On 01/31/2012 07:23 AM, Deepak C Shetty wrote:
On 01/28/2012 03:24 PM, Haim Ateya wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I forgot to backup the ifcfg-eth0 for ovirtmgmt but i think
>> ONBOOT was probably not there.
>> BTW, before i attach any files here, is there a way to remove the
>> host and re-discover it afresh ?
>> ovirt web gui does not give me any option to remove.. the Remove is
>> diabled and host is in Non Responsive state.
>> How do i remove and start from scratch and then i can try to see if
>> i can fix ifcfg-eth0 for ovirtmgmt ? Currently i am unable to remove
>> the host.
> Please move host to maintenance, under 'general' tab, you will find
> re-install option, or slightly remove the host and add it again.
> Please make sure to delete ovirtmgmt bridge before the re-install phase.
Host cannot be moved to Maintenance mode, since there is no network
connectivity between ovirt and host (due to the above issues).. ovirt
tries to put the host into maint mode, but does not and reverts the
status back to non responsive, because of this I am never ever able to
delete the host.. i think this is a bug because such issues will be
in user environments & there should be a way for the user to delete
the host and start afresh irrespective of the
host status.. any reason why Remove is disabled when host is in non
responsive state ?
not being able to move the host to maintenance sounds like a bug indeed,
can you please attach engine logs to the bug.
for the network issue- i would have looked at
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=785557 as well, to see this
isn't your problem.
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