oVirt is Prince of Community Blog This Week
by Brian Proffitt
I just wanted to share the news that oVirt is the hot topic of the week on the Red Hat community blog this week!
Moran Goldboim has an excellent two-part article on Dockerizing oVirt[1][2] that has so far gotten a good deal of social media and web visit traffic.
Jason Brooks of OSAS has written another installment in his excellent Up and Running series, this time focusing on oVirt 3.5! [3]
And I just edited a very detailed article from Martin Sivák on the new Optimizer feature in oVirt 3.5. This has not been posted yet, but it could be up today or tomorrow, depending on the Community blog's schedule. Keep an eye on @oVirt in Twitter for this article's release!
Thank you to Moran, Jason, and Martin for their contributions! If you want to write about oVirt, feel free to send me your contributions, and we will get them posted!
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 5 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.5 GA Releases
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the general availability of its sixth formal release, oVirt 3.5, as of October 17, 2014.
oVirt is an open source alternative to VMware vSphere, and provides an excellent KVM management interface for multi-node virtualization. oVirt is
available now for Fedora 19, Fedora 20, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5, and CentOS 6.5 (or similar) and allow you to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and
CentOS 7 too as node and for running Hosted Engine.
New features include:
Live Merge
If an image has one or more snapshots, oVirt 3.5's merge command will combine the data of one volume into another. Live merges can be performed with
data is pulled from one snapshot into another snapshot. The engine can merge multiple disks at the same time and each merge can independently fail or
succeed in each operation.
Import Storage Domain
This latest release expands oVirt's feature of importing ISOs and exporting storage domains to expand support for importing an existing data storage
domain. Based on information stored in the storage domain, oVirt can revive entities such as disks, virtual machines, and templates in the setup of
any data center to which the storage domain is attached.
Advanced Foreman Integration
oVirt 3.5 adds the capability to provision and add hypervisors to oVirt from bare metal. Foreman is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical
and virtual servers. Through deep integration with configuration management, DHCP, DNS, TFTP, and PXE-based unattended installations, Foreman manages
every stage of the lifecycle of your physical or virtual servers. Integrating Foreman with oVirt helps add hypervisor hosts managed by Foreman to the
oVirt engine.
Enhanced Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Support
A new architecture has been built for oVirt 3.5's authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) system. The enhancements will provide a clear
separation of authentication from authorization and provide a developer API to develop custom extensions for authentication and authorization.
New PatternFly Interface
oVirt 3.5 will have a new look and feel, using PatternFly, the open interface project. The new look and feel aims to maintain the colors and spirit
associated with oVirt, while updating it with a new, modern, sleek, and minimal look. The minimal design allows complex screens to look cleaner and
airier, and lets the user focus on the data and the tasks by removing all extraneous visual elements.
Advanced Scheduling with Optaplanner
The Optaplanner is a new service that takes a snapshot of a cluster (a list of hosts and VMs) and computes an optimized VM-to-Host assignment
solution. Optimization will is done on per Cluster basis. The administrator can use this information as a hint to tweak the cluster to better utilize
This release of oVirt also includes numerous bug fixes. See the release notes [1] for a complete list of the new features and bugs fixed.
A new repository has been created and will be automatically enabled by installing / upgrading ovirt-release35 package.
See release notes page for further instructions about install / upgrade.
A new oVirt Live iso is also available [2] and a new oVirt Node iso will be available soon.
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes
[2] http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.5/iso/ovirt-live-el6-3.5.0.iso
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 5 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.5.0 Fifth Release Candidate is now available for testing
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt team is pleased to announce that the 3.5.0 Fifth Release Candidate is now
available for testing as of Oct 9th 2014.
The release candidate is available now for Fedora 19, Fedora 20 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
(or similar) and allow you to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 as node and run Hosted Engine.
This release of oVirt includes numerous bug fixes.
See the release notes [1] for a list of the new features and bugs fixed.
The existing repository ovirt-3.5-pre has been updated for delivering this
release without the need of enabling any other repository.
If you're already using oVirt 3.5 repository, please update ovirt-release35 rpm.
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
New oVirt Live, oVirt Guest Tools and oVirt Node ISO will be available soon as well[2].
Please note that mirrors may need usually one day before being synchronized.
If you want to be sure to use latest rpms and don't want to wait for the mirrors,
you can edit /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-3.5.repo commenting the mirror line and
removing the comment on baseurl line.
Please refer to the release notes for known issues in this release.
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes
[2] http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.5-pre/iso/
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 5 months
[New Documentation] oVirt User Guide (Please Review!)
by Brian Proffitt
I would like to announce the posting of a new page on the oVirt site: the oVirt User Guide[1].
I know what you're thinking: didn't we just release the oVirt Administration Guide? Why, indeed we did[2]! But this was a shorter document, and so did not take as long to convert.
This guide, adapted to MediaWiki form with the help of Red Hat's Content Services team, should be up to date as of oVirt 3.4. But, it is a living document and, like the Administration Guide, it needs further review! I ask everyone to take start poking at this documentation once oVirt 3.5 is released and people get familiar with the new release, so as to identify procedures that have changed, and new features that must be added.
Please use Bugzilla to assign bugs in these document to me, or, if you have wiki privileges, edit as needed.
Up next: a revised Quick Start Guide to get people launched into oVirt as fast as possible.
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_User_Guide
[2] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 6 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.5.0 Fourth Release Candidate is now available for testing
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt team is pleased to announce that the 3.5.0 Fourth Release Candidate is now
available for testing as of Oct 2nd 2014.
The release candidate is available now for Fedora 19, Fedora 20 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
(or similar) and allow you to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 as node and run Hosted Engine.
This release of oVirt includes numerous bug fixes.
See the release notes [1] for a list of the new features and bugs fixed.
The existing repository ovirt-3.5-pre has been updated for delivering this
release without the need of enabling any other repository.
If you're already using oVirt 3.5 repository, please update ovirt-release35 rpm.
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
New oVirt Live, oVirt Guest Tools and oVirt Node ISO will be available soon as well[2].
Please note that mirrors may need usually one day before being synchronized.
If you want to be sure to use latest rpms and don't want to wait for the mirrors,
you can edit /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-3.5.repo commenting the mirror line and
removing the comment on baseurl line.
Please refer to the release notes for known issues in this release.
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes
[2] http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.5-pre/iso/
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 6 months
oVirt Newsletter: September 2014 Updates
by Brian Proffitt
Events are probably the big news in this month's newsletter, with oVirt community members making presentations and booth appearances in no less than eight shows between now and mid-November.
October 16 will see the biggest event on the oVirt community calendar: the 2014 KVM Forum oVirt Workshop in Düsseldorf, Germany (http://www.ovirt.org/KVM_Forum_Workshop_Oct_2014). Register for this free event now and learn more about your favorite virtual data center management platform as well as meet fellow oVirt community members!
Other upcoming 2014 events for oVirt include:
* LinuxCon EU, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 13-15 (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe)
* CloudOpen Europe, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 13-15 (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/cloudopen-europe)
* KVM Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 14-16 (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum)
* All Things Open, Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 22-23 (http://allthingsopen.org/)
* Open World Forum 2014, Paris, France, Oct. 30-31 (http://www.openworldforum.paris/en/)
* Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (http://www.cposc.org/)
* LISA 14, Seattle, Washington, Nov. 9-14 (https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa14)
And, mark your calendars now for FOSDEM'15 in Brussels, Belgium on Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2015!
In the Community
oVirt is very happy to announce its participation in the GNOME Foundation's Outreach Program for Women (http://www.ovirt.org/Outreach_Program_for_Women). Learn more today!
Our community is always one of our biggest strengths, and we wanted to start celebrating them (http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/09/ovirt-community-list/). Our new Users and Providers page does just that (http://www.ovirt.org/Users_and_Providers)!
This month's case study features Nimbus Concept, a Madrid consultancy that combines oVirt and other open source tools to deliver cloud-based solutions to its customers (http://www.ovirt.org/Nimbus_Concept_Case_Study).
oVirt user IT Novum recently had their work highlighted in the German press as they deliver effective solutions using oVirt (http://www.it-director.de/home/a/open-source-fuer-das-rz.html).
UDS Enterprise is another downstream product based on the open source oVirt project (https://www.udsenterprise.com/media/filer_public/2c/98/2c980716-2810-42a3...)!
oVirt Software Milestones
The journey to oVirt 3.5 continued in September, with RC2 released Sept. 12, and RC3 (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes) on Sept. 23. There were also two great test days (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_TestDay), where many bugs were discovered and repaired.
If you want to see more of 3.5 before its final release, break out the popcorn and watch our 3.5 video preview series (http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/09/a-cinematic-peek-at-ovirt-3-5/)!
Meanwhile, the 3.4 branch keeps rolling along, with the release of oVirt 3.4.4 on Sept. 24 (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.4.4_Release_Notes).
GoVirt, a.k.a. libgovirt, is a GObject wrapper for the oVirt REST API. libgovirt 0.3.1 was rolled out on Sept. 3 (http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2014-September/027142.html)!
Deep Dives and Technical Discussions
Robb Hamilton and Greg Sheremeta take a video tour at NCDevCon of how Bootstrap was used to created the new PatternFly interface, which will unify different community projects' interfaces, including oVirt 3.5 and above (http://textiles.online.ncsu.edu/online/Play/f962e776fb0b41968c8ff1a715a8d...).
Ravi Nori takes a Deep Dive into the Command Coordinator and Command Executor frameworks in the oVirt back end (http://youtu.be/V-mEttpaGL4).
Alon Bar-Lev hosts this Google Hangout to highlight the new Authentication, Authorization and Accounting features in the upcoming oVirt 3.5 (http://youtu.be/aavmOAw7Fa8).
Anmol Babu examines Monitoring Gluster Deployment (UI plugin Integrated with Nagios Monitoring) (http://youtu.be/gvLGwFfqKOo).
Paul Heinlein ran into obstacles getting oVirt 3.3 VNC console sessions to launch in Mac OS X, so he set to work and now has a description of the problem and a workaround solution posted on GitHub (https://github.com/heinlein/ovirt-console).
Interested in Docker? The Gluster community has posted a quick how to containerize oVirt within Docker article (http://blog.gluster.org/2014/07/ovirt-docker/).
If you need to migrate VMware machines to KVM, then life is going to be better for you, according to Richard WM Jones (http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2014/08/29/virt-v2v-better-living-through-new-t...).
Here's an additional V2V tutorial for shifting VMware machines to oVirt and RHEV (http://sp4wnr0ot.blogspot.com.br/2014/09/v2v-rhev-from-vmware-55-with.html).
What does persistence really mean for oVirt Node? Fabian Deutsch examines the question (http://dummdida.tumblr.com/post/97208762630/persistence) and potential solutions (http://dummdida.tumblr.com/post/97207385480/node-is-moving).
Jon Benedict has a theory: VMware ESX and Red Hat's OpenStack implementation, RDO, is way too complicated. Who are we to argue (http://captainkvm.com/2014/09/esx-and-rhel-osp-just-say-no/)?
When you add a new host to your oVirt Engine, your iptables rules are overwritten by oVirt deploy. The new rules might not meet your needs. But you can change this, says Eduardo Ramos (http://freedominterface.org/ovirt-host-iptables/).
Ramos has also examined internal/isolated networks on oVirt (http://freedominterface.org/internal-isolated-networks-on-ovirt/), and his experiences with the Shell in the Box UI plugin for oVirt (http://freedominterface.org/?p=321).
oVirt China has posted a Chinese translation of the oVirt Reports howto (http://ovirt-china.org/mediawiki/index.php/Ovirt_Reports).
Another Chinese article examines the oVirt Hosted Engine and how to get it up and running (http://www.bubuko.com/infodetail-384356.html).
Portuguese speakers, take note: TutoriaisGNULinux.com has posted a lot of helpful articles on oVirt (http://tutoriaisgnulinux.com/?s=ovirt&submit=Pesquisa)!
The ovirt-guest-agent project is formally starting to work on a guest agent for CentOS (http://www.devheads.net/people/59412)!
Working with oVirt Node and Foreman? Here'a a trick to prevent continuous reboots (http://dummdida.tumblr.com/post/97882897670/ovirt-node-and-foreman-reminder).
How to recover a VM from an "unknown" state, from Arman Khalatyan (http://arm2armcos.blogspot.co.il/2014/09/ovirt-343-1-recover-vm-from-unkn...).
Chris Cowley examines Open Source Hyper-converged Infrastructure, using oVirt along the way (http://www.chriscowley.me.uk/blog/2014/09/19/open-source-hyper-converged-...).
Ansible has a new module to handle oVirt and RHEV platform management (http://docs.ansible.com/ovirt_module.html).
How to set up additional subnet IPs on oVirt guests on a Hetzner dedicated server (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26096571/how-to-set-up-additional-subn...).
(With thanks to Itamar Heim!)
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 6 months