Reminder: CentOS Stream 8 is now EOL
by Sandro Bonazzola
Hi, just a reminder that CentOS Stream 8 reached its end of life at the end
of last month on Friday, May 31, 2024.
As it has been announced by CentOS project[1], all the CentOS Stream 8
repositories are going to be archived at .
Who didn't update yet to CentOS Stream 9 will probably hit several errors
related to this archiving: you'll need to manually adjust the repository
url to point to the new location at
The archiving is going to happen today [2] with the decommissioning of the
nodes used by the CentOS Community Build System used for oVirt builds for
Stream 8 within the CentOS Virtualization SIG.
At this point, the recommendation is to upgrade to CentOS Stream 9 (or
derived) as soon as practical.
For those who are pushing changes to the oVirt project, please note GitHub
actions may start to fail on CentOS Stream 8 (and with that, the builds for
oVirt Node and oVirt Appliance).
It's up to you to decide if you want to change the config there to use a
different el8 distribution for running the tests or just turn off el8 and
rely only on CentOS Stream 9 tests.
Sandro Bonazzola
7 months, 3 weeks