Mac addresses pool issues
by Nicolas MAIRE
We're encountering some issues on one of our production clusters running oVirt 4.2. We've had an incident with the engine's database a few weeks back that we were able to recover from, however since then we've been having a bunch of weird issues, mostly around MACs.
It started off with the engine being unable to find a free MAC when creating a VM, despite there being significantly less virtual interfaces (around 250) than the total number of MACs in the default pool (default configuration, so 65536 addresses) and escalated into creating duplicate MACs (despite the pool not allowing it) and now we can't even modify the pool or remove VMs (since deleting the attached vnics fail), so we're kinda stuck with a cluster that has running VMs which are fine as long as we don't touch them, but on which we can't create new VMs (or modify the existing ones).
In the engine's log we can see that we've had an "Unable to initialize MAC pool due to existing duplicates (Failed with error MAC_POOL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED and code 5010)" error when we tried to reconfigure the pool this morning (see the full error stack here : and now whenever we try to delete a VM or reconfigure the pool we have a 'Pool for id="58ca604b-017d-0374-0220-00000000014e" does not exist' error (see the full error stack here:, but, if we check the engine's mac_pool table we can see that it's there :
engine=# select * from mac_pools;
id | name | description | allow_duplicate_mac_addresses | default_pool
58ca604b-017d-0374-0220-00000000014e | Default | Default MAC pool | f | t
(1 row)
engine=# select * from mac_pool_ranges;
mac_pool_id | from_mac | to_mac
58ca604b-017d-0374-0220-00000000014e | 56:6f:1a:1a:00:00 | 56:6f:1a:1a:ff:ff
(1 row)
I found this bugzilla that seems to somehow apply however I don't really know how to "reinitialize engine", especially considering that the mac pool was not configured to allow duplicate macs to begin with, and I've no idea what the impact of that reinitialization would be on the current VMs.
I'm quite new to oVirt (only been using it for one year) so any help would be greatly appreciated.
2 years, 9 months
Enroll Host Certificate
Hi there! I have a problem to enroll host certificate.
The steps that I took:
1) Move host to maintenance mode (all VMs transferred to another host including HE VM)
2) Enroll certificate via web interface without errors
3) Exit from maintenance mode (transferred all VMs back including HE VM)
4) Restart ovirt-engine service
But my problem that after 6 hours i get message from oVirt engine notifier that my certificate expired soon.
I know that my oVirt installation is old (4.1.9), but what can i do with that? Maybe i missed something. I didn't reboot the host after renewing the certificate
Thank you for any advice!
2 years, 9 months
Python Unsupported Version Detection (ovirt Manager 4.4.10)
We have installed oVirt manger in Centos stream 8 and running the security scanning by Tenable Nessus ID 148367
When I try to remove the python3.6. It will remove many dependency package related ovirt.
How can I fixed this vulnerability as below?
Python Unsupported Version Detection
Plugin Output:
The following Python installation is unsupported :
Path : /
Port : 35357
Installed version : 3.6.8
Latest version : 3.10
Support dates : 2021-12-23 (end of life)
Michael Li
2 years, 9 months
Network filters in oVirt : zero-trust, IP and port filtering
by ravi k
Good people of the community,
Hope you are all doing well. We are exploring the network filters in oVirt to check if we can implement a zero-trust model at the network level. The intention is to have a filter which takes two parameters, IP and PORT. After that there will be a 'deny all' rule. We realized that none of the default network filters offer such a functionality and the only option is to write a custom filter.
Why don't we have such a filter in libvirt and thereby in oVirt? Someone would've already thought about such a use case. So I was thinking maybe network filters aren't meant to be used for implementing such functionalities like zero-trust?
Also what are some practical use cases of the default filters that are provided? I was able to understand and use the clean-traffic and clean-traffic-gateway.
2 years, 9 months
info about removal of LVM structures before removing LUNs
by Gianluca Cecchi
I'm going to hot remove some LUNS that were used as storage domains from a
4.4.7 environment.
I have already removed them for oVirt.
I think I would use the remove_mpath_device.yml playbook if I find it... it
seems it should be in examples dir inside ovirt ansible collections, but
there is not...
Anyway I'm aware of the corresponding manual steps of (I think version 8
doesn't differ from 7 in this):
. get disks name comprising the multipath device to remove
. remove multipath device
multipath -f "{{ lun }}"
. flush I/O
blockdev --flushbufs {{ item }}
for every disk that was comprised in the multipath device
. remove disks
echo 1 > /sys/block/{{ item }}/device/delete
for every disk that was comprised in the multipath device
My main doubt is related to the LVM structure that I can see is yet present
on the multipath devices.
Eg for a multipath device 360002ac0000000000000013e0001894c:
# pvs --config 'devices { filter = ["a|.*|" ] }' | grep
a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01 lvm2 a-- <4.00t <675.88g
# lvs --config 'devices { filter = ["a|.*|" ] }'
Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
067dd3d0-db3b-4fd0-9130-c616c699dbb4 a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 900.00g
1682612b-fcbb-4226-a821-3d90621c0dc3 a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 55.00g
3b863da5-2492-4c07-b4f8-0e8ac943803b a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 128.00m
47586b40-b5c0-4a65-a7dc-23ddffbc64c7 a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 35.00g
7a5878fb-d70d-4bb5-b637-53934d234ba9 a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 570.00g
94852fc8-5208-4da1-a429-b97b0c82a538 a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 55.00g
a2edcd76-b9d7-4559-9c4f-a6941aaab956 a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 128.00m
de08d92d-611f-445c-b2d4-836e33935fcf a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 300.00g
de54928d-2727-46fc-81de-9de2ce002bee a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 1.17t
f9f4d24d-5f2b-4ec3-b7e3-1c50a7c45525 a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 300.00g
ids a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 128.00m
inbox a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 128.00m
leases a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 2.00g
master a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 1.00g
metadata a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 128.00m
outbox a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 128.00m
xleases a7f5cf77-5640-4d2d-8f6d-abf663431d01
-wi------- 1.00g
So the question is:
would it be better to execute something like
lvremove for every LV lv_name
lvremove --config 'devices { filter = ["a|.*|" ] }'
vgremove --config 'devices { filter = ["a|.*|" ] }'
pvremove --config 'devices { filter = ["a|.*|" ] }'
and then proceed with the steps above or nothing at all as the OS itself
doesn't "see" the LVMs and it is only an oVirt view that is already "clean"?
Also because LVM is not cluster aware, so after doing that on one node, I
would have the problem about LVM rescan on other nodes....
Thanks in advance,
2 years, 9 months
oVirt Local Repo
Hi all,
I work in a secure environment with no external internet access and local mirrors provide a local oVirt repo.
The person that set these up has since left with no documentation available. Updating our oVirt environments fails as 'no updates available' is the response. I recall a thread that stated something had broken when eol was announced in December but can't find that thread anymore.
I would like to build a clean local ovirt and ovirt dependencies repos - is there any documentation for this.
Kind Regards
2 years, 9 months
4.5.0 beta compose delayed to April 4th 2022
by Sandro Bonazzola
oVirt 4.5.0 beta compose has been delayed to next week on April 4th as
ovirt-engine and gluster-ansible-role support for ansible-core 2.12 missed
today's deadline.
Test day has been rescheduled accordingly to April 5th.
Testers: please continue testing the released Alpha and providing feedback
A few packages that were meant to be shipped today as part of the beta
release have been already pushed to testing repositories so you can already
provide some feedback on the beta sanity.
Known issues:
- hyperconverged deployment doesn't work due to missing updated
gluster-ansible-roles packages
- ovirt-engine is still using ansible 2.9.27 and wasn't updated from 4.5.0
- ovirt-appliance and oVirt Node have not been built with current content
of the testing repos as beta has been rescheduled
Be aware the RHEL 8.6 Beta has been released yesterday so you can already
try running on top of it.
Rocky Linux announced they're already building 8.6 beta as well so it may
be possible to start testing on top of it soon as well.
Professional Services, Integrators and Backup vendors: please run a test
session against your additional services, integrated solutions,
downstream rebuilds, backup solution on the released alpha release and
report issues as soon as possible.
If you're not listed here:
consider adding your company there.
If you're willing to help updating the localization for oVirt 4.5.0 please
If you're willing to help promoting the oVirt 4.5.0 release you can submit
your banner proposals for the oVirt home page and for the
social media advertising at no
later than April 5th
As an alternative please consider submitting a case study as in
Feature owners: please submit a presentation of your feature for oVirt
Youtube channel: no later than April
If you have some new feature requiring community feedback / testing please
add your case under the "Test looking for volunteer" section no later than
April 4th.
Do you want to contribute to getting ready for this release?
Read more about oVirt community at and join
the oVirt developers
Sandro Bonazzola
Red Hat EMEA <>
*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
answer this email out of your office hours.*
2 years, 9 months
No bootable device
We're running oVirt We have uploaded a qcow2 image (metasploit
v.3, FWIW) using the GUI (Storage -> Disks -> Upload -> Start). The
image is in qcow2 format. No options on the right side were checked. The
upload went smoothly, so we now tried to attach the disk to a VM.
To do that, we opened the VM -> Disks -> Attach and selected the disk.
As interface, VirtIO-iSCSI was chosen, and the disk was marked as OS, so
the "bootable" checkbox was selected.
The VM was later powered on, but when accessing the console the message
"No bootable device." appears. We're pretty sure this is a bootable
image, because it was tested on other virtualization infrastructure and
it boots well. We also tried to upload the image in RAW format but the
result is the same.
What are we missing here? Is anything else needed to do so the disk is
2 years, 10 months