On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 7:49 PM Vojtech Juranek <vjuranek(a)redhat.com> wrote:
I'd like to add imageio configuration into engine. Previously, it was done by
dedicated setup code in imageio-proxy [1], but in new imageio we remove the
proxy package and to configure imageio for engine we need just to place
firewalld and imageio config files into proper place.
Initial idea was to do it directly in engine spec file, but it seems to me
that configuration of the engine is done by dedicated packages and custom
code. Ansible roles in packaging/ansible-runner-service-project seem to be
only for host configuration.
What is a proper way how to configure imageio?
More correctly, how to configure engine for using imageio daemon.
In the past we supported these options:
- configuration without imageio proxy. This does not make sense since
without the proxy you cannot
upload images from the UI. We don't want to support such
configuration. The imageio proxy must always
be available, and there is nothing which is user configurable (in the
context of engine setup).
- proxy address. This configuration is not needed since the only
supported configuration is proxy
installed on the engine host, and engine already knows it's address.
- certificates - in the past we created certificates and key for the
proxy. This has been a constant source
of trouble. Recently Didi switched to using apache pki files. There
is no need to support other
configurations. If users want to change the certificates, they can
edit the imageio daemon
configuration file.
imageio provides a sample configuration file, and leaves the actual
configuration to the user of the
package. We have 2 users - vdsm and engine.
Vdsm handles imageio configuration by installing the static
configuration files in the spec. I don't
see why engine cannot use the same simple solution. However if engine
needs special configuration
code (e.g. engine setup plugin), it must be part of engine repo and
maintained by engine maintainers.
The configuration for using imageio in engine:
- tls - paths to apache certificates
- remote port - always 54323
- control port - accessible only locally, TBD
The remote port must be open in the engine host firewall, and requires
another static file for firewalld rule.
Vojta, can you share a working configuration file and firewalld rule,
or post a patch adding them to