recently I looked at how many (indirect) dependencies vdsm is pulling in.
I did the comparisong using the Node Next squashfs image.
What Node Next is doing, it uses the CentOS 7 @core group, and
installs vdsm on-top of this.
The conclusion is:
without-vdsm with-vdsm Ratio
Size of squashfs [MB] 292072 450384 1.542
Package count 297 604 2.034
Disk usage [MB] 839596 1382576 1.647
(Without vdsm: @core group + lvm + efi bits)
So we see that vdsm doubles the amount of packages, and increases the
disk-space requirements by 64%.
Two take aways: CentOS @core could be smaller, and we can take another
look at vdsm's direct and indirect dependencies.
- fabian