On 01/22/2014 05:42 PM, Andrew Lau wrote:
This looks like this BZ which I reported
Did you customize your nics before you tried running hosted-engine --deploy?
Yes, I created all the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* for my 4 NICs in the bond,
then also created the ifcfg-bond0, as well as an ifcfg-ovirtmgmt which uses the bond0.
So the ovirt management interface should be fully configured before even running
the hosted-engine --deploy ... when I was testing the all-in-one (non-hosted) I had
to do that, so figured it was a good idea for hosted too.
I'm trying to understand your BZ 1055153, did you actually get it to work? Or did
you get stuck at that point? I have seen the same issue as your BZ 1055129 as well.