On 10/11/14 11:19 -0500, Ondřej Svoboda wrote:
Hi Adam,
there are some known issues, which depend on versions of software you are running.
If you are using EL7 (or Fedoras?) you may want to switch SELinux to permissive mode and
turn off NetworkManager (both are separate problems with bugs open for them [1, 2]). Then
give it another go. I think this could be your case. Please begin with NM, which is my
Using Fedora 20 and I think this was the culprit. On my newly
installed machines I am yet to reproduce the problem with NM disabled.
Have we considered making the vdsm package conflict with
NetworkManager? Or is this just a temporary situation?
If you are on EL6 you might be experiencing the traffic control (tc)
utility or even the kernel not supporting certain commands. I came to looking at this
problem finally so I might be able to sort it out (or ask Toni for help).
In the mean time, could you let us know what version of VDSM, selinux-policy and
NetworkManager you are running? Could you attach /var/log/vdsm/supervdsm.log and
/var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log? Does someting (NetworkManager!) in the journal seem fishy?
No repro but here are the package versions:
Adam Litke