Hi Martin,
(adding Greg and Alex in case they have any thoughts)
if you build your UI plugin in a way that requires CSS styles,
JS libraries etc. at runtime (dynamic linking), you can utilize
oVirt branding servlet [a] to serve branding-related resources.
[a] org.ovirt.engine.core.branding.BrandingServlet
By default, oVirt Engine ships with single branding package:
$ ls /etc/ovirt-engine/branding/
That `00-ovirt.brand` directory symlinks to:
containing all branding-related resources.
To fetch them, use the following URL:
where <path_to_file> is relative to `ovirt.brand` directory.
In your UI plugin, you can use the newly introduced API to
construct this URL more easily [b]:
var url = api.engineBaseUrl() + 'webadmin/theme/' + pathToFile
WebAdmin UI itself loads following CSS styles (in this order):
- web_admin.css
- common.css
- gwt_common.css
- patternfly/css/styles.min.css
- patternfly-ovirt.css
- ovirt-patternfly-compat.css
- ovirt.css
For starters, you can load PatternFly-specific CSS only.
As for JS libraries, these are typically provided through
PatternFly RPM, to which `patternfly` directory symlinks.
For starters, you can use stuff under `patternfly/js` and
`patternfly/components` (these are PF's own dependencies).
oVirt ships its own version of jQuery (v1.11) + Bootstrap
(v3.3.6) -- please don't use them!! If you're wondering
why we use custom jQuery and Bootstrap, see here:
(@Greg, any plans for upgrading to PF-provided jQuery?)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Sivak" <msivak(a)redhat.com>
To: "engine-devel(a)ovirt.org" <devel(a)ovirt.org>
Cc: "Moran Goldboim" <mgoldboi(a)redhat.com>, "Vojtech Szocs"
<vszocs(a)redhat.com>, "Oved Ourfali" <oourfali(a)redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 5:30:49 PM
Subject: UI plugins - access to engine styles and libraries
Hi everybody,
there is one piece I always missed when developing my optimizer plugin
and that is the access to the engine css styles.
I feel it might be pretty easy and good for both bandwidth and
branding to expose them using some "well known" url from the engine.
All plugins would be then able to (re-)use the same styling
information and basic javascript libraries (jQuery, angular, whatever
you decide the core engine will use).
So far, each UI plugin has to link to its own version of libraries and
define (and maintain) custom color theme.
Do you think this would be doable for 4.0?
Best regards
Martin Sivak
SLA / oVirt