Unable to upload or download iso via admin portal
by Igor Filipovic
Hi, I'm having a trouble on fresh installation (on oracle linux), I'm not able to upload or download any file using storage domain upload image function. I've imported CA certificate and have tried on several browsers (firefow, chrome,edge), on different computers (and browsers are green - claiming that I'm securely connected), but I'm always getting error regarding CA certificate when I test connection, or when I try to upload ISO image. I've tried to upload ISO image via cli commands (upload_disk.py), and that scenario was successful, however this method It is not very convenient for my co-workers.
I have 5 physical hosts, one is dedicated to run ovirt-engine, and other 4 are kvm hypervisors. When I try to upload ISO this is what engine.log logs:
2023-04-08 11:00:28,339+02 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.disk.image.TransferImageStatusCommand] (default task-2) [f6b62add-0a0c-45ee-a985-a76171843382] Running command: TransferImageStatusCommand internal: false. Entities affected : ID: 1eb97088-b805-4616-af55-0ac9d1d7dfbe Type: SystemAction group CREATE_DISK with role type USER
2023-04-08 11:00:28,340+02 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.disk.image.ImageTransferUpdater] (default task-2) [f6b62add-0a0c-45ee-a985-a76171843382] Updating image transfer a78b18c5-e395-4c29-aa5c-15ffff8a1cb6 (image 4f758325-ac11-4071-a9fa-d180425e8604) phase to Paused by System (message: 'Sent 0MB')
2023-04-08 11:00:28,363+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-2) [f6b62add-0a0c-45ee-a985-a76171843382] EVENT_ID: UPLOAD_IMAGE_NETWORK_ERROR(1,062), Unable to upload image to disk 4f758325-ac11-4071-a9fa-d180425e8604 due to a network error. Ensure ovirt-engine's CA certificate is registered as a trusted CA in the browser. The certificate can be fetched from https://engine-dr.somedomain/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=...
2023-04-08 11:00:28,363+02 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.disk.image.TransferImageStatusCommand] (default task-2) [f6b62add-0a0c-45ee-a985-a76171843382] Running command: TransferImageStatusCommand internal: false. Entities affected : ID: 1eb97088-b805-4616-af55-0ac9d1d7dfbe Type: SystemAction group CREATE_DISK with role type USER
Can you please point me in some direction to try to fix this?
Thanks, and best regards
1 year, 4 months
engine-setup failing on 4.3.2 -> 4.3.3 fails during Engine schema refresh fail
by Edward Berger
I was trying to upgrade a hyperconverged oVirt hosted engine and failed in
the engine-setup command with these error and warnings.
[ INFO ] Creating/refreshing Engine database schema
[ ERROR ] schema.sh: FATAL: Cannot execute sql command:
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Misc configuration': Engine schema
refresh failed
[ INFO ] Yum Verify: 16/16: ovirt-engine-tools.noarch 0: - e
[WARNING] Rollback of DWH database postponed to Stage "Clean up"
[ INFO ] Rolling back database schema
[ INFO ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO ] Stage: Termination
[ ERROR ] Execution of setup failed
Attaching engine-setup logfile.
1 year, 6 months
Suggestion to switch to nightly
by Sandro Bonazzola
As you probably noticed there were no regular releases after oVirt 4.5.4
<https://ovirt.org/release/4.5.4/> in December 2022.
Despite the calls to action to the community and to the companies involved
with oVirt, there have been no uptake of the leading of the oVirt project
The developers at Red Hat still dedicating time to the project are now
facing the fact they lack the time to do formal releases despite they keep
fixing platform regressions like the recent ones due to the new ansible
changes. That makes a nightly snapshot setup a more stable environment than
oVirt 4.5.4.
For this reason, we would like to suggest the user community to enable
nightly repositories for oVirt by following the procedure at:
This will ensure that the latest fixes for the platform regressions will be
promptly available.
Sandro Bonazzola
MANAGER, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System
Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
answer this email out of your office hours.*
1 year, 6 months
Bcp vm
by Ali Gusainov
Hello experts.
2 identical servers running
CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908
oVirt Version:
No clusters configured.
NFS share for backups on third server.
Have some questions.
1. Need to create backups of virtual machines to NFS without downtime. Can an 'OVA export' be a complete policy for backups?
2. Is there a way to export vm to OVA via command line?
1 year, 6 months
Non responsive host (4.3.10)
by Maria Souvalioti
Hello everyone!
Due to a recent major power outage in my area I now have an unresponsive self hosted host in an environment of 3 self hosted hosts. There's one vm stuck on there as well as some metadata I guess from when hosted engine was running there (before the power went down).
I'm running 4.3.10 ovirt node with 3 nodes and GlusterFS, no arbiter, and I'm using it to provide services to our clients i.e. DNS, web sites, wikis, ticketing etc. and I cannot shut them down.
The ovirt engine is up and running and I can manage all the other VMs that run on the other hosts through the web gui.
The unresponsive host replies only to ICMP requests; in every other sense it's dead, no ssh, no gluster bricks, no console, nothing.
I tried to place the faulty host in maintenance, using the option to stop glusterd, but wasn't able to as the engine won't let the host go into maintenance mode because it thinks the host has running VMs on it. The host won't go into maintenance even if I chose the "Ignore gluster quorum and self-heal validations" option.
I spent last week creating a backup environment were I copied the VMs, to have somewhere to run them in case something goes terribly wrong with the systems or the gluster in the production system.
I'm thinking of using the global maintenance mode and then shutting down the engine itself with *hosted-engine --vm-shutdown* and rebooting the affected host.
Should I remove the host from the cluster and then re-add it or should I do something else?
Thanks for any of your help!
1 year, 7 months
novnc console error: promise.js missing?
by karl.morgan@gmail.com
Seeing the following on the engine when attempting to start a novnc console
2023-03-31 11:57:34,988-07 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.SetVmTicketVDSCommand] (default task-29) [307c22a9] START, SetVmTicketVDSCommand(HostName = ov2node02-mn, SetVmTicketVDSCommandParameters:{hostId='19a92de3-c6e4-4f4e-be31-1d5533a2b6b6', vmId='4481b0e9-a96c-4ee7-8bd2-572558eb9fda', protocol='VNC', ticket='LMl903dd', validTime='120', userName='admin@ovirt', userId='9e88a363-34cb-466a-8ba9-25e46819423b', disconnectAction='LOCK_SCREEN', consoleDisconnectActionDelay='0'}), log id: 1d6520d5
2023-03-31 11:57:35,031-07 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.SetVmTicketVDSCommand] (default task-29) [307c22a9] FINISH, SetVmTicketVDSCommand, return: , log id: 1d6520d5
2023-03-31 11:57:35,044-07 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-29) [307c22a9] EVENT_ID: VM_SET_TICKET(164), User admin@ovirt@internalkeycloak-authz initiated console session for VM first
2023-03-31 11:57:35,158-07 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.servlet.ServletUtils] (default task-29) [] Can't read file '/usr/share/ovirt-engine/files/novnc/vendor/promise.js' for request '/ovirt-engine/services/files/novnc/vendor/promise.js' -- 404
Curious if this is obvious to anyone? How to resolve?
1 year, 7 months
OKD Installer Provisioned Infrastructure in oVirt > 4.3
by Fredrik Arneving
I've successfully installed OKD <= 4.8 in my ovirt 4.3 self-hosted engine setup. However, I have now found out that the imageio-proxy and/or imageio-deamon has changed it's API calls and ports to make the OKD install fail on self-hosted (all-in-one) setups on ovirt 4.4 and 4.5. Since I've upgraded to version 4.5 I can no longer install OKD with Installer Provisioned Infrastructure.
I recently read throough a long thread in bugzilla (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1871348) on how to get image uploads working from the GUI but haven't found any solutions for making the OKD install work. The suggested solution, engine-config -s "EnableImageioProxy=false", didn't solve my problem.
Would it be possible to tweak the setup so that the OKD installer can upload it's image through imageio? I don't use the imageio service for anything else since I (almost) only kickstart my new vm's from my foreman servers so if other use cases than the OKD install would fail I can live with that.
I take it the problem only appears for a self-hosted setup. If it was possible to migrate the engine to a standalone host (not a powerful compute node but somewhere with 4vCPU and 16 GB RAM) would that make the solution easier? I would lose a lot of my current infrastructure if I had to reinstall but if I can't find a better solution I will have to.
Any help would be appreciated.
1 year, 7 months
VM host deploy failed
by Latchezar Filtchev
Hi there,
Centos Stream 8 fresh standalone install from nightly build of ovirt-engine. VM host Centos Stream 8 node nightly build repo enabled.
Cannot add host to engine. The error message:
Host n1 installation failed. Task Install ovirt-hosted-engine-setup package failed to execute. Please check logs for more details: /var/log/ovirt-engine/host-deploy/ovirt-host-deploy-ansible-20230530094214-n1.............
Any hint will be appreciated.
Thank you!
2023-05-30 09:42:26 EEST - {
"uuid" : "e905de36-7b04-4b52-96b8-71855d561446",
"counter" : 99,
"stdout" : "fatal: [n1.aubgin.local]: FAILED! => {\"changed\": false, \"failures\": [], \"msg\": \"Depsolve Error occurred: \\n Problem: conflicting requests\\n - nothing provides python3-importlib-resources needed by ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-2.7.1-0.0.master.20230414113600.git340e19b.el8.noarch\", \"rc\": 1, \"results\": []}",
"start_line" : 87,
"end_line" : 88,
"runner_ident" : "c7d833e9-8de3-4d53-87a3-72c3d80177ce",
"event" : "runner_on_failed",
"pid" : 41043,
"created" : "2023-05-30T06:42:25.111204",
"parent_uuid" : "ac162d01-a065-3587-db9e-000000000228",
"event_data" : {
"playbook" : "ovirt-host-deploy.yml",
"playbook_uuid" : "de0dd632-7d53-4e08-a06c-610334200c49",
"play" : "all",
"play_uuid" : "ac162d01-a065-3587-db9e-000000000006",
"play_pattern" : "all",
"task" : "Install ovirt-hosted-engine-setup package",
"task_uuid" : "ac162d01-a065-3587-db9e-000000000228",
"task_action" : "ansible.builtin.yum",
"task_args" : "",
"task_path" : "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/ansible-runner-service-project/project/roles/ovirt-host-deploy-vdsm/tasks/packages.yml:6",
"role" : "ovirt-host-deploy-vdsm",
"host" : "n1.aubgin.local",
"remote_addr" : "n1.aubgin.local",
"res" : {
"failures" : [ ],
"results" : [ ],
"rc" : 1,
"msg" : "Depsolve Error occurred: \n Problem: conflicting requests\n - nothing provides python3-importlib-resources needed by ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-2.7.1-0.0.master.20230414113600.git340e19b.el8.noarch",
"invocation" : {
"module_args" : {
"name" : [ "ovirt-hosted-engine-setup" ],
"state" : "present",
"allow_downgrade" : false,
"autoremove" : false,
"bugfix" : false,
"cacheonly" : false,
"disable_gpg_check" : false,
"disable_plugin" : [ ],
"disablerepo" : [ ],
"download_only" : false,
"enable_plugin" : [ ],
"enablerepo" : [ ],
"exclude" : [ ],
"installroot" : "/",
"install_repoquery" : true,
"install_weak_deps" : true,
"security" : false,
"skip_broken" : false,
"update_cache" : false,
"update_only" : false,
"validate_certs" : true,
"sslverify" : true,
"lock_timeout" : 30,
"allowerasing" : false,
"nobest" : false,
"conf_file" : null,
"disable_excludes" : null,
"download_dir" : null,
"list" : null,
"releasever" : null
"_ansible_no_log" : null,
"changed" : false
"start" : "2023-05-30T06:42:23.217686",
"end" : "2023-05-30T06:42:25.111007",
"duration" : 1.893321,
"ignore_errors" : null,
"event_loop" : null,
"uuid" : "e905de36-7b04-4b52-96b8-71855d561446"
[root@e host-deploy]#
1 year, 7 months