oVirt Workshop Europe 2012: Call For Participation
by workshop-pc@ovirt.org
oVirt Workshop Europe 2012: Call For Participation
November 7-9, 2012 - Hotel Fira Palace - Barcelona, Spain
(All submissions must be received before midnight Sep 14th, 2012)
The oVirt Project is an open virtualization project for anyone who cares
about Linux-based KVM virtualization. Providing a feature-rich server
virtualization management system with advanced capabilities for hosts
and guests, including high availability, live migration, storage
management, system scheduler, and more. By open we mean open source &
open governance, done right.
During this workshop you’ll learn about the technical background and
direction of the oVirt project. You’ll meet the developers, and have an
opportunity to see and dive into the code right away. The workshop is
open to all who want to use, get involved with, or learn about the
comprehensive open virtualization management platform, oVirt. The
sessions cover the technical projects details, governance, getting
involved, usage, and much more. If you have any interest in an Open
Virtualization Management platform, this workshop is for you!
We are excited to announce that this oVirt Workshop will be held in
conjunction with the KVM Forum.
The KVM Forum and oVirt Workshop are co-located with the Linux
Foundation's 2012 LinuxCon Europe in Barcelona, Spain.
oVirt Workshop attendees will be able to attend KVM Forum sessions and
are eligible to attend LinuxCon Europe for a discounted rate.
We invite you to lead part of the discussion by submitting a speaking
proposal for oVirt Workshop 2012.
Suggested topics:
- community use case/stories
- roadmaps
- deep dives into features/areas
- deep dives into code/debugging/tuning
- integration and extensions
- components: engine, vdsm, node, sdk/cli, reports, mom, guest agent, etc.
- subjects: network, storage, vm life cycle, scheduling & sla, gluster, etc.
- packaging, installation and distributions
- community infrastructure and services
Abstracts due: Sep 14th, 2012
Notification: Sep 28th, 2012
Please submit a short abstract (~150 words) describing your presentation
proposal. In your submission please note how long your talk will take.
Slots vary in length up to 45 minutes. Also include in your proposal
the proposal type -- one of:
- technical talk
- end-user talk
- birds of a feather (BOF) session
Submit your proposal here:
You will receive a notification whether or not your presentation proposal
was accepted by Sep 14th.
One of the big challenges as developers is to know what, where and how
people actually use our software. We will reserve a few slots for end
users talking about their deployment challenges and achievements.
If you are using oVirt in production you are encouraged submit a speaking
proposal. Simply mark it as an end-user collaboration proposal. As an
end user, this is a unique opportunity to get your input to developers.
We will reserve some slots in the evening after the main conference
tracks, for birds of a feather (BOF) sessions. These sessions will be
less formal than presentation tracks and targetted for people who would
like to discuss specific issues with other developers and/or users.
If you are interested in getting developers and/or uses together to
discuss a specific problem, please submit a BOF proposal.
In addition to submitted talks we will also have some room for lightning
talks. These are short (5 minute) discussions to highlight new work or
ideas that aren't complete enough to warrant a full presentation slot.
Lightning talk submissions and scheduling will be handled on-site at
oVirt Workshop.
The oVirt Workshop Europe 2012 will be held in Barcelona, Spain at the
Hotel Fira Palace.
Thank you for your interest in oVirt. We're looking forward to your
submissions and seeing you at the oVirt Workshop Europe 2012 in November!
your oVirt Workshop Europe 2012 Program Commitee
Please contact us with any questions or comments.
12 years, 5 months
ANNOUNCE: oVirt 3.1 Release
by Ofer Schreiber
The oVirt Project's second official release, version 3.1, ships with a set of storage, interface and infrastructure enhancements that narrow the gaps between the open source virtualization platform and proprietary alternatives.
oVirt 3.1 adds support for capturing and cloning from live snapshots, for virtual disk and network adapter hot plugging, and for connecting externally-hosted LUNs to oVirt virtual machines. The oVirt 3.1 web administration console also includes new interfaces for managing floating virtual disks and for configuring Gluster storage volumes.
In the 3.1 release, Red Hat Directory Server and IBM Tivoli Directory Server join IPA and Active Directory as supported identity providers, which administrators may pair with initial support for user-based resource quota capabilities.
For more information on oVirt 3.1, including installation instructions, please see the release notes at http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_3.1_release_notes .
The new release is avilable for download at http://www.ovirt.org/get-ovirt/
For the entire oVirt community, thanks for your participation in making this release happen. In particular, thanks to anyone who contributed to the release through testing, submitting patches, and bug reporting.
Ofer Schreiber
oVirt release manager, on behalf of the oVirt team.
12 years, 6 months