Help installing oVirt on single machine, without cockpit
I'm trying to have a single machine, run both the engine (so I get the API), and hypervisor itself to run VM's on. My goal is to write some custom scripts that use the API, so I'm hoping cockpit isn't needed. I've tried two different routes, but both got blocked eventually. Maybe someone has an idea on how to continue?
# Using CentOS 9 stream:
Tried following the directions [here](, but in 3.2 where you add the modules, they couldn't be found. I tried skipping it, but in 3.3.2 where you run `dnf install ovirt-engine`, it says ovirt-engine doesn't exist. The closest thing I see is `ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-2.5.4-1.el9.noarch`, is that what I want maybe?
# Using oVirt node iso, and installing an engine to that:
I added the networking to the install, but it didn't save to the machine itself, and I wasn't sure on how to add it. I tried hooking a direct cable, but still unable to ping, or anything.
My goal is for a minimal installation, only running the API and hypervisor, so I'm definitely open to other routes too. Is this something that's possible to do?