Integration tests future (and very nice alternative for the DAO fixture file)
by Roman Mohr
Hi all,
In [1] you can find some patches which are meant to improve the test
writing experience in ovirt-engine.
They provide the following things:
A) Domain Object builders which can be used for creating and/or
persisting domain objects [2]
B) DAO testing without writing fixtures because of the builders
C) Integration testing for commands in conjunction with a real database
Arquillian, injectable commands and the builders [3]
# How to run what?
A) In normal unit tests just create a new instance of a builder and use it.
This should help us to get rid of all the small createDefaultVm(),
createHostWithX() helper methods in our tests.
B) In dao tests just inject them and go ahead. The advantage of not using
the fixture file is that we can now set up clean scenarios for every test
in a setup method. See example 2 below on how easy it is to set up a new
C) Arquillian integration tests need to be marked with
"@Category(IntegrationTest.class)" and can inherit from
TransactionalTestBase. The @Category annotation makes sure that the
integration tests are only run when
mvn clean verify -DskipITs=false
is invoked. Note that these tests are then executed in the integration test
phase of maven. For them we use the maven-failsafe-plugin[5] which will
also make sure that the testing database is up to date. See [4] for more
# Examples
1) Add a running VM to a host, persist everything to the database and load
all VMs which are running on the host:
VDS host = vdsBuilder.cluster(persistedCluster).persist();;
List<VM> vms = vmDao.getAllRunningForVds(host.getId());
2) Add 10 hosts with 1 GB of RAM to a cluster, persist the hosts to the
database in a DAO test:
public class MyHostDaoTest extends BaseDaoTestCase {
private VdsBuilder vdsBuilder;
public void createHosts() {
VdsBuilder builder =
for (int x =0; x < 10; x++){;
3) Full integration test with arquillian and the database
public class VmDaoIntegrationTest extends TransactionalTestBase {
VmDao vmDao;
private final Guid VM1_GUID =
public static JavaArchive deploy(){
return createDeployment();
public void shouldFailOnExistingEntity() {;
// This uses assertThat from assertj:
4) Using the builders in a normal unit test without a database:
VM vm = new VmBuilder().id(Guid.newGuid()).up().build();
# How to add your own Domain objects?
There are just a few simple rules:
1) Your builder should extend org.ovirt.engine.core.builder.AbstractBuilder
2) Make sure that you only access DAOs injected into the builder during
#prePersist() and #persist(). This allows to use the #build() method also
without injections
3) #prePersist() should set all fields which are necessary to suffice
database constraints. The fields should only be set if they are not already
set before by the builder. When following this rule we can always persist
new objects to the database by simply calling myBuilder.reset().persist().
4) Mark your builder with @Repository to make them useable for our Spring
DAO tests and our Arquillian integration tests.
So have a look at the patches at [1] and let me know what you think about
Best Regards and happy testing,
8 years, 8 months projects
by Shlomo Ben David
I have a question about projects on
I'm working on cleaning up the and updating the
replication process to github, I've noticed that the projects below weren't
updated > ~6 months.
Do you know which of the below projects is still relevant for replication
(sync to github)?
Thanks in advanced,
Shlomi Ben-David | Software Engineer | Red Hat ISRAEL
Phone: +972-54-8008858
IRC: sbendavi
OPEN SOURCE - 1 4 011 && 011 4 1
8 years, 8 months
[ACTION REQUESTED] i18n default English text is now stored in properties files
by Scott Dickerson
In order to resolve bug [1] and prep [2], the default English text for I18N
Constants and Messages have been moved to their corresponding properties
files. Going forward, if a new constant or message needs to be added,
please add the key method to the proper interface and then add the key plus
English text to the interface's corresponding properties file. Checks will
be added, in the next few days, to fail the build process if the GWT
annotations (@DefaultStringValue, @DefaultMessage) are used.
This change has been made to simplify the translation process [1] and to
prepare for the replacement of the GWT i18n engine in 4.1 [2].
For example, in the webadmin project, the ApplicationConstants [3]
interface previously looked like:
package org.ovirt.engine.ui.webadmin;
import org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.CommonApplicationConstants;
public interface ApplicationConstants extends CommonApplicationConstants
@DefaultStringValue("oVirt Engine Web Administration")
String applicationTitle();
String aboutPopupCaption();
@DefaultStringValue("oVirt Engine Version:")
String ovirtVersionAbout();
Now, the interface looks like this [4]:
package org.ovirt.engine.ui.webadmin;
import org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.CommonApplicationConstants;
public interface ApplicationConstants extends CommonApplicationConstants
String applicationTitle();
String aboutPopupCaption();
String ovirtVersionAbout();
With a new properties file created, [5],
with this kind of content :
# Bundle name: org.ovirt.engine.ui.webadmin.ApplicationConstants
#Thu May 19 01:24:21 EDT 2016
applicationTitle=oVirt Engine Web Administration
ovirtVersionAbout=oVirt Engine Version\:
Let me know if there are any questions.
Scott Dickerson
Senior Software Engineer
RHEV-M Engineering - UX Team
Red Hat, Inc
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
8 years, 9 months
Interacting with VDSM storage without oVirt Engine
by Hayley Swimelar
Hello all,
Like the title says, I need to work with VDSM's storage layer without
involving the engine.
Presently, I'm testing this with NFS domains and have been able to use
vdsClient to create, attach, and activate a new storage domain, but I
have not been able to create a new image or volume.
Here are the commands I ran to get to this step, starting with a nfs
volume already mounted on the machine I ran the commands on.
vdsClient -s host_name createStorageDomain 1
97338d5c-9b6f-1859-b827-e977ed082e53 cli_domain storage_server:/data
vdsClient -s host_name attachStorageDomain
97338d5c-9b6f-1859-b827-e977ed082e53 00000001-0001-0001-0001-00000000033c
vdsClient -s host_name activateStorageDomain
97338d5c-9b6f-1859-b827-e977ed082e53 00000001-0001-0001-0001-00000000033c
vdsClient -s frodo createVolume 97338d5c-9b6f-1859-b827-e977ed082e53
0288f410-71f1-4b7d-bdb7-e815a93e34ef 53690000000 5 1 2
96d7726c-6969-40a5-84bd-0925496b6051 cli_volume
The last command outputs a new UUID, but there is nothing under
If I pass createVolume an existing image/storage domain UUID, the
command still outputs a new UUID, but nothing changes under the images
Is there a step that I am missing somewhere in this process?
Hayley Swimelar
LINBIT | Keeping the Digital World Running
DRBD — Corosync — Pacemaker
+1-503-573-1262 x212
8 years, 9 months
Empty Dropdown Menus in Webadmin
by Phillip Bailey
Is anyone else experiencing empty dropdown menus in webadmin? I started
having the problem after rebasing Friday afternoon. I rebased again this
morning, but am still experiencing the same problem. I'm trying to
determine whether this is something isolated to my environment, or a more
widespread issue.
I appreciate any advice any of you may be able to offer.
-Phillip Bailey
8 years, 9 months
[VDSM] stuck tests in ci
by Nir Soffer
Hi all,
I found another stuck build today:
11:27:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:27:18 TOTAL
40513 21121
11:27:18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11:27:18 Ran 2169 tests in 145.934s
11:27:18 OK (SKIP=88)
11:27:18 Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute
'write'" in <bound method IOProcess.__del__ of <ioprocess.IOProcess
object at 0x7fd7c9f2d3d0>> ignored
11:27:18 Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute
'write'" in <bound method IOProcess.__del__ of <ioprocess.IOProcess
object at 0x7fd7c9f15550>> ignored
11:27:18 Exception in thread ioprocess communication (6533) (most
likely raised during interpreter shutdown):
11:27:18 Traceback (most recent call last):
11:27:18 File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 804, in
11:27:18 File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 757, in run
11:27:18 File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ioprocess/", line 180, in
11:27:18 <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no
attribute 'close'
This seems smells like a non-daemon thread started by some code,
blocking hte test process.
I suspect ioprocess, starting such thread, looking into it.
Meanwhile, please:
- verify that all threads in actual code and in the tests are daemon threads
- convert your threads to use vdsm.concurrent.thread instead of
threading.Thread (daemon by default)
- watch your builds and abort stuck builds
David, we need a timeout in the ci, aborting the job after a project
based timeout, maybe
defined in the project yaml.
8 years, 9 months
[vdsm] Master build fails on f23
by Piotr Kliczewski
vdsm build fails with:
17:18:54 Compiling './vdsm/'...
17:18:54 Makefile:984: recipe for target 'python3' failed
17:18:54 make: *** [python3] Error 1
17:18:54 Took 33 seconds
8 years, 9 months
oVirt Reports Portal localization
by Juliette Tux
Hello gentlemen,
Russian localizators here :)
Which files should we look into to be able to translate the Reports Portal
interface/messages for oVirt ver 3.x ?
Did not find anything relevant on Zanata in case you would like to redirect
me over there :)
С уважением, Дронова Юлия
8 years, 9 months
dao tests status in CI
by Eyal Edri
All ovirt-engine dao tests (3.6,4.0,master) were moved to new jenkins and
the ones in the old one were disabled.
The jobs are still running in "old" mode and not yamelized.
Works is being done now to convert them to run in standard CI mode, under
mock which should add much more stability to flexibility to them for any
developer who would want to change/extend them.
Eyal Edri
Associate Manager
EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Red Hat Israel
phone: +972-9-7692018
irc: eedri (on #tlv #rhev-dev #rhev-integ)
8 years, 9 months