt on my local server, and trying to login to the web UI from another computer on the same local network.
No DNS server.
Unfortunaly i'm getting this error :
Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') at [Source:; line: 1, column: 2]
In ovirt-provider-ovn.log, i get this error :
File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/", line 47, in wrapper
raise BadGateway(e)
BadGateway: ('Connection aborted.', gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known'))
In ovirt-engine.log :
2018-08-05 16:49:33,594+02 ERROR [] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-83) [40e9406d] Command '' failed: EngineException: (Failed with error Bad Gateway and code 5050)
2018-08-05 16:49:33,645+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-83) [40e9406d] EVENT_ID: PROVIDER_SYNCHRONIZED_FAILED(216), Failed to synchronize networks of Provider ovirt-provider-ovn.
Boot.log looks ok
Trying to understand this fix :
1. Which certificates i have to install ?
2. Configure HTTPS certificate in Apache : How ?
Thanks for your help.
6 years, 5 months
disk_vm_element ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pk_disk_vm_element"
by Punaatua PK
when i tried to attach a snapshot disk into my backupvm. oVirt doesn't want to attach it.
In the engine.log I can see this.
2018-08-04 19:20:04,472-10 ERROR [] (default task-33) [646ad7a1-4501-4648-a937-bbee0abaec46] Command '' failed: CallableStatementCallback; SQL [{call insertdiskvmelement(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}]; ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pk_disk_vm_element"
Detail: Key (vm_id, disk_id)=(78ef239f-3cb3-4eef-921f-f989724009ef, c7cef731-e31d-4597-80f1-1f2393cd66ea) already exists.
Where: SQL statement "INSERT INTO disk_vm_element (
PL/pgSQL function insertdiskvmelement(uuid,uuid,boolean,boolean,character varying,boolean) line 3 at SQL statement; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pk_disk_vm_element"
Detail: Key (vm_id, disk_id)=(78ef239f-3cb3-4eef-921f-f989724009ef, c7cef731-e31d-4597-80f1-1f2393cd66ea) already exists.
When i SQL the database, the entries is present (and many other). But in the webinterface, I can't see them on the backupVM. It's just like ovirt didn't delete old entries
engine=# select * from disk_vm_element where vm_id = '78ef239f-3cb3-4eef-921f-f989724009ef' and disk_id = 'c7cef731-e31d-4597-80f1-1f2393cd66ea' ;
disk_id | vm_id | is_boot | disk_interface | is_using_scsi_reservation | pass_discard
c7cef731-e31d-4597-80f1-1f2393cd66ea | 78ef239f-3cb3-4eef-921f-f989724009ef | f | VirtIO | f | f
(1 row)
Do you guys have any idea on how to correct this ?
Is there any function to update / refresh this table ?
I dont want to delete entries by sql as i don't know the consequences, is it safe to delete entries ?
Thank you for your help
6 years, 5 months