Unable to find OVF_STORE after recovery / upgrade
by Sam Cappello
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so i was running a 3.4 hosted engine two node setup on centos 6, had
some disk issues so i tried to upgrade to centos 7 and follow the path
3.4 > 3.5 > 3.6 > 4.0. i screwed up dig time somewhere between 3.6 and
4.0, so i wiped the drives, installed a fresh 4.0.3, then created the
database and restored the 3.6 engine backup before running engine-setup
as per the docs. things seemed to work, but i have the the following
issues / symptoms:
- ovirt-ha-agent running 100% CPU on both nodes
- messages in the UI that the Hosted Engine storage Domain isn't active
and Failed to import the Hosted Engine Storage Domain
- hosted engine is not visible in the UI
and the following repeating in the agent.log:
Current state EngineUp (score: 3400)
Best remote host vmhost1.oracool.net (id: 1, score: 3400)
Engine vm running on localhost
Initializing VDSM
Connecting the storage
Connecting storage server
Connecting storage server
Refreshing the storage domain
Preparing images
Preparing images
Reloading vm.conf from the shared storage domain
Trying to get a fresher copy of vm configuration from the OVF_STORE
Unable to find OVF_STORE
Unable to get vm.conf from OVF_STORE, falling back to initial vm.conf
I have searched a bit and not really found a solution, and have come to
the conclusion that i have made a mess of things, and am wondering if
the best solution is to export the VMs, and reinstall everything then
import them back?
i am using remote NFS storage.
if i try and add the hosted engine storage domain it says it is already
i have also upgraded and am now running oVirt Engine Version:
hosts were installed using ovirt-node. currently at
if a fresh install is best, any advice / pointer to doc that explains
best way to do this?
i have not moved my most important server over to this cluster yet so i
can take some downtime to reinstall.
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so i was running a 3.4 hosted engine two node setup on centos 6, had
some disk issues so i tried to upgrade to centos 7 and follow the
path 3.4 > 3.5 > 3.6 > 4.0. i screwed up dig time
somewhere between 3.6 and 4.0, so i wiped the drives, installed a
fresh 4.0.3, then created the database and restored the 3.6 engine
backup before running engine-setup as per the docs. things seemed
to work, but i have the the following issues / symptoms:<br>
- ovirt-ha-agent running 100% CPU on both nodes<br>
- messages in the UI that the Hosted Engine storage Domain isn't
active and Failed to import the Hosted Engine Storage Domain<br>
- hosted engine is not visible in the UI<br>
and the following repeating in the agent.log:<br>
Current state EngineUp (score: 3400)<br>
Best remote host vmhost1.oracool.net (id: 1, score: 3400)<br>
Engine vm running on localhost<br>
Initializing VDSM<br>
Connecting the storage<br>
Connecting storage server<br>
Connecting storage server<br>
Refreshing the storage domain<br>
Preparing images<br>
Preparing images<br>
Reloading vm.conf from the shared storage domain<br>
Trying to get a fresher copy of vm configuration from the OVF_STORE<br>
Unable to find OVF_STORE<br>
Unable to get vm.conf from OVF_STORE, falling back to initial
I have searched a bit and not really found a solution, and have come
to the conclusion that i have made a mess of things, and am
wondering if the best solution is to export the VMs, and reinstall
everything then import them back?<br>
i am using remote NFS storage.<br>
if i try and add the hosted engine storage domain it says it is
already registered.<br>
i have also upgraded and am now running <span
class="gwt-InlineLabel">oVirt Engine Version:<br>
hosts were installed using ovirt-node. currently at
if a fresh install is best, any advice / pointer to doc that
explains best way to do this?<br>
i have not moved my most important server over to this cluster yet
so i can take some downtime to reinstall.<br>
5 years, 8 months
Supporting comments on ovirt-site Blog section
by Roy Golan
It would be very useful to have a comment section on our ovirt site.
It is quite standard to have that on every blog out there, and for a reason
- you get
feedback and conversation around the topic, without going somewhere else
(users list, irc, etc...)
What do we need to do to help the middle man with that?
5 years, 8 months
Re: Scale out ovirt 4.3 (from 3 to 6 or 9 nodes) with hyperconverged setup and Gluster
by Strahil
I have edited my multipath.conf to exclude local disks , but you need to set '#VDSM private' as per the comments in the header of the file.
Otherwise, use the /dev/mapper/multipath-device notation - as you would do with any linux.
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Apr 23, 2019 01:07, adrianquintero(a)gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks Alex, that makes more sense now while trying to follow the instructions provided I see that all my disks /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd are locked and inidicating " multpath_member" hence not letting me create new bricks. And on the logs I see
> Device /dev/sdb excluded by a filter.\n", "item": {"pvname": "/dev/sdb", "vgname": "gluster_vg_sdb"}, "msg": "Creating physical volume '/dev/sdb' failed", "rc": 5}
> Same thing for sdc, sdd
> Should I manually edit the filters inside the OS, what will be the impact?
> thanks again.
> _______________________________________________
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5 years, 8 months
Re: Gluster VM image Resync Time
by Strahil
By default ovirt uses 'sharding' which splits the files into logical chunks. This greatly reduces healing time, as VM's disk is not always completely overwritten and only the shards that are different will be healed.
Maybe you should change the default shard size.
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Mar 27, 2019 08:24, Indivar Nair <indivar.nair(a)techterra.in> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are planning a 2 + 1 arbitrated mirrored Gluster setup.
> We would have around 50 - 60 VMs, with an average 500GB disk size.
> Now in case one of the Gluster Nodes go completely out of sync, roughly, how long would it take to resync? (as per your experience)
> Will it impact the working of VMs in any way?
> Is there anything to be taken care of, in advance, to prepare for such a situation?
> Regards,
> Indivar Nair
5 years, 9 months
Any plans for oVirt and SBD fencing (a.k.a. poison pill)
by hunter86_bg@yahoo.com
Hello Community,
Do you have any idea if SBD fencing mechanism will be implemented in the nearest future?
It will be nice to be able to resset a host just like corosync/pacemaker cluster implementation.
5 years, 9 months
HostedEngine Deployment fails activating NFS Storage Domain hosted_storage via GUI Step 4
by Ralf Schenk
I'm deploying HostedEngine to a NFS Storage. HostedEngineLocal ist setup
and running already. But Step 4 (Moving to hosted_storage Domain on NFS)
fails. The Host ist Node-NG based.
The intended NFS Domain gets mounted in the host but activation (I think
via EngineAPI fails):
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Activate storage domain]
[ ERROR ] Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is
"[]". HTTP response code is 400.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":
"Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[]\". HTTP
response code is 400."}
mount in host shows:
storage.rxmgmt.databay.de:/ovirt/hosted_storage on
type nfs4
I also sshd into the locally running engine vi 192.168.122.XX and the VM
can mount the storage domain, too:
[root@engine01 ~]# mount storage.rxmgmt.databay.de:/ovirt/hosted_storage
/mnt/ -o vers=4.1
[root@engine01 ~]# mount | grep nfs
sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw,relatime)
storage.rxmgmt.databay.de:/ovirt/hosted_storage on /mnt type nfs4
[root@engine01 ~]# ls -al /mnt/
total 18
drwxrwxr-x. 3 vdsm kvm 4 Apr 30 12:59 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 17 root root 224 Apr 16 14:31 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 4 vdsm kvm 4 Apr 30 12:40
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 vdsm kvm 0 Apr 30 12:55 __DIRECT_IO_TEST__
Anything I can do ?
Log-Extract of ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-ansible-create_storage_domain
*Ralf Schenk*
fon +49 (0) 24 05 / 40 83 70
fax +49 (0) 24 05 / 40 83 759
mail *rs(a)databay.de* <mailto:rs@databay.de>
*Databay AG*
Jens-Otto-Krag-Straße 11
D-52146 Würselen
*www.databay.de* <http://www.databay.de>
Sitz/Amtsgericht Aachen • HRB:8437 • USt-IdNr.: DE 210844202
Vorstand: Ralf Schenk, Dipl.-Ing. Jens Conze, Aresch Yavari, Dipl.-Kfm.
Philipp Hermanns
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Wilhelm Dohmen
5 years, 9 months
[Users] Problem Creating "oVirtEngine" Machine
by Richie@HIP
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I can't agree with you more. Modifying every box's or Virtual Machine's =
HOSTS file with a FQDN and IP SHOULD work, but in my case it is not. =
There are several reasons I've come to believe could be the problem =
during my trial-and-errors testing and learning.
THe machine's "Names" where not appearing in the Microsoft Active =
Directory DHCP along with their assigned IPs; in other words, the DHCP =
just showed an "Assigned IP", equal to the Linux Machine's IP, with a =
<empty> ('i.e. blank, none, silch, plan old "no-letters-or-numbers") =
"Name" in the "Name" (i.e. machines "network name", or FQDN-value used =
by the Windows AD DNS-service) column. =20
if your IP is is appearing with an <empty> "name", there is no "host =
name" to associate the IP, it makes it difficult to define a FQDN; which =
isn't that useful if we're going to use the HOSTS files in all =
participating machines in an oVirt Installation.
I kept banging my head for three (3) long hours trying to find the =
In Fedora 18, I could't find where the "network name" of the machine =
could be defined. =20
I tried putting the "Additional Search Domains" and/or "DHCP Client ID" =
in Fedora's 18 Desktop - under "System Settings > Hardware > Network > =
Options > IPv4 Setting"
The DHCP went crazy; showing an "Aberrant-MAC-Address" (i.e. a really =
long-sting value where the machine's MAC address should be), and we knew =
the MAC address as we obtained using "ifconfig" on the machine getting =
it's IP from the DHCP. So we reverted these entries from the =
aforementioned, rebooted, and got an assigned IP, with proper MAC =
address, but still no "Name"
Kept wondering around the "Settings" and seeing which one made sense, =
but what the heck, I went for it. =20
Under "System Settings > System > Details" I found the information about =
GNOME and the machine's hardware. =20
There was a field for "Device Name" that originally had =
"localhost.localdomain"; I changed the value to "ovirtmanager". and =
under "Graphic" changed to "Forced Fallback Mode" to "ON". =20
I also installed all Kerberos libraries and client (i.e. authconfig-gtk, =
authhub, authhub-client, krb5-apple-clents, krb5-auth-dialog, =
krb5-workstation, pam-kcoda, pam-krb5, root-net.krb5) and rebooted
VOILA=85!!! =20
I don;t know if it was the definition of "Device Name" from =
"localhost.localdomain" to "ovirtengine", of the Kerberos libraries =
install, or both. But finally the MS AD DHCP was showing the =
Addigned-IP, the machine "Name" and the proper MAC-address. Regardless, =
setting the machine's "Network Name" under "System Settings > System > =
Details > Device Name", with no explanation of what "Device Name" meant =
or was used for, was the last place I would have imagined this network =
setting could be defined.
NOTE - Somebody has to try the two steps I did together, separately. to =
see which one is the real problem-solver; for me it is working, and "if =
it ain't broke, don't fix it=85"
Now that I have the DHCP / IP thing sorted, I have to do the DNS stuff.
To this point, I've addressed the DHCP and "Network Name" of the =
IP-Lease (required for the DNS to work). This still does't completely =
explain why, by modifying the HOSTS file (allowing be to set and IP and =
non-DNS FQDN). allows me to install the oVirtEngine "as long as I do not =
use default HTTPd service parameters as suggested by the install". By =
using the HOST file to "define" FQDNs, AND NOT using the default HTTPd =
suggested changes, I'm able to install the oVirtEngine (given that I use =
ports 8700 and 8701) to access the "oVirtEngine Welcome Screen", BUT =
NONE of the "oVirt Portals" work=85 YET=85!!!
More to come during the week
Jos=E9 E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS=20
M: 787-615-4884 | richiepiovanetti(a)healthcareinfopartners.com
On Aug 2, 2013, at 3:10 AM, Joop <jvdwege(a)xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Hello Ritchie,
>> In a conversation via IRC, someone suggested that I activate =
"dnsmask" to overcome what appears to be a DNS problem. I'll try that =
other possibility once I get home later today.
>> In the mean time, what do you mean by "fixing the hostname"=85? I =
opened and fixed the HOSTNAMES and changed it from =
"localhost-localdomain" to "localhost.localdomain" and that made no =
difference. Albeit, after changing I didm;t restart, remove ovirtEngine =
((using "engine-cleanup") and reinstalled via "engine-setup". Is that =
what you mean=85?
>> In the mean time, the fact that even if I resolve the issue of =
oVirtEngine I will not be able to connect to the oVirt Nodes unless I =
have DNS resolution, apparently means I should do something with =
resolving via DNS in my home LAN (i.e implement some sort of "DNS Cache" =
so I can resolve my home computers via DNS inside my LAN).
>> Any suggestions are MORE THAN WELCOME=85!!!
>> =20
> Having setup ovirt more than I can count right now I share your =
feeling that it isn't always clear why things are going wrong, but in =
this case I suspect that there is a rather small thing missing.
> In short if you setup ovirt-engine, either using virtualbox or on real =
hardware, and you give your host a meaningfull name AND you add that =
info also in your /etc/hosts file than things SHOULD work, no need for =
dnsmasq or even bind. Would make things easier once you start adding =
virt hosts to you infrastructure since you will need to duplicate these =
actions on each host (add engine name/ip to each host and add each host =
to the others and all hosts to engine)
> Just ask if you need more assistance and I will write down a small =
howto that should work out of the box else I might have some time to see =
if I can get things going.
> Regards,
> Joop
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;
<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html =
charset=3Dwindows-1252"></head><body style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; =
-webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">I =
can't agree with you more. Modifying every box's or Virtual =
Machine's HOSTS file with a FQDN and IP SHOULD work, but in my case it =
is not. There are several reasons I've come to believe could be =
the problem during my trial-and-errors testing and =
learning.<div><div><br></div><div>FIRST - MACHINE IPs.</div><ul =
class=3D"MailOutline"><li>THe machine's "Names" where not appearing in =
the <b>Microsoft Active Directory DHCP</b> along with their assigned =
IPs; in other words, the DHCP just showed an "Assigned IP", equal to the =
Linux Machine's IP, with a <empty> ('i.e. blank, none, silch, plan =
old "no-letters-or-numbers") "Name" in the "Name" (i.e. machines =
"network name", or FQDN-value used by the Windows AD DNS-service) =
column. </li><li>if your IP is is appearing with an <empty> =
"name", there is no "host name" to associate the IP, it makes it =
difficult to define a FQDN; which isn't that useful if we're going to =
use the HOSTS files in all participating machines in an oVirt =
Installation.</li><li>I kept banging my head for three (3) long hours =
trying to find the problem.</li><ul><li>In Fedora 18, I could't find =
where the "network name" of the machine could be defined. =
</li><li>I tried putting the "Additional Search Domains" and/or =
"DHCP Client ID" in Fedora's 18 Desktop - under "System Settings > =
Hardware > Network > Options > IPv4 Setting"</li><ul><li>The =
DHCP went crazy; showing an "Aberrant-MAC-Address" (i.e. a really =
long-sting value where the machine's MAC address should be), and we knew =
the MAC address as we obtained using "ifconfig" on the machine getting =
it's IP from the DHCP. So we reverted these entries from the =
aforementioned, rebooted, and got an assigned IP, with proper MAC =
address, but still no "Name"</li></ul><li>Kept wondering around the =
"Settings" and seeing which one made sense, but what the heck, I went =
for it. </li><ul><li>Under "System Settings > System > =
Details" I found the information about GNOME and the machine's hardware. =
</li><li>There was a field for "Device Name" that originally had =
"localhost.localdomain"; I changed the value to "ovirtmanager". and =
under "Graphic" changed to "Forced Fallback Mode" to "ON". =
</li><li>I also installed all Kerberos libraries and client (i.e. =
authconfig-gtk, authhub, authhub-client, krb5-apple-clents, =
krb5-auth-dialog, krb5-workstation, pam-kcoda, pam-krb5, root-net.krb5) =
and rebooted</li><li>VOILA=85!!! </li></ul><li>I don;t know if it =
was the definition of "Device Name" from "localhost.localdomain" to =
"ovirtengine", of the Kerberos libraries install, or both. But =
finally the MS AD DHCP was showing the Addigned-IP, the machine "Name" =
and the proper MAC-address. Regardless, setting the machine's =
"Network Name" under "System Settings > System > Details =
> Device Name", with no explanation of what "Device Name" meant =
or was used for, was the last place I would have imagined this =
network setting could be defined.</li><li><b>NOTE</b> - Somebody has to =
try the two steps I did together, separately. to see which one is the =
real problem-solver; for me it is working, and "if it ain't broke, don't =
fix it=85"</li></ul></ul><div><br =
class=3D"webkit-block-placeholder"></div><div>Now that I have the DHCP / =
IP thing sorted, I have to do the DNS stuff.</div><div><br></div><div>To =
this point, I've addressed the DHCP and "Network Name" of the IP-Lease =
(required for the DNS to work). This still does't completely =
explain why, by modifying the HOSTS file (allowing be to set and IP and =
non-DNS FQDN). allows me to install the oVirtEngine "<b><i>as long as I =
do not use default HTTPd service parameters as suggested by the =
install</i></b>". <b>By using the HOST file to "define" FQDNs, AND =
NOT using the default HTTPd suggested changes, I'm able to install the =
oVirtEngine (given that I use ports 8700 and 8701) to access the =
"oVirtEngine Welcome Screen", BUT NONE of the "oVirt Portals" work</b>=85 =
YET=85!!!</div><div><br></div><div>More to come during the =
week</div><div><br></div><div>Richie</div><div =
apple-content-edited=3D"true"><br>Jos=E9 E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, =
MS <br>M: 787-615-4884 | <a =
iv>On Aug 2, 2013, at 3:10 AM, Joop <<a =
href=3D"mailto:jvdwege@xs4all.nl">jvdwege(a)xs4all.nl</a>> =
wrote:</div><br class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"><blockquote =
type=3D"cite">Hello Ritchie,<br><br><blockquote type=3D"cite">In a =
conversation via IRC, someone suggested that I activate "dnsmask" to =
overcome what appears to be a DNS problem. I'll try that other =
possibility once I get home later today.<br><br>In the mean time, what =
do you mean by "fixing the hostname"=85? I opened and fixed the =
HOSTNAMES and changed it from "localhost-localdomain" to =
"localhost.localdomain" and that made no difference. Albeit, after =
changing I didm;t restart, remove ovirtEngine ((using "engine-cleanup") =
and reinstalled via "engine-setup". Is that what you =
mean=85?<br><br><br><br>In the mean time, the fact that even if I =
resolve the issue of oVirtEngine I will not be able to connect to the =
oVirt Nodes unless I have DNS resolution, apparently means I should do =
something with resolving via DNS in my home LAN (i.e implement some sort =
of "DNS Cache" so I can resolve my home computers via DNS inside my =
LAN).<br><br>Any suggestions are MORE THAN WELCOME=85!!!<br> =
<br></blockquote><br>Having setup ovirt more than I can count =
right now I share your feeling that it isn't always clear why things are =
going wrong, but in this case I suspect that there is a rather small =
thing missing.<br>In short if you setup ovirt-engine, either using =
virtualbox or on real hardware, and you give your host a meaningfull =
name AND you add that info also in your /etc/hosts file than things =
SHOULD work, no need for dnsmasq or even bind. Would make things easier =
once you start adding virt hosts to you infrastructure since you will =
need to duplicate these actions on each host (add engine name/ip to each =
host and add each host to the others and all hosts to =
engine)<br><br>Just ask if you need more assistance and I will write =
down a small howto that should work out of the box else I might have =
some time to see if I can get things =
5 years, 9 months
Re: [ovirt-users] Question about the ovirt-engine-sdk-java
by Michael Pasternak
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Actually java sdk is=C2=A0intentionally=C2=A0hiding transport level interna=
ls so developers could stay in java domain,if your headers are static, easi=
est way would be using reverse proxy in a middle to intercept requests,=C2=
can you tell me why do you need this?
On Friday, October 16, 2015 1:14 AM, Salifou Sidi M. Malick <ssidimah@=
redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Micheal,
I have a question about the ovirt-engine-sdk-java.
Is there a way to add custom request headers to each RHEVM API call?
Here is an example of a request that I would like to do:
$ curl -v -k \
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 -H "ID: user1(a)ad.xyz.com" \
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 -H "PASSWORD: Pwssd" \
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 -H "TARGET: kobe" \
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 https://vm0.smalick.com/api/hosts
I would like to add ID, PASSWORD and TARGET as HTTP request header.=20
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
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<html><head></head><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; f=
ont-family:HelveticaNeue-Light, Helvetica Neue Light, Helvetica Neue, Helve=
tica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:13px"><div id=3D"yui_3_16_=
0_1_1445160422533_3555" dir=3D"ltr"><span id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_=
4552">Hi </span><span style=3D"font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Segoe U=
I', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;" id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445=
160422533_3568" class=3D"">Salifou,</span></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_144=
5160422533_3555" dir=3D"ltr"><span style=3D"font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', =
'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;" class=3D""><br>=
</span></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_3555" dir=3D"ltr"><span =
style=3D"font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, 'Luci=
da Grande', sans-serif;" class=3D"" id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_3595">=
Actually java sdk is </span><span style=3D"font-family: 'Helvetica Neu=
e', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;" id=3D"yui_3=
_16_0_1_1445160422533_4360" class=3D"">intentionally </span><span styl=
e=3D"font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida G=
rande', sans-serif;" id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_4362" class=3D"">hidi=
ng transport level internals so developers could stay in java domain,</span=
></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_3555" dir=3D"ltr"><span class=
=3D"" id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_4435"><font face=3D"Helvetica Neue, =
Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif" id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1=
445160422533_4432" class=3D"">if your headers are static, easiest way would=
be using reverse proxy in a middle to intercept requests, </font><br>=
</span></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_3555" dir=3D"ltr"><span =
class=3D""><font face=3D"Helvetica Neue, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida=
Grande, sans-serif" class=3D""><br></font></span></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16=
_0_1_1445160422533_3555" dir=3D"ltr"><span style=3D"font-family: 'Helvetica=
Neue', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;" id=3D"y=
ui_3_16_0_1_1445160422533_4357">can you tell me why do you need this?</span=
><br></div> <br><div class=3D"qtdSeparateBR"><br><br></div><div class=3D"y=
ahoo_quoted" style=3D"display: block;"> <div style=3D"font-family: Helvetic=
aNeue-Light, Helvetica Neue Light, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida=
Grande, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;"> <div style=3D"font-family: Helvetic=
aNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif; font-si=
ze: 16px;"> <div dir=3D"ltr"> <font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial"> On Friday, O=
ctober 16, 2015 1:14 AM, Salifou Sidi M. Malick <ssidimah(a)redhat.com>=
wrote:<br> </font> </div> <br><br> <div class=3D"y_msg_container">Hi Mich=
eal,<br><br>I have a question about the ovirt-engine-sdk-java.<br><br>Is th=
ere a way to add custom request headers to each RHEVM API call?<br><br>Here=
is an example of a request that I would like to do:<br><br>$ curl -v -k \<=
br> -H "ID: <a ymailto=3D"mailto:user1@ad=
.xyz.com" href=3D"mailto:user1@ad.xyz.com">user1(a)ad.xyz.com</a>" \<br> =
; -H "PASSWORD: Pwssd" \<br>  =
; -H "TARGET: kobe" \<br> <=
a href=3D"https://vm0.smalick.com/api/hosts" target=3D"_blank">https://vm0.=
smalick.com/api/hosts</a><br><br><br>I would like to add ID, PASSWORD and T=
ARGET as HTTP request header. <br><br>Thanks,<br>Salifou<br><br><br><br></d=
iv> </div> </div> </div></div></body></html>
5 years, 9 months
[Users] oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes -- 2012-05-23
by Mike Burns
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-05-23-14.00.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-05-23-14.00.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-05-23-14.00.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:23 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-05-23-14.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:41)
* Status of next release (mburns, 14:05:17)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=822145 (mburns,
* AGREED: freeze date and beta release delayed by 1 week to 2012-06-07
(mburns, 14:12:33)
* post freeze, release notes flag needs to be used where required
(mburns, 14:14:21)
* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=821867 is a VDSM blocker
for 3.1 (oschreib, 14:17:27)
* ACTION: dougsland to fix upstream vdsm right now, and open a bug on
libvirt augeas (oschreib, 14:21:44)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=822158 (mburns,
* assignee not available, update to come tomorrow (mburns, 14:24:59)
* ACTION: oschreib to make sure BZ#822158 is handled quickly
(oschreib, 14:25:29)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=824397 (mburns,
* 824397 expected to be merged prior next week's meeting (mburns,
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=824420 (mburns,
* tracker for node based on F17 (mburns, 14:30:28)
* blocked by util-linux bug currently (mburns, 14:30:40)
* new build expected from util-linux maintainer in next couple days
(mburns, 14:30:55)
* sub-project status -- engine (mburns, 14:32:49)
* nothing to report outside of blockers discussed above (mburns,
* sub-project status -- vdsm (mburns, 14:34:09)
* nothing outside of blockers above (mburns, 14:35:36)
* sub-project status -- node (mburns, 14:35:43)
* working on f17 migration, but blocked by util-linux bug (mburns,
* should be ready for freeze deadline (mburns, 14:36:23)
* Review decision on Java 7 and Fedora jboss rpms in oVirt Engine
(mburns, 14:36:43)
* Java7 basically working (mburns, 14:37:19)
* LINK: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#change,4416 (oschreib, 14:39:35)
* engine will make ack/nack statement next week (mburns, 14:39:49)
* fedora jboss rpms patch is in review, short tests passed (mburns,
* engine ack on fedora jboss rpms and java7 needed next week (mburns,
* Upcoming Workshops (mburns, 14:45:11)
* NetApp workshop set for Jan 22-24 2013 (mburns, 14:47:16)
* already at half capacity for Workshop at LinuxCon Japan (mburns,
* please continue to promote it (mburns, 14:48:19)
* proposal: board meeting to be held at all major workshops (mburns,
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_Global_Workshops (mburns,
* Open Discussion (mburns, 14:50:12)
* oVirt/Quantum integration discussion will be held separately
(mburns, 14:50:43)
Meeting ended at 14:52:47 UTC.
Action Items
* dougsland to fix upstream vdsm right now, and open a bug on libvirt
* oschreib to make sure BZ#822158 is handled quickly
Action Items, by person
* dougsland
* dougsland to fix upstream vdsm right now, and open a bug on libvirt
* oschreib
* oschreib to make sure BZ#822158 is handled quickly
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (98)
* oschreib (55)
* doronf (12)
* lh (11)
* sgordon (8)
* dougsland (8)
* ovirtbot (6)
* ofrenkel (4)
* cestila (2)
* RobertMdroid (2)
* ydary (2)
* rickyh (1)
* yzaslavs (1)
* cctrieloff (1)
* mestery_ (1)
* dustins (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
5 years, 9 months