Ovirt-engine-ha cannot to see live status of Hosted Engine
by asm@pioner.kz
Good day for all.
I have some issues with Ovirt 4.2.6. But now the main this of it:
I have two Centos 7 Nodes with same config and last Ovirt 4.2.6 with Hostedengine with disk on NFS storage.
Also some of virtual machines working good.
But, when HostedEngine running on one node (srv02.local) everything is fine.
After migrating to another node (srv00.local), i see that agent cannot to check livelinness of HostedEngine. After few minutes HostedEngine going to reboot and after some time i see some situation. After migration to another node (srv00.local) all looks OK.
hosted-engine --vm-status commang when HosterEngine on srv00 node:
--== Host 1 status ==--
conf_on_shared_storage : True
Status up-to-date : True
Hostname : srv02.local
Host ID : 1
Engine status : {"reason": "vm not running on this host", "health": "bad", "vm": "down_unexpected", "detail": "unknown"}
Score : 0
stopped : False
Local maintenance : False
crc32 : ecc7ad2d
local_conf_timestamp : 78328
Host timestamp : 78328
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=78328 (Tue Sep 18 12:44:18 2018)
vm_conf_refresh_time=78328 (Tue Sep 18 12:44:18 2018)
timeout=Fri Jan 2 03:49:58 1970
--== Host 2 status ==--
conf_on_shared_storage : True
Status up-to-date : True
Hostname : srv00.local
Host ID : 2
Engine status : {"reason": "failed liveliness check", "health": "bad", "vm": "up", "detail": "Up"}
Score : 3400
stopped : False
Local maintenance : False
crc32 : 1d62b106
local_conf_timestamp : 326288
Host timestamp : 326288
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=326288 (Tue Sep 18 12:44:21 2018)
vm_conf_refresh_time=326288 (Tue Sep 18 12:44:21 2018)
Log agent.log from srv00.local:
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:40:51,749::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedE
ngine::(consume) VM is powering up..
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:40:52,052::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineStarting (score: 3400)
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:01,066::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedE
ngine::(consume) VM is powering up..
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:01,374::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineStarting (score: 3400)
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:11,393::state_machine::169::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(refresh) Global metadata: {'maintenance': False}
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:11,393::state_machine::174::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(refresh) Host srv02.local.pioner.kz (id 1): {'conf_on_shared_storage': True, 'extra': 'meta
data_parse_version=1\nmetadata_feature_version=1\ntimestamp=78128 (Tue Sep 18 12:40:58 2018)\nhost-id=1\ns
core=0\nvm_conf_refresh_time=78128 (Tue Sep 18 12:40:58 2018)\nconf_on_shared_storage=True\nmaintenance=Fa
lse\nstate=EngineUnexpectedlyDown\nstopped=False\ntimeout=Fri Jan 2 03:49:58 1970\n', 'hostname': 'srv02.
local.pioner.kz', 'alive': True, 'host-id': 1, 'engine-status': {'reason': 'vm not running on this host',
'health': 'bad', 'vm': 'down_unexpected', 'detail': 'unknown'}, 'score': 0, 'stopped': False, 'maintenance
': False, 'crc32': 'e18e3f22', 'local_conf_timestamp': 78128, 'host-ts': 78128}
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:11,393::state_machine::177::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(refresh) Local (id 2): {'engine-health': {'reason': 'failed liveliness check', 'health': 'b
ad', 'vm': 'up', 'detail': 'Up'}, 'bridge': True, 'mem-free': 12763.0, 'maintenance': False, 'cpu-load': 0
.0364, 'gateway': 1.0, 'storage-domain': True}
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:11,393::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedE
ngine::(consume) VM is powering up..
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:11,703::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineStarting (score: 3400)
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:21,716::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedE
ngine::(consume) VM is powering up..
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:22,020::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineStarting (score: 3400)
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:31,033::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedE
ngine::(consume) VM is powering up..
MainThread::INFO::2018-09-18 12:41:31,344::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.
HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineStarting (score: 3400)
As we can see, agent thinking that HostedEngine just in powering up mode. I cannot to do anythink with it. I allready reinstalled many times srv00 node without success.
One time i even has to uninstall ovirt* and vdsm* software. Also here one interesting point, after installing just "yum install http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release42.rpm" on this node i try to install this node from engine web interface with "Deploy" action. But, installation was unsuccesfull, before i didnt install ovirt-hosted-engine-ha on this node. I dont see in documentation that its need bofore installation of new hosts. But this is for information and checking. After installing ovirt-hosted-engine-ha node was installed with HostedEngine support. But the main issue not changed.
Thanks in advance for help.
5 years
Hyperconverged setup - storage architecture - scaling
by Leo David
Hello Everyone,
Reading through the document:
"Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization 1.5
Automating RHHI for Virtualization deployment"
Regarding storage scaling, i see the following statements:
*2.7. SCALINGRed Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization is
supported for one node, and for clusters of 3, 6, 9, and 12 nodes.The
initial deployment is either 1 or 3 nodes.There are two supported methods
of horizontally scaling Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for
*1 Add new hyperconverged nodes to the cluster, in sets of three, up to the
maximum of 12 hyperconverged nodes.*
*2 Create new Gluster volumes using new disks on existing hyperconverged
nodes.You cannot create a volume that spans more than 3 nodes, or expand an
existing volume so that it spans across more than 3 nodes at a time*
*2.9.1. Prerequisites for geo-replicationBe aware of the following
requirements and limitations when configuring geo-replication:One
geo-replicated volume onlyRed Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for
Virtualization (RHHI for Virtualization) supports only one geo-replicated
volume. Red Hat recommends backing up the volume that stores the data of
your virtual machines, as this is usually contains the most valuable data.*
Also in oVirtEngine UI, when I add a brick to an existing volume i get the
following warning:
*"Expanding gluster volume in a hyper-converged setup is not recommended as
it could lead to degraded performance. To expand storage for cluster, it is
advised to add additional gluster volumes." *
Those things are raising a couple of questions that maybe for some for you
guys are easy to answer, but for me it creates a bit of confusion...
I am also referring to RedHat product documentation, because I treat
oVirt as production-ready as RHHI is.
*1*. Is there any reason for not going to distributed-replicated volumes (
ie: spread one volume across 6,9, or 12 nodes ) ?
- ie: is recomanded that in a 9 nodes scenario I should have 3 separated
volumes, but how should I deal with the folowing question
*2.* If only one geo-replicated volume can be configured, how should I
deal with 2nd and 3rd volume replication for disaster recovery
*3.* If the limit of hosts per datacenter is 250, then (in theory ) the
recomended way in reaching this treshold would be to create 20 separated
oVirt logical clusters with 12 nodes per each ( and datacenter managed from
one ha-engine ) ?
*4.* In present, I have the folowing one 9 nodes cluster , all hosts
contributing with 2 disks each to a single replica 3 distributed
replicated volume. They where added to the volume in the following order:
node1 - disk1
node2 - disk1
node9 - disk1
node1 - disk2
node2 - disk2
node9 - disk2
At the moment, the volume is arbitrated, but I intend to go for full
distributed replica 3.
Is this a bad setup ? Why ?
It oviously brakes the redhat recommended rules...
Is there anyone so kind to discuss on these things ?
Thank you very much !
Best regards, Leo David
Best regards, Leo David
5 years, 1 month
disk locked after export as OVA
by adam_xu@adagene.com.cn
Hello, everyone. I tried to export a vm as OVA. I got a error in webui:
VDSM ovirt1.ntbaobei.com command HSMGetAllTasksStatusesVDS failed: Volume Group not big enough: (u'Not enough free extents for extending LV d9f2378f-92f0-4bc1-96a8-20a0f2c575cb/c515a3f9-0590-4ebe-81c5-9d0993f1fec9 (free=848, needed=872)',)
seems no enough space in the storage domain.
I deleted the vm which i wanted to export as OVA before, but I saw a disk with id 8140d2e7-6908-438e-a646-23e58a33913e left in the storage and the status is locked.
here's some log in the engine.log:
2018-09-17 14:27:03,467+08 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.CopyImageVDSCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-107849) [a407f6a9-445d-4ccc-b998-f9dfc6dc67ec] START, CopyImageVDSCommand( CopyImageVDSCommandParameters:{storagePoolId='79432500-ad45-11e8-98f3-00163e188641', ignoreFailoverLimit='false', storageDomainId='d9f2378f-92f0-4bc1-96a8-20a0f2c575cb', imageGroupId='ee55bbe7-8001-4c82-b1a6-0cac7710704b', imageId='701a7472-8c00-4b9f-aa87-4837eb128695', dstImageGroupId='8140d2e7-6908-438e-a646-23e58a33913e', vmId='b3aa623e-3072-430e-87d6-b81a3b07f466', dstImageId='c515a3f9-0590-4ebe-81c5-9d0993f1fec9', imageDescription='', dstStorageDomainId='d9f2378f-92f0-4bc1-96a8-20a0f2c575cb', copyVolumeType='LeafVol', volumeFormat='COW', preallocate='Sparse', postZero='false', discard='false', force='true'}), log id: 164e3046
2018-09-17 14:27:03,467+08 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.CopyImageVDSCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-107849) [a407f6a9-445d-4ccc-b998-f9dfc6dc67ec] ++ dstImageGUID=8140d2e7-6908-438e-a646-23e58a33913e
I think maybe some command did not been excuted after I export the vm as OVA. I can find the similar case here:
I have used the tool unlock_entity.sh but cannot find any disk that is locked.
So what should I do to delete the disk that is been locked?
yours Adam
5 years, 4 months
ovirt-imagio-proxy upload speed slow
by Dev Ops
I am working on integrating a backup solution for our ovirt environment and having issues with the time it takes to backup the VM's. This backup solution is simply taking a snapshot and making a clone and backing the clone up to a backup server.
A VM that is 100 gig takes 52 minutes to back up. The same VM doing a file backup using the same product, and bypassing their rhv plugin, takes 14 minutes. So the throughput is there but the ovirt imageio-proxy process seems to be what manages how images are uploaded and is officially my bottle neck. Load is not high on the engine or kvm hosts.
I had bumped up the Upload image size from 100MB to 10gig weeks ago and that didn't seem to help.
[root@blah-lab-engine ~]# engine-config -a |grep Upload
UploadImageChunkSizeKB: 10240000 version: general
[root@bgl-vms-engine ~]# rpm -qa |grep ovirt-image
I have seen bugs reported to redhat about this but I am running above the affected releases.
engine software is
Any idea what we can tweak to open up this bottleneck?
5 years, 4 months
Re: Cannot Increase Hosted Engine VM Memory
by Douglas Duckworth
Yes, I do. Gold crown indeed.
It's the "HostedEngine" as seen attached!
Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Scientific Computing Unit<https://scu.med.cornell.edu>
Weill Cornell Medicine
1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
E: doug(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:doug@med.cornell.edu>
O: 212-746-6305
F: 212-746-8690
On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 12:02 PM Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos(a)redhat.com<mailto:stirabos@redhat.com>> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 5:51 PM Douglas Duckworth <dod2014(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:dod2014@med.cornell.edu>> wrote:
Hi Simone
Can I get help with this issue? Still cannot increase memory for Hosted Engine.
From the logs it seams that the engine is trying to hotplug memory to the engine VM which is something it should not happen.
The engine should simply update engine VM configuration in the OVF_STORE and require a reboot of the engine VM.
Quick question, in the VM panel do you see a gold crown symbol on the Engine VM?
Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Scientific Computing Unit<https://scu.med.cornell.edu>
Weill Cornell Medicine
1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
E: doug(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:doug@med.cornell.edu>
O: 212-746-6305
F: 212-746-8690
On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 8:08 AM Douglas Duckworth <dod2014(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:dod2014@med.cornell.edu>> wrote:
Sure, they're attached. In "first attempt" the error seems to be:
2019-01-17 07:49:24,795-05 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-29) [680f82b3-7612-4d91-afdc-43937aa298a2] EVENT_ID: FAILED_HOT_SET_MEMORY_NOT_DIVIDABLE(2,048), Failed to hot plug memory to VM HostedEngine. Amount of added memory (4000MiB) is not dividable by 256MiB.
Followed by:
2019-01-17 07:49:24,814-05 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.UpdateRngDeviceCommand] (default task-29) [26f5f3ed] Validation of action 'UpdateRngDevice' failed for user admin@internal-authz. Reasons: ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_RUNNING
2019-01-17 07:49:24,815-05 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.UpdateVmCommand] (default task-29) [26f5f3ed] Updating RNG device of VM HostedEngine (adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b) failed. Old RNG device = VmRngDevice:{id='VmDeviceId:{deviceId='6435b2b5-163c-4f0c-934e-7994da60dc89', vmId='adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b'}', device='virtio', type='RNG', specParams='[source=urandom]', address='', managed='true', plugged='true', readOnly='false', deviceAlias='', customProperties='null', snapshotId='null', logicalName='null', hostDevice='null'}. New RNG device = VmRngDevice:{id='VmDeviceId:{deviceId='6435b2b5-163c-4f0c-934e-7994da60dc89', vmId='adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b'}', device='virtio', type='RNG', specParams='[source=urandom]', address='', managed='true', plugged='true', readOnly='false', deviceAlias='', customProperties='null', snapshotId='null', logicalName='null', hostDevice='null'}.
In "second attempt" I used values that are dividable by 256 MiB so that's no longer present. Though same error:
2019-01-17 07:56:59,795-05 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.SetAmountOfMemoryVDSCommand] (default task-22) [7059a48f] START, SetAmountOfMemoryVDSCommand(HostName = ovirt-hv1.med.cornell.edu<http://ovirt-hv1.med.cornell.edu>, Params:{hostId='cdd5ffda-95c7-4ffa-ae40-be66f1d15c30', vmId='adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b', memoryDevice='VmDevice:{id='VmDeviceId:{deviceId='7f7d97cc-c273-4033-af53-bc9033ea3abe', vmId='adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b'}', device='memory', type='MEMORY', specParams='[node=0, size=2048]', address='', managed='true', plugged='true', readOnly='false', deviceAlias='', customProperties='null', snapshotId='null', logicalName='null', hostDevice='null'}', minAllocatedMem='6144'}), log id: 50873daa
2019-01-17 07:56:59,855-05 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.SetAmountOfMemoryVDSCommand] (default task-22) [7059a48f] FINISH, SetAmountOfMemoryVDSCommand, log id: 50873daa
2019-01-17 07:56:59,862-05 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-22) [7059a48f] EVENT_ID: HOT_SET_MEMORY(2,039), Hotset memory: changed the amount of memory on VM HostedEngine from 4096 to 4096
2019-01-17 07:56:59,881-05 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.UpdateRngDeviceCommand] (default task-22) [28fd4c82] Validation of action 'UpdateRngDevice' failed for user admin@internal-authz. Reasons: ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_RUNNING
2019-01-17 07:56:59,882-05 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.UpdateVmCommand] (default task-22) [28fd4c82] Updating RNG device of VM HostedEngine (adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b) failed. Old RNG device = VmRngDevice:{id='VmDeviceId:{deviceId='6435b2b5-163c-4f0c-934e-7994da60dc89', vmId='adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b'}', device='virtio', type='RNG', specParams='[source=urandom]', address='', managed='true', plugged='true', readOnly='false', deviceAlias='', customProperties='null', snapshotId='null', logicalName='null', hostDevice='null'}. New RNG device = VmRngDevice:{id='VmDeviceId:{deviceId='6435b2b5-163c-4f0c-934e-7994da60dc89', vmId='adf14389-1563-4b1a-9af6-4b40370a825b'}', device='virtio', type='RNG', specParams='[source=urandom]', address='', managed='true', plugged='true', readOnly='false', deviceAlias='', customProperties='null', snapshotId='null', logicalName='null', hostDevice='null'}.
This message repeats throughout engine.log:
2019-01-17 07:55:43,270-05 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-89) [] EVENT_ID: VM_MEMORY_UNDER_GUARANTEED_VALUE(148), VM HostedEngine on host ovirt-hv1.med.cornell.edu<http://ovirt-hv1.med.cornell.edu> was guaranteed 8192 MB but currently has 4224 MB
As you can see attached the host has plenty of memory.
Thank you Simone!
Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Scientific Computing Unit<https://scu.med.cornell.edu>
Weill Cornell Medicine
1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
E: doug(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:doug@med.cornell.edu>
O: 212-746-6305
F: 212-746-8690
On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 5:09 AM Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos(a)redhat.com<mailto:stirabos@redhat.com>> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 8:22 PM Douglas Duckworth <dod2014(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:dod2014@med.cornell.edu>> wrote:
Sorry for accidental send.
Anyway I try to increase physical memory however it won't go above 4096MB. The hypervisor has 64GB.
Do I need to modify this value with Hosted Engine offline?
No, it's not required.
Can you please attach your engine.log for the relevant time frame?
Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Scientific Computing Unit<https://scu.med.cornell.edu>
Weill Cornell Medicine
1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
E: doug(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:doug@med.cornell.edu>
O: 212-746-6305
F: 212-746-8690
On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 1:58 PM Douglas Duckworth <dod2014(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:dod2014@med.cornell.edu>> wrote:
I am trying to increase Hosted Engine physical memory above 4GB
Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Scientific Computing Unit<https://scu.med.cornell.edu>
Weill Cornell Medicine
1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
E: doug(a)med.cornell.edu<mailto:doug@med.cornell.edu>
O: 212-746-6305
F: 212-746-8690
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5 years, 5 months
Hosted-engine inaccessible
by Tau Makgaile
I am currently experiencing a problem with my Hosted-engine. Hosted-engine
disconnected after increasing / partition. The increase went well but after
some time the hosted-enigine VM disconnected and has since been giving
alerts such as* re-initializingFSM*.
Though VMs underneth are running, Hosted-engine --vm-status:
*"reason": "failed liveliness check", "health": "bad", "vm": "up", "detail"*
There is no backup to restore at the moment. I am looking for a way to
bring it up without redeploying the hosted engine.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
5 years, 5 months
Use public-signed SSL certs?
by Chris Adams
I installed an SSL cert from a public CA (Let's Encrypt) on my engine,
following this:
That gets the regular web UI working, but I can't upload an ISO. I
assume that I need to do something with the imageio-proxy service on the
engine, but not sure what... I tried replacing imageio-proxy.cer and
imageio-proxy.key.nopass, but that didn't work.
I'm trying to avoid ever needing to install a special CA cert in
Chris Adams <cma(a)cmadams.net>
5 years, 6 months
reinstallation information
by nikkognt@gmail.com
after a blackout one host of my ovirt not working properly. I tried to Reinstall it but ends with the following error "Failed to install Host ov1. Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed to start service 'vdsmd'." I tried to start manually but it not start .
Now, I would like to reinstall from iso ovirt node.
After I put the host is in maintenance must I remove host from the cluster (Hosts -> host1 -> Remove) or I can reinstall without remove it?
If I remore it from the cluster the network configurations I lose them or not?
My ovirt version is oVirt Engine Version:
5 years, 6 months
Spice console very poor performance for Windows 10 vm
by Leo David
Hello Everyone,
Maybe I am something wrong, but spice console seem to be very laggy and
slow for windows 10 vms. I have tried both qxl and qxl-dod drivers, but no
luck so far...
As a notice, the Win 2012R2 vm console is running fine, the problem seems
to only affect Windows 10.
Any ideas, what should I do to sort this out ?
Thank you very much !
Best regards, Leo David
5 years, 7 months