On 01/04/2016 11:01 PM, Alexander Wels wrote:
While I was the network traffic in my browser for an issue I was working on. I
noticed the response sizes being unusually large. When I compared it against a
similar sized 3.6 installation the response was huge. Checking the headers it
appears that the response no longer is gzipped before being send to the user.
Does anyone know of any changes to that recently? I am unsure of what exactly
gzipped the responses to begin with. I was assuming either a filter or some
jboss setting.
If anyone could shed some light on this it would be appreciated.
The gzip configuration is in two places:
1. In the configuration of the web server subsystem of the application
server. When using JBoss EAP the web subsystem is Tomcat, and gzip is
implemented using a valve, configured here:
When using WildFly the web subsystem is Undertow, and gzip is
implemented using a filter, configured here:
These two places only make sense when using the HTTP connectors, as the
AJP connector doesn't support compression. This is what is used in
development environments.
2. In the configuration of the Apache web server, using an output filter
configured here:
The setup application puts the contents of this template inside
This is what is used in production environments, where Apache is used as
the web frontend.
I'm not aware of any recent change to these configurations.
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