[ANN] oVirt 3.6.1 First Release Candidate is now available for testing
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability
of the First Release Candidate of oVirt 3.6.1 for testing, as of November
25th, 2015.
This release is available now for Fedora 22,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, CentOS Linux 6.7 (or similar) and
Red Hat Enterprise Linux >= 7.1, CentOS Linux >= 7.1 (or similar).
This release supports Hypervisor Hosts running
Red Hat Enterprise Linux >= 7.1, CentOS Linux >= 7.1 (or similar) and
Fedora 22.
Highly experimental support for Debian 8.1 Jessie has been added too.
This release of oVirt 3.6.1 includes numerous bug fixes.
See the release notes [1] for an initial list of the new features and bugs
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
A new oVirt Live ISO is also available[2].
Please note that mirrors[3] may need usually one day before being
Please refer to the release notes for known issues in this release.
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.6_Release_Notes
[2] http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.6-pre/iso/
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/Repository_mirrors#Current_mirrors
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
9 years, 2 months
FOSDEM16 Virt & IaaS Devroom CFP Extension, Speaker Mentoring, CoC
by Mikey Ariel
The CFP for the Virtualization & IaaS devroom at FOSDEM 2016 is in full
swing, and we'd like to share a few updates with you:
Speaker Mentoring Program
As a part of the rising efforts to grow our communities and encourage a
diverse and inclusive conference ecosystem, we're happy to announce that
we'll be offering mentoring for newcomer speakers. Our mentors can help
you with tasks such as reviewing your abstract, reviewing your
presentation outline or slides, or practicing your talk with you.
You may apply to the mentoring program as a newcomer speaker if you:
* Never presented before or
* Presented only lightning talks or
* Presented full-length talks at small meetups (<50 ppl)
Submission guidelines:
* Mentored presentations will have 25-minute slots, where 20 minutes
will include the presentation and 5 minutes will be reserved for questions.
* The number of newcomer session slots is limited, so we will probably
not be able to accept all applications.
* You must submit your talk and abstract to apply for the mentoring
program, our mentors are volunteering their time and will happily
provide feedback but won't write your presentation for you! If you are
experiencing problems with Pentabarf, the proposal submission interface,
or have other questions, you can email iaas-virt-devroom at
lists.fosdem.org and we will try to help you.
How to apply:
* Follow the same procedure to submit an abstract in Pentabarf as
standard sessions. Instructions can be found in our original CFP
* In addition to agreeing to video recording and confirming that you can
attend FOSDEM in case your session is accepted, please write "speaker
mentoring program application" in the "Submission notes" field, and list
any prior speaking experience or other relevant information for your
Call for mentors!
Interested in mentoring newcomer speakers? We'd love to have your help!
Please email iaas-virt-devroom at lists.fosdem.org with a short speaker
bio and any specific fields of expertise (for example, KVM, OpenStack,
storage, etc) so that we can match you with a newcomer speaker from a
similar field. Estimated time investment can be as low as a 5-10 hours
in total, usually distributed weekly or bi-weekly.
Never mentored a newcomer speaker but interested to try? Our mentoring
program coordinator will be happy to answer your questions and give you
tips on how to optimize the mentoring process. Email us and we'll be
happy to answer your questions!
CFP Deadline Extension
To help accommodate the newcomer speaker proposals, we have decided to
extend the deadline for submitting proposals by one week.
The new deadline is **TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 @ midnight CET**.
Code of Conduct
Following the release of the updated code of conduct for FOSDEM[1], we'd
like to remind all speakers and attendees that all of the presentations
and discussions in our devroom are held under the guidelines set in the
CoC and we expect attendees, speakers, and volunteers to follow the CoC
at all times.
If you submit a proposal and it is accepted, you will be required to
confirm that you accept the FOSDEM CoC. If you have any questions about
the CoC or wish to have one of the devroom organizers review your
presentation slides or any other content for CoC compliance, please
email iaas-virt-devroom at lists.fosdem.org and we will do our best to
help you out.
[1] https://www.fosdem.org/2016/practical/conduct/
Mikey Ariel
Community Lead, oVirt
"To be is to do" (Socrates)
"To do is to be" (Jean-Paul Sartre)
"Do be do be do" (Frank Sinatra)
Mobile: +420-702-131-141
IRC: mariel / thatdocslady
Twitter: @ThatDocsLady
9 years, 2 months
oVirt Community Newsletter: October 2015
by Mikey Ariel
October was a great month for oVirt, starting out with some great
presentations at LinuxCon & CloudOpen Europe in Dublin, and ending with
the final preparations for version 3.6, which was released at the very
beginning of November.
We’re also happy to announce some CFPs and meetups, check out the
newsletter for details:
Software Releases
oVirt 3.6 Final Release is now available
oVirt 3.5.6 First Release Candidate is now available for testing
oVirt 3.5.5 Final Release is now available
In the Community
Call For Proposals: FOSDEM 2016 Virtualization & IaaS Devroom
London Foreman/oVirt Meetup on November 20th, 2015
moVirt announces participation in the upcoming Outreachy round
oVirt Hosted Engine installer is now available in Brazilian Portuguese
Mikey Ariel presents about DevOps for Docs at CloudOpen Europe
Rosstat migrated from VMWare to oVirt and CentOS [Russian]
Join oVirt for Open Source Networking 2015 in Czech Republic on November
12 [Czech]
oVirt will be a part of the upcoming ORS2015 schedule [Czech]
Deep Dives and Technical Discussions
Video Collection: oVirt 3.6 Features and Deep Dives
Integrating oVirt, Foreman, and Katello to Empower Your Data Center -
CloudOpen Europe
Managing Kubernetes and OpenShift with ManageIQ - CloudOpen Europe
How-to: Resolve oVirt/RHEV Windows 2012 Guest Performance Problems
oVirt Guest Agent for CentOS 7 Atomic Host Demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BetG4lyOVeM (Video)
UDS Enterprise & oVirt VDI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOMYfwvmGI8 (Video)
Symantec Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.2
Virtualization Guide
How-to: Configuring Veritas Cluster Server on guest virtual machines in
Hyper-V, RHEV, and OVM environments
Liberate your Data Center with oVirt [Spanish]
Virtualization infrastructure through oVirt and XenServer 6.5 [Bosnian]
Getting Started with oVirt [Portuguese]
Introduction to oVirt [Italian]
Mikey Ariel
Community Lead, oVirt
"To be is to do" (Socrates)
"To do is to be" (Jean-Paul Sartre)
"Do be do be do" (Frank Sinatra)
Mobile: +420-702-131-141
IRC: mariel / thatdocslady
Twitter: @ThatDocsLady
9 years, 3 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.6 Final Release is now available
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the general availability of
oVirt 3.6 Final Release,
as of November 4th, 2015.
This release is available now for Fedora 22,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, CentOS Linux 6.7 (or similar) and
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, CentOS Linux 7.1 (or similar).
This release supports Hypervisor Hosts running
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, CentOS Linux 7.1 (or similar),
Fedora 21 and Fedora 22.
Highly experimental support for Debian 8.1 Jessie has been added too.
New features include:
Experimental Docker Integration
oVirt Engine setup now provides experimental Cinder and Glance automated
deployment using Docker with images from kollaglue project.
Self Hosted Engine FC Support
Hosted Engine has now added support for FC storage
Self Hosted Engine Gluster Support
Hosted Engine has now added support for Gluster storage
oVirt Live
oVirt Live has been rebased on CentOS 7 allowing to run oVirt in 3.6
compatibility mode
Experimental Debian Support for Hosts
Experimental support for running oVirt Hosts on Debian (or similar) has been
added providing custom packaging of needed dependencies.
Fedora 22 Support
Support for running oVirt on Fedora 22 (or similar) has been added providing
custom packaging of Wildfly 8.2.0.
VirtIO Serial Console
Users can now directly connect, using ssh, to the serial consoles of the VMs.
Affinity Rules Enforcement Manager
This feature is a manager that checks if hard affinity rules are broken and
migrates VMs in order to enforce them.
Cluster parameters override
Cluster parameters override feature allows to configure the 'emulated machine'
and 'cpu model' parameters for each VM separately instead of relying on the
cluster default.
This release of oVirt also includes numerous bug fixes.
See the release notes [1] for a complete list of the new features and bugs
A new repository has been created and will be automatically enabled by
installing / upgrading ovirt-release36 package.
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
New oVirt Node ISO and oVirt Live ISO will be available soon as well[2].
Please note that mirrors[3] may need usually one day before being
Please refer to the release notes for known issues in this release.
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.6_Release_Notes
[2] http://plain.resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.6/iso/
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/Repository_mirrors#Current_mirrors
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
9 years, 3 months