oVirt and Ceph iSCSI: separating discovery auth / target auth ?
by Matthias Leopold
I'm trying to use the Ceph iSCSI gateway with oVirt.
According to my tests with oVirt 4.3.2
* you cannot separate iSCSI discovery auth and target auth
* you cannot use an iSCSI gateway that has no discovery auth, but uses
CHAP for targets
This means I'm forced to use the same credentials for discovery auth and
target auth.
In Ceph iSCSI gateway I can have multiple targets with use different
credentials, but I can define discovery auth only once for the whole
gateway (or have no discovery auth).
If all of this is correct and I want to use the Ceph iSCSI gateway with
* I have to use discovery auth
* the credentials for discovery auth will give every other Ceph iSCSI
gateway user access to the oVirt target
This is not a desirable situation.
Did I understand anything wrong? Are there other ways to solve this?
5 years, 10 months
integration with openstack nove-compute
by ehsan.sabooni@gmail.com
hello dear all,
is it possible to make a compute-nove VM inside oVirt, using which, to be able to create VM instances inside oVirt through openstack horizon?
to make it simple, is it possible to have oVirt has the hypervisor for openstack, while having a nova-compute node as a VM inside ovirt?
as a hint, the same thing is possible via vsphere vCenter, if we install vCenter driver on the nova-compute node.
thank you for your support!
5 years, 10 months
silent install failing in due to question on fqdn of host
by Brian Kircher
Anyone happen to know if I can get the following into an answer file for a true silent deployment? It's asking to confirm or change from the fqdn of the host doing the HE install. Default is fine, but I have to connect in to the screen to answer this before it will continue. Default changed to generic in below log.
019-04-30 18:56:38,802-0500 DEBUG otopi.context context.dumpEnvironment:745 ENVIRONMENT DUMP - END
2019-04-30 18:56:38,804-0500 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:127 Stage validation METHOD otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.network.bridge.Plugin._validate_hostname_first_host
2019-04-30 18:56:38,806-0500 DEBUG otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.network.bridge dialog.queryEnvKey:90 queryEnvKey called for key OVEHOSTED_NETWORK/host_name
2019-04-30 18:56:38,806-0500 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human human.queryString:159 query OVESETUP_NETWORK_FQDN_first_HE
2019-04-30 18:56:38,807-0500 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human dialog.__logString:204 DIALOG:SEND Please provide the hostname of this host on the management network [host01.domain.com]:
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5 years, 10 months