Thanks Vojtech.
Since the plugins are embedded into the WebAdmin HTML page, that seems to simplify things;
no external web service is needed. This approach ties into the issue over the freedom to
decide which technology to use when developing a plugin. While I agree that jQuery is
best for simple dialogs, a wizard-driven workflow is easier to develop in GWT.
For example, if I want to step a user through the process of creating a new storage domain
I would like to provide a workflow to select a storage array, provide credentials, and
configure the details of the NFS export. This workflow could presumably have a GWT-RPC
mechanism that relies on some additional libraries on the backend (libraries that allow me
to communicate with the storage array). Using the GWT-Exporter, I could export the
classes that would display the workflow which would then get launched as my extension is
selected. You said that I would have my oVirt UI plugin depend on my compiled 'plugin
support application'. My compiled plugin support application would normally be a war
file containing my compiled GWT code and a web-inf folder containing my libraries. Is the
plugin depending on the war file? Is that what I specify?
-----Original Message-----
From: Vojtech Szocs []
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 1:12 PM
To: Costea, George; engine-devel(a)
Cc: Schoenbrun, Dustin; Hopper, Ricky; Itamar Heim
Subject: Re: oVirt UI Plugins feature: Ready for review
Hi George,
thanks for your feedback. Please find my answers below.
1) Are the plugins hosted by the same jboss server that hosts the
engine? It would appear the answer is yes and that no separate container is required for
the plugins.
In short, yes.
Plugins, along with their configuration and 3rd party dependencies, are meant to be
embedded into final WebAdmin HTML page, see
[] step #5.
JBoss AS instance serves WebAdmin HTML page (WebadminDynamicHostingServlet), along with
providing GWT RPC and REST endpoints that delegate to Engine business logic through EJB
BackendLocal interface.
However, plugins are not 'hosted' in a typical sense -
WebadminDynamicHostingServlet reads and embeds all plugin data directly into final
WebAdmin HTML page.
2) Does each plugin map to a unique extension within WebAdmin? Your
example shows that I can extend the VM table to have a "Show VM name and edit
VM" context-sensitive extension. This is named pluginApi.plugins.myPlugin. Can I
safely assume that this is per extension? I would have pluginApi.plugins.myPlugin2 for
extending a storage domain?
Extension points are represented by application events, triggered by WebAdmin and consumed
by plugins. For example, 'tableContextMenu' event gets triggered when a table
context menu is about to be shown to the user, which gives plugins the ability to do
something custom with the context menu before it's shown.
There can be multiple plugins handling the same event (extension point). You can have two
plugins, say 'pluginApi.plugins.One' and 'pluginApi.plugins.Two', each
providing 'tableContextMenu' function for handling the above mentioned event.
WebAdmin will invoke all plugins for the given event.
To answer your question, in order to handle X events (extension points), you don't
need to write X plugins. You can write one plugin that handles X events.
3) Instead of launching a jQuery dialog, can I point to a compiled
GWT html file to display a dialog that fits my needs?
You can do anything you want in your plugin event handler function. Show a jQuery UI
dialog, make oVirt REST API request, call arbitrary remote server using cross-domain
technique like JSONP [1] or CORS [2], etc. Plugin authors are free to decide if they want
to rely on 3rd party JavaScript libraries, or if they want to write entire plugin code by
In my opinion, tools like jQuery are far more elegant for handling simple things such as
UI dialogs. But if you really want to use GWT for this purpose, I suggest following
a, develop a 'plugin support application' in GWT, which implements the necessary
dialog functionality b, export its main (e.g. dialog handling) classes for use in native
JavaScript through gwt-exporter [3] c, have your oVirt UI plugin depend on your compiled
'plugin support application' (this will cause your 'plugin support
application' to be called during WebAdmin startup) d, in your oVirt UI plugin, invoke
'plugin support application' functionality through exported classes (plugin ->
GWT delegate pattern)
4) Is session info passed into the plugin so that I can invoke APIs
into the engine? To power on a VM for instance? Or to mount a new NFS storage domain?
Yes, this should be part of
[] "Plugin utility
functions" (global API).
Your plugin might access user session information in the following way:
pluginApi.util().userInfo().* (replace * with id(), name(), domain(), etc.)
As you pointed out, this could be used to authenticate oVirt REST API requests made from
your plugin code.
BTW, the link to the original design notes on the wiki doesn't
This is strange, [] has its visibility set to
"Public (Allow Internet guests)" ... Does anybody know why this doesn't
----- Original Message -----
From: "George Costea" <George.Costea(a)>
To: "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs(a)>, engine-devel(a)
Cc: "Dustin Schoenbrun" <Dustin.Schoenbrun(a)>, "Ricky
Hopper" <Ricky.Hopper(a)>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 3:09:43 PM
Subject: RE: oVirt UI Plugins feature: Ready for review
Hi Vojtech,
I have a few questions on this feature.
1) Are the plugins hosted by the same jboss server that hosts the engine? It would appear
the answer is yes and that no separate container is required for the plugins.
2) Does each plugin map to a unique extension within WebAdmin? Your example shows that I
can extend the VM table to have a "Show VM name and edit VM" context-sensitive
extension. This is named pluginApi.plugins.myPlugin. Can I safely assume that this is
per extension? I would have pluginApi.plugins.myPlugin2 for extending a storage domain?
3) Instead of launching a jQuery dialog, can I point to a compiled GWT html file to
display a dialog that fits my needs?
4) Is session info passed into the plugin so that I can invoke APIs into the engine? To
power on a VM for instance? Or to mount a new NFS storage domain?
BTW, the link to the original design notes on the wiki doesn't work.
-----Original Message-----
From: Vojtech Szocs []
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 11:03 AM
To: engine-devel(a)
Cc: Schoenbrun, Dustin; Costea, George; Hopper, Ricky
Subject: oVirt UI Plugins feature: Ready for review
Hi guys,
I wrote a wiki page describing UI Plugins, a feature planned for oVirt web administration
(WebAdmin) application:
Feature design is finished and ready for review. Please feel free to add comments, ask
questions or reach me directly on #ovirt channel.