On 09/09/2015 05:40 AM, Martin Mucha wrote:
I want to get rid of work style: wait 10 minutes for compilation to finish, read about
unused import, fix it and start over.
I'm not that familiar with maven / our setup. Is there a correct way how to do that?
The way I use is to add an option to `make` to disable checkstyle[1], ie:
make install-dev (options) DEV_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS="-Dcheckstyle.skip=1"
I have a little shell script conditionally do this to save myself some typing.
So far what I do is using altered pom.xml so there's new profile
disabling maven-check-style if enabled, and I had to force git to ignore pom.xml changes.
This does not seem right.
Also is there a way how to continue with build from point where it failed, or do I truly
need to restart from scratch?
I think there is, but you might need to invoke maven directly. I've never
bothered--as long as I don't clean between build attempts, it seems to
catch up to where it was quickly enough. If there's one bit of code
you're iterating over, you can always cd to where that source is and 'mvn
compile' it until you're ready for a full build.
Hope that helps,
thanks for advices,
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