I'm attempting to install hosted engine 4.3 on Oracle Linux 7.9, but I've heard
that 4.3 is no longer supported and that I won't be able to do so.
When I deploy any problem SSL certificate, it fails to pass the Deployment.I need to
install fresh installation on OLE 8.2 and 4.4 olvm, however I can't find an
installation guide or runbook. Is there anyone who can give me with installation
instructions? I've attached my installation run book. According to what I've
posted, I require a 4.4 installation manual.
yum install yum-utils
yum-config-manager --enable ol7_latest
yum install oracle-ovirt-release-el7
yum clean all
yum-config-manager --enable repository
yum-config-manager --disable ovirt-4.2
yum-config-manager --disable ovirt-4.2-extra
yum install ovirt-hosted-engine-setup -y
yum install ovirt-engine-appliance -y
Thank you