Hi all,
I tested gluster related features:
Nagios Integration ->
I installed Nagios dependencies on f20 which went smoothly but when I
did the same for rhel6 I noticed that I had to install manually
additional rpm which was not covered by howto.
During discovery of the Nagios server I got following issue:
[root@rhel gluster]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/gluster/discovery.py -c
Default -H
Failed to execute NRPE command 'discover_volume_list' in host
Error : Make sure NPRE server in host '' is configured to
accept requests from Nagios server
so I followed
Nagios server reported status of the cluster. When I had configured
first nagios server I saw:
"OK : None of the Volumes in the cluster are in Critical State "
but for the second there was:
I followed howto and installed oVirt UI plugin but after restart I was
not able to see monitoring details tab so I opened:
Volume performance stats ->
I reused already existing setup. I enabled stats and added a volume.
When checking stats details I saw "could not fetch stats".
I wanted to generate some stats so I mount volume previously created using:
mount -t nfs /media/volume
I had to redo it several times do to:
mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported
After several attempts I lost connectivity to the machine. After host
recovered I tried to run:
mount -o mountproto=tcp -t nfs /media/volume
but the result was the same.
I opened:
I checked whether gluster still works with jsonrpc. I removed the host
that I installed before and added new one using jsonrpc protocol.
After the installation I noticed that host was moved to Non-Operation
state. In the logs I found:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id":
"error": {"message": "The method does not exist / is not
"code": -32601}}
I checked what was the reason and there was no apiwrapper.py module so I opened: