[ACTION REQUIRED] ovirt-node-plugin-hosted-engine broken on 3.6
by Sandro Bonazzola
*00:07:19.979* ======================================================================*00:07:19.979*
ERROR: Failure: ImportError (No module named
Traceback (most recent call last):*00:07:19.979* File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/loader.py", line 413, in
loadTestsFromName*00:07:19.979* addr.filename,
addr.module)*00:07:19.979* File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/importer.py", line 47, in
importFromPath*00:07:19.979* return self.importFromDir(dir_path,
fqname)*00:07:19.980* File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/importer.py", line 94, in
importFromDir*00:07:19.980* mod = load_module(part_fqname, fh,
filename, desc)*00:07:19.980* File
line 21, in <module>*00:07:19.980* from ovirt.node.utils.expose
import Feature, Owner*00:07:19.980* ImportError: No module named
See http://jenkins.ovirt.org/view/00%20Unstable%20Jobs%20(Production)/job/ovi...
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
8 years, 6 months
Sonarqube reports for ovirt-engine
by Roman Mohr
HI all,
I have asked sonarqube if they would add ovirt-engine to their hosted sonar
instance https://nemo.sonarqube.org/. They would be happy to do that. It is
free and for open source projects only.
For those which are not familiar with sonarqube, it is a code quality
testing tool which gives a lot of architectural insights into applications
(coverity like features, code coverage, coupling, bunch of other OOP code
metrics, trends, ...).
To integrate with nemo I would add a travis.yml file which would do the
build and analysis of ovirt-engine on travis and upload it to nemo. There
are no risks four our CI if travis or nemo have issues.
Best Regards,
8 years, 6 months
[oVirt 4.0 Localization Question #3] "NUMA node pinned index error."
by Yuko Katabami
Hi oVirt developers,
Here is our question #3.
Thank you!
File: AppErrors
String: NUMA node pinned index error.
Question: We cannot understand this message clearly as there are several
different ways to interpret it.
Could anyone please paraphrase this string?
Does it mean, something like "An error ocurred with index of a pinned NUMA
8 years, 6 months
oVirt 3.6.6 RC2 build starting
by Lev Veyde
Fyi oVirt products maintainers,
An oVirt build for an official release is going to start right now.
If you're a maintainer for any of the projects included in oVirt distribution and you have changes in your package ready to be released please:
- bump version and release to be GA ready
- tag your release within git (implies a GitHub Release to be automatically created)
- build your packages within jenkins / koji / copr / whatever
- verify all bugs on MODIFIED have target release and target milestone set.
Thanks in advance,
Lev Veyde.
8 years, 6 months
by Yuko Katabami
Hello all,
Here is our second question:
*Resource ID*:
*String*: Network attachment of Network ${networkName}, Interface
${interfaceName} is missing ip configuration details.
There is a gramattical error in this message.
Should it changed to either of following?
1) For the network attachment of network ${networkName}, interface
${interfaceName} is missing IP configuration details.
2) Network attachment of network ${networkName} and interface
${interfaceName} are missing ip configuration details.
Thanks in advance!
8 years, 6 months
[oVirt 4.0 Localization Question #1] "Storage Domain's number of LVs exceeded threshold"
by Yuko Katabami
Hi oVirt developers,
We have started translating oVirt 4.0 UI strings from this week.
The following is our first question. It would be great if you could provide
us the answer.
*File: *LocalizedEnums
*String: *Storage Domain's number of LVs exceeded threshold
*Question:* Could you please tell us where this string is shown on UI? I
would like to check whether this string is used as a message to report taht
it exceeded the threshold or it is a label where the number is shown.
Kind regards,
8 years, 6 months
oVirt 3.6.6 RC2 merge / tag / bugzilla reminder
by Rafael Martins
All stable branch maintainers, please make sure to merge all relevant open bugs until Wednesday morning 11:00 AM TLV time.
Every package build (i.e oVirt product) - please make sure every bug in MODIFIED has the right Target Release and Target Milestone.
A Target release should state the version of the package you're building and should include the same version you used for the tag you just used for this build. (e.g. for ovirt-engine, tag: ovirt-engine-3.6.6, tr: 3.6.6)
Rafael Martins
8 years, 6 months