Switch from nightly to stable
by Demeter Tibor
Dear users,
Around ovirt 4.2.2 after a bug I had switch to nightly from stable. Its was do applied only on the engine, not compute nodes.
But now I would like to switch back to stable branch.
How is safe that? I just need do remove the nightly repo and update? Need to apply a yum update * before or not?
Please describe me what is the safe procedure.
Thanks in advance,
6 years, 7 months
Possible to use Console via Mac web browser?
by Jayme
I recall in the past (on a bit older of an oVirt build) I was able to
launch VM consoles from my web browser. I believe it may have been using
spice html5 at the time, is this still possible? Currently launching
console downloads the typical .vv file.
What is currently the best/easiest method to access VM consoles using
6 years, 7 months
Failed with error AcquireHostIdFailure and code 661
by Альбов Леонид
Help with importing a storage domain.
I have disconnected the domain from cluster 4.1 and am importing to the new cluster 4.2.
I got an error:
2018-07-25 18:13:54,253+03 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.domain.AttachStorageDomainToPoolCommand] (default task-30) [fa0fb8c1-7056-4cbd-801a-49b640b78e10] Detaching Storage Domain 'a0e51739-17b4-46c3-a99c-7e14046b6133' from it's previous storage pool '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' has failed. The meta data of the Storage Domain might still indicate that it is attached to a different Storage Pool.
2018-07-25 18:13:54,253+03 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.domain.AttachStorageDomainToPoolCommand] (default task-30) [fa0fb8c1-7056-4cbd-801a-49b640b78e10] Command 'org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.domain.AttachStorageDomainToPoolCommand' failed: EngineException: org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.IrsOperationFailedNoFailoverException: IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: Failed to DetachStorageDomainVDS, error = Cannot acquire host id: (u'a0e51739-17b4-46c3-a99c-7e14046b6133', SanlockException(19, 'Sanlock lockspace add failure', 'No such device')), code = 661 (Failed with error AcquireHostIdFailure and code 661)
Альбов Леонид
6 years, 7 months
uploading ISOs
by William Dossett
Before I go to the work of making my iso's available to the ovirt-engine so
I can use the iso uploader cli.
I haven't worked with ovirt for a while and the documents still refer to an
ISO domain and engine-iso-uploader the former which I understand is not
required now, just wondered if there was any easier way to upload through
the web UI maybe? I noticed an upload button under images. could that be
used for ISOs?
I remember that was something that put me off slightly working with Ovirt
last time was the number of steps I had to take to get an ISO available to
build a VM from, but if that's still the way I will soldier on.
6 years, 7 months
Trouble connecting to IDRAC7
by Jayme
I just enabled power management/fencing successfully on two of my hosts
(Dell poweredge R720s with Idrac 7) but am failing to add the third. I
enter the IP and user/pass like the others, it takes 15 seconds or so they
spits out "Test Failed: Internal JSON-RPC error"
I tried resetting the IDRAC on that server. I can also ping it and access
it fine in a web browser. I can ping it from the host as well.
Is there any configuration in IDRAC that could be blocking the fence
attempt or any logs in oVirt I can look at to figure out what might be
happening with the connection?
I see there is a "fence_idrac" command on the hosts but unsure what
switches to use with it to test.
6 years, 7 months
Primary passthrough: QXL gets dosent disabled on boot Windows 10
by Alexis Enrrique Gavidia Albornoz
when the VM boots with the real GPU attached, the emulated QXL graphics gets disabled by windows itself., Moreover, you can install windows 7 running on QXL, then install the real GPU drivers and the QXL will be turned off by windows, why with WIndows 10 dose not ocure the same behaivor, i want to use my Quadro k2200 as the primary board.
br Alexis E Gavidia A
6 years, 7 months
Error trying out the new VDO dedupe/compression settings in cockpit
by Jayme
PLAY [gluster_servers]
TASK [Create VDO with specified size]
failed: [HOST] (item={u'disk': u'/dev/sda', u'logicalsize': u'17000G',
u'name': u'vdo_sda'}) => {"changed": false, "err": "usage: vdo create [-h]
-n <volume> --device <devicepath>\n [--activate
{disabled,enabled}]\n [--blockMapCacheSize <megabytes>]\n
[--blockMapPeriod <period>]\n
[--compression {disabled,enabled}]\n [--deduplication
{disabled,enabled}]\n [--emulate512 {disabled,enabled}]
[--force]\n [--indexMem <gigabytes>] [--readCache
{disabled,enabled}]\n [--readCacheSize <megabytes>]\n
[--sparseIndex {disabled,enabled}]\n
[--vdoAckThreads <threadCount>]\n
[--vdoBioRotationInterval <ioCount>]\n [--vdoBioThreads
<threadCount>]\n [--vdoCpuThreads <threadCount>]\n
[--vdoHashZoneThreads <threadCount>]\n
[--vdoLogicalSize <megabytes>]\n [--vdoLogicalThreads
<threadCount>]\n [--vdoLogLevel
[--vdoPhysicalThreads <threadCount>]\n [--vdoSlabSize
<megabytes>]\n [--writePolicy {async,sync,auto}] [-f
<file>]\n [--logfile <pathname>] [--verbose]\nvdo create:
error: argument --vdoSlabSize: must be an LVM-style size string\n", "item":
{"disk": "/dev/sda", "logicalsize": "17000G", "name": "vdo_sda"}, "msg":
"Creating VDO vdo_sda failed.", "rc": 2}
failed: [HOST] (item={u'disk': u'/dev/sdb', u'logicalsize': u'17000G',
u'name': u'vdo_sdb'}) => {"changed": false, "err": "usage: vdo create [-h]
-n <volume> --device <devicepath>\n [--activate
{disabled,enabled}]\n [--blockMapCacheSize <megabytes>]\n
[--blockMapPeriod <period>]\n
[--compression {disabled,enabled}]\n [--deduplication
{disabled,enabled}]\n [--emulate512 {disabled,enabled}]
[--force]\n [--indexMem <gigabytes>] [--readCache
{disabled,enabled}]\n [--readCacheSize <megabytes>]\n
[--sparseIndex {disabled,enabled}]\n
[--vdoAckThreads <threadCount>]\n
[--vdoBioRotationInterval <ioCount>]\n [--vdoBioThreads
<threadCount>]\n [--vdoCpuThreads <threadCount>]\n
[--vdoHashZoneThreads <threadCount>]\n
[--vdoLogicalSize <megabytes>]\n [--vdoLogicalThreads
<threadCount>]\n [--vdoLogLevel
[--vdoPhysicalThreads <threadCount>]\n [--vdoSlabSize
<megabytes>]\n [--writePolicy {async,sync,auto}] [-f
<file>]\n [--logfile <pathname>] [--verbose]\nvdo create:
error: argument --vdoSlabSize: must be an LVM-style size string\n", "item":
{"disk": "/dev/sdb", "logicalsize": "17000G", "name": "vdo_sdb"}, "msg":
"Creating VDO vdo_sdb failed.", "rc": 2}
to retry, use: --limit @/tmp/tmpQQ9t92/vdo-create.retry
HOST : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
6 years, 7 months
template disk attribute in version 4 restapi
by like.ma@cs2c.com.cn
Hi All,
In the restapi of version 3, there is bootable attribute in disk. But in version 4, the bootable attribute is removed from disk. For vm i can get bootable attribute from diskattachment. But there is no diskattachment in template. So, is there any way in the restapi of version 4 that i can know if the disk of the template is bootable or not?
6 years, 7 months
Data Recovery from snapshot
by Jim Kusznir
With yet another gluster disk failure / gluster collapse, it appears I lost
the "main" backing image for one of my vm servers. I have snapshots still
in tact (or at least, appear to be), but the main image is gone.
The main server process stores a backup at regular intervals in its disk,
and that would have been changed data, so it would be in the snapshot
rather than the base image. Is there any way to recover this one .tar.gz
file from the snapshot with the missing main image? This is a backup of
dynamic data, and without it, I will have lost several customers data, some
of which cannot be recreated/regenerated.
it also appears that my backup (gluster geo-replication) did not work (had
crashed a while ago, and has a very old backup of this image).
6 years, 7 months
[No question] NFS disabled, hosts wandering tearful
by Nicolas Ecarnot
This is a simple testimony about what happened yesterday in one of our DC.
This DC runs on a dedicated bare-metal engine, oversized compared to the
need, thus I've added a NFS service on it to host a small storage domain
and the ISO storage domain.
Yesterday, after having received the colorful announce about the 4.2.5
version, I decided to upgrade.
As our engine was still on a CentOS 7.4, I first upgraded its OS version
to 7.5, then reboot. Smooth.
Then I followed the very usual oVirt engine upgrade path. Smooth.
Eventually, I upgraded the hosts with ovirt-ansible-cluster-upgrade as
The result was frightening because the hosts were put in maintenance,
upgraded, back to life, seen unavailable, unreachable, connecting,
alive, rebooted, then back to another turn and looping...
During this, the SPM role was obviously jumping around, and that did not
help the debug.
In the end, it appeared that something during an upgrade stopped and
disabled the NFS service. My hosts partially relied on it, so after
having restarted the NFS service, all came back to life.
The NFS disabling may come from the CentOS upgrade, except if someone
tells me it could come from something on the oVirt side?
I'm sure the RH people will advice me not to run NFS on the engine, but
apart this event, I had no trouble doing this in years.
6 years, 7 months