due to multiple errors lately with the jenkins jobs that runs per patch on gerrit patches
for engine,
infra team has disabled the job for now and enabled a basic compilation job instead. [1]
this is caused by a slow jenkins slave that doesn't have the capacity to handle the
load of patches.
we're working hard on adding new and powerful jenkins slaves soon and hopefully by
next week we can start using them.
for now, if you have a patch that has -1 from the 'gerrit findbugs' job you can:
1. contact gerrit admin (dcaro) to remove the jenkins user from that patch
2. if you'll send a new patchset, it will be removed automaticly.
3. contact infra(a) if need help/info
sorry for the noise, hopefully we'll be able to enable it back soon with newer infra.
oVirt infra team.