[Engine-devel] ovirt-sdk-python released
by Michael Pasternak
- added new collection ClusterGlusterVolumeBrickStatistics
- added NetUp 'cloned disk' importing capabilities
- to ClusterGlusterVolumeBricks.list() added new argument "all_content"
- to ClusterGlusterVolumeBricks.get() added new argument "all_content"
- to host install method added new parameter "image"
- to host add method added new parameter "display.address"
- to vm add method added new parameter "vm.cpu.mode"
- to vm add method added new overload for creating vm from snapshot
- to cluster added tunnel_migration
- to display added keyboard_layout
- to display added smartcard_enabled
- to DataCenter added Clusters sub-collection
- to StorageDomain added Disks sub-collection
- to Disks.list() added 'unregistered' argument
- to Host added display.address
- to Snapshot added commit/preview/undo actions
- to vms.add() added overload for creating vm from snapshot
- to hosts.add() added [@param host.display.address: string]
- to vm.ticket() added [@param action.ticket.value: string]
- return error if amount of fetched objects in X.get() is > 1 #890327
- session based authentication for /localhost is broken #916285
- explicitly ask for reply in xml
- Add constructor parameter validate_cert_chain=True #915225
- defend against malformed server reply
For more details see [1].
[1] http://wiki.ovirt.org/Python-sdk-changelog
Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
11 years, 1 month
[Engine-devel] ovirt-cli released
by Michael Pasternak
- at vm.start() --vm-os-boot doesn't send the order of devices #921464
- rephrase status command help
- add option to retrieve system summary #854369
- accept IP address as FQ argument rather than string #886067
- fix broken pipe
- Bad error message when trying to create a new Role #908284
- add flag --dont-validate-cert-chain #915231
- collection-based-options could be passed in 2 ways #859684
- make NO_SUCH_ACTION error a bit more clear
- ovirt-cli DistributionNotFound exception on f18 #881011
- ovirt-shell misleading help for command "connect" #907943
- show event -id accept strings instead of numeric values #886786
- Use vncviewer passwordFile instead of passwdInput
More details can be found at [1].
[1] http://wiki.ovirt.org/Cli-changelog
Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
11 years, 3 months
[Engine-devel] SSH Soft Fencing
by Martin Perina
SSH Soft Fencing is a new feature for 3.3 and it tries to restart VDSM
using SSH connection on non responsive hosts prior to real fencing.
More info can be found at
In current SSH Soft Fencing implementation the restart VDSM using SSH
command is part of standard fencing implementation in
VdsNotRespondingTreatmentCommand. But this command is executed only
if a host has a valid PM configuration. If host doesn't have a valid
PM configuration, the execution of the command is disabled and host
state is change to Non Responsive.
So my question are:
1) Should SSH Soft Fencing be executed on hosts without valid PM
2) Should VDSM restart using SSH command be reimplemented
as standalone command to be usable also in other parts of engine?
If 1) is true, I think it will have to be done anyway.
Martin Perina
11 years, 7 months
[Engine-devel] VNIC profiles
by Livnat Peer
We are working on adding VNIC profiles as part of the work to add VNIC QoS.
We need to define some of the system behavior followed by this change,
here is my take -
Editing a profile -
A user should be able to edit the profile properties (including profile
name) while VMs are attached and are using this Profile (reference
should be done by id).
Changing the network though is a bit more tricky as long as we don't
have a way to distinguish between running and current configurations I
think it could be very confusing to the user. Especially since we
support dynamic wiring so the behavior IMO is unpredictable.
I think it should be blocked at this point.
Edit a VNIC / change a VNIC profile -
Changing the profile a VM is using while the VM is running should behave
like dynamic wiring (changing the VM network while it is running).
Remove a Profile -
Is only valid if all VMs that are using this profile are in status down.
It should update all VMs to point to no profile which should behave like
none network today.
I see no reason to support a profile on a none network at this point.
The above is also relevant for upgrade flow (upgrading none network to
point to no profile)
Removing a Network -
should remove all profiles on that network
VM snapshot/import/export -
We should handle VMs that are pointing to a network directly for b/w
we need to select first profile that is on that network that the user
has permissions on.
I assume there are more, comments are welcome
Thanks, Livnat
11 years, 7 months
[Engine-devel] Sorting in tabs
by Lior Vernia
Hello everyone (UI peeps in particular),
I've pushed (not yet merged) a patch that would enable us to keep items
in tabs (main/sub) sorted at all times by setting a comparator in
If a comparator isn't set, then everything should behave as before. If a
comparator is set, then from that moment on the tab items will be kept
in a SortedSet, so that even if an item is added in a way that doesn't
trigger an event (e.g. getItems().add()) the items will be kept sorted
according to the given comparator. If the comparator is set to null,
from that moment on the tab should revert to its old behaviour.
You're most welcome to have a look and let me know if this might break
something (remember though that it's not obligatory to set a comparator,
so only possible breakage should be in generic flows).
Feel free to use it once it's merged; along with SortedListModel, this
should make sorting less painful. Just keep in mind that once you set a
comparator, you can't cast getItems() to a List. This shouldn't be a
problem in general, as mostly it's as useful (and probably more correct)
to cast to a Collection.
11 years, 7 months
[Engine-devel] Guid improvements
by Allon Mureinik
Hi all,
I just merged a couple of improvements to the [N]Guid class [1] to improve it's performance both CPU-wise and memory-wise, based on a set of benchmarks presented by Liran.
What this patchset achieves:
1. Clean up the code, so it's easier to understand and use
2. Eliminate the inflation in the memory foot print caused by the getValue() method
3. Eliminate all the heavy calls to UUID.fromString when creating a new/empty Guid instance as a default value
4. Note that the cleanups proposed in (1) will have minor performance benefits (e.g., eliminating useless conditional statements), but I doubt this would be anything to write home about.
>From a developer's perspective, here's what changed:
1. No more NGuid, just Guid. Both static methods to create a Guid from String still exist, and are named createGuidFromString and createGuidFromStringDefaultEmpty.
2. [N]Guid.getValue() was removed, it's no longer needed after (1) was implemented
3. The Guid() constructor was made private, as it forced a redundant call to UUID.fromString(String). If you need an empty Guid instance, just use Guid.Empty
4. The Guid.EMPTY_GUID_VALUE string constant was removed, as it was used for redundant calls to UUID.fromString. If you really, REALLY, need it, just call Guid.Empty.getValue() for a UUID or Guid.Empty.toString() for a String.
5. All sorts of ways to transform Strings to Guids were removed. If you have a literal you trust, just use new Guid(String). If you suspect it may be null, use Guid.createGuidFromString[DefaultEmpty]
6. NewGuid is now called newGuid. We're in Java, not C# :-)
Many thanks to everyone who reviewed this patchset.
You guys rock!
[1] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/q/project:ovirt-engine+branch:master+topic:guid...
11 years, 7 months
[Engine-devel] development installation issues
by Michael Pasternak
does anyone faced this with new 'development installation'?
[mpastern@lpt21-f ovirt-engine]$ /home/mpastern/Coding/ovirt/ovirt-engine/bin/engine-setup-2
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Booting': 5
[ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
Setup was run under unprivileged user this will produce development installation do you wish to proceed? (Yes, No) [No]: Yes
[WARNING] engine-setup-2 is a technical preview, and yet to include all functionality that exists in legacy engine-setup. Specifically, engine-setup-2 does not support
upgrade from previous installations.
[mpastern@lpt21-f ovirt-engine]$
Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
11 years, 7 months