vm_dynamic table very big in ovirt engine db
by Nardus Geldenhuys
Hi There
Hope you are well. We have two clusters with two ovirt-engines. On the one cluster's ovirt -engine the vm_dynamic tables is almost 3.5 GB big, is that normal ? We are on the latest engine software.
5 years, 10 months
Host has available update for ovirt-host, but nothing found
by Gianluca Cecchi
I have 4.3.3 on engine and hosts in 4.3.3 with plain CentOS, updated from
4.3.2 on 2/5.
Since the day after, 3/5, I get the event
Check for available updates on host ov200 was completed successfully with
message 'found updates for packages ovirt-host'.
and also the icon at side of host in web admin gui.
[root@ov200 ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, product-id,
search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager,
: vdsmupgrade
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use
subscription-manager to register.
Repository centos-sclo-rh-release is listed more than once in the
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: centos.mirror.garr.it
* epel-util: epel.besthosting.ua
* extras: centos.mirror.garr.it
* ovirt-4.3: ftp.nluug.nl
* ovirt-4.3-epel: epel.besthosting.ua
* updates: centos.mirror.garr.it
No packages marked for update
[root@ov200 ~]#
[root@ov200 ~]# rpm -q ovirt-host
package ovirt-host is not installed
[root@ov200 ~]#
yum search ovirt-host:
===================================== N/S matched: ovirt-host
ovirt-host-deploy-common.noarch : Commong files for ovirt-host-deploy
ovirt-host-deploy-java.noarch : ovirt-host-deploy java support
ovirt-host-deploy-javadoc.noarch : Javadocs for ovirt-host-deploy
ovirt-host.x86_64 : Track required packages for oVirt hosts
ovirt-host-dependencies.x86_64 : This meta package pulls in all the
dependencies needed for minimal
: oVirt hosts.
ovirt-hosted-engine-ha.noarch : oVirt Hosted Engine High Availability
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup.noarch : oVirt Hosted Engine setup tool
python2-ovirt-host-deploy.noarch : oVirt host deploy tool
This is not an oVirt-NG host, but plain CentOS....
What to do? Do I have to install the ovirt-host package anyway?
Thanks in advance,
5 years, 10 months
silent install failing in due to question on fqdn of host
by Brian Kircher
Anyone happen to know if I can get the following into an answer file for a silent deployment? It’s asking to confirm or change from the fqdn of the host doing the HE install. Default is fine, but I have to connect in to the screen to answer this before it will continue. Default hostname changed to generic in below log. Forward and reverse are both working via dns.
019-04-30 18:56:38,802-0500 DEBUG otopi.context context.dumpEnvironment:745 ENVIRONMENT DUMP - END
2019-04-30 18:56:38,804-0500 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:127 Stage validation METHOD otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.network<http://otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.network> .bridge.Plugin._validate_hostname_first_host
2019-04-30 18:56:38,806-0500 DEBUG otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.network<http://otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.network> .bridge dialog.queryEnvKey:90 queryEnvKey called for key OVEHOSTED_NETWORK/host_name
2019-04-30 18:56:38,806-0500 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human human.queryString:159 query OVESETUP_NETWORK_FQDN_first_HE
2019-04-30 18:56:38,807-0500 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human dialog.__logString:204 DIALOG:SEND Please provide the hostname of this host on the management network [ host01.domain.com<http://host01.domain.com> ]:
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the original recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the original.
5 years, 10 months
Re: Best arquitecture for 2 location
by Strahil
You may use gluster with geo-replucation, but that doesn't support gluster updates from remote to local side, so the second location is your DR site and nothing else should be running.
Maybe Simone/Sahina can clarify the ovirt part of the setup.
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn May 6, 2019 18:15, raul.caballero.girol(a)gmail.com wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have 2 location separate geographically. I want to deploy an ovirt installation. Evary location has 3 host with a storage system. What is the best arquitecture for this scenario?. My problem is that I don know how to recover the manager if its storage is down. With a backup/recover? How I remove the old manager when I recover the storage?
> Cheers
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5 years, 10 months
replaced ovirt certs, now i'm locked out with unable to find valid certification path
by michael@wanderingmad.com
I followed the guide here to replace the self-signed certs with 3rd party certs, and now i'm getting this error on signin:
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
do i need to have the .p12 in place also? I extracted the .key and .cer from the existing PFX, and copied them to all the places in the article, renaming the .cer to .pem as neded and I always get that error. Yes, I did copy to the java directory and ran the program to update the trust store, and I can list out the trust store and see it listed. Has there been a recent change in how it handles certs? I tried it with the blank password for the certstore, with "changeit" and also changing the password to "123456" and none work.
5 years, 10 months
Problem with restoring engine
by Andreas Elvers
Hello today I tried to migrate the hosted engine from our Default Datacenter (NFS) to our Ceph Datacenter. The deployment worked with the automatic "hosted-engine --deploy --restore-from-file=backup/file_name" command. Perfect.
Only thing is: I messed up with the cluster name. The name should be Luise01 but I entered Luise1. Duh...
Now I want to bring the engine back to the Default Datacenter. Easy thing. Just repeat the same steps again.
1. Enable global ha maintenenace
2. Stop and disable the engine
3. create the engine backup
4 ... continue with all the steps from chapter 13.1.8 RHEV Docs 4.3 Beta.
Everything looked great. The ansible playbook was running, then asking for the storage domain. I entered the NFS path. It got registered, but then the ansible playbook errors out with
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Add VM]
[ ERROR ] Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Cannot attach Virtual Disk. The target Data Center does not contain the Virtual Disk.]". HTTP response code is 409.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[Cannot attach Virtual Disk. The target Data Center does not contain the Virtual Disk.]\". HTTP response code is 409."}
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing ansible-playbook
[ INFO ] Stage: Clean up
[ INFO ] Cleaning temporary resources
I see that there is a bug report on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1649424
Any idea how to get around this error ?
Additionally I now have a HostedEngineLocal (shut off) on that node... How do I remove it?
engine-cleanup ?
Have to get some sleep.
best regards.
5 years, 10 months
NonResponsive Host and unknown VMs
by Alexis Grillon
Context :
(probably) After a failed deletion of snapshot during a backup (it had
been somes times since i got this problem), one of my host has gone
Nonresponsive, and with him, all the VMs who was stored on it or run on it.
Instead of removing the problem snapshot (usually it does the trick). I
did reboot the host (and without maintenance, it wasn't available)
On the Host log, it seems there's nothing wrong, on the Engine log,
there's mostly a "ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-10) [] EVENT_ID:
VDS_BROKER_COMMAND_FAILURE(10,802), VDSM xxx command Get Host
Capabilities failed: Message timeout which can be caused by
communication issues", without further informations.
One last thing, it seems gluster is working well but the command
"gluster volume status" goes timeout (nothing from log seems wrong)
Of course, the host ping from the engine, and the engine ping from the host.
You'll find on the bottom of the mail more informations about the setup.
Here are a few questions if someone can help :
- Should i open a bug on that (looks a lot like
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1404082 but i can't do all
the test of this bug) ?
- Should i be worried about the gluster timeout (the engine is on it) /
should i move the gluster point of the unresponsive host on another, and
remove the unresponsive host from the pool to fix that ?
- i guess that if i fix the unresponsivness of the host, it'll fix the
vm (that one is an easy one i hope !)
- Once i will have found why the host is unresponsive, and if i can't
fix it (have to reinstall it by example), how can i remove the host and
the affected vms from the cluster (nearly everything is unavailable on
them, maintenance for storage and host are unavailable) ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Informations about the setup :
Gluster has been created on system before the installation of ovirt (but
is well working this way).
Mostly, storage of VMs are made with NFS mount on host, not on a gluster
exception made for the engine.
The unresponsive host is the arbiter brick of the gluster volumes.
I can wipe the unresponsive host, but the cluster is a production
cluster, i can't shutdown everything :)
Alexis Grillon
Pôle Humanités Numériques, Outils, Méthodes et Analyse de Données.
Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société
MESHS - Lille Nord de France / CNRS
tel. +33 (0)3 20 12 58 57 | alexis.grillon(a)meshs.fr
www.meshs.fr | 2, rue des Canonniers 59000 Lille
GPG fingerprint AC37 4C4B 6308 975B 77D4 772F 214F 1E97 6C08 CD11
5 years, 10 months
Cascade Lake CPU in oVirt
by Matthias Leopold
do I get it right that hypervisor hosts with Cascade Lake CPU could be
used in oVirt, but would be recognized as "Skylake"? Cascade Lake
specific features could only be used in VMs after CL is supported by
libvirt (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1677209) and this
libvirt is imported in oVirt? We're thinking about buying new hardware
and I want to be sure it can be used...
5 years, 10 months
Q35 in pre 4.3 updated environments?
by Gianluca Cecchi
having some environments born before 4.3.0 and Q35 introduction.
Now on 4.3.3, but of course existing VMs seem not impacted and retain their
machine type, eg a dumpxml gives:
<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-rhel7.6.0'>hvm</type>
Any advise if I want to update any of them to Q35 (supposing their
installed OS does support that kind of hw emulation, of course)?
Apart from shutdown, edit, system, advanced parameters, change, save and
This question leads me to something strange I have noticed: updating
cluster to 4.3, when 4.3.0 was released, seems not to have changed default
"Emulated Machine" type for it.
In fact if I go in my cluster, I see it still with value
"pc-i440fx-rhel7.6.0", even if its compatibility version is 4.3.
Is this expected?
If I edit the cluster I don't see an option to change to q35.
My cpu type is "Intel Westmere IBRS SSBD Family", could it influence this
situation in any way?
Thanks in advance,
5 years, 10 months