[Engine-devel] Storage Device Management in VDSM and oVirt
by Shireesh Anjal
Hi all,
As part of adding Gluster support in ovirt, we need to introduce some
Storage Device management capabilities (on the host). Since these are
quite generic and not specific to Gluster as such, we think it might be
useful to add it as a core vdsm and oVirt feature. At a high level, this
involves following:
- A "Storage Devices" sub-tab on "Host" entity, displaying information
about all the storage devices*
- Listing of different types of storage devices of a host
- Regular Disks and Partitions*
- LVM*
- Software RAID*
- Various actions related to device configuration
- Partition disks*
- Format and mount disks / partitions*
- Create, resize and delete LVM Volume Groups (VGs)
- Create, resize, delete, format and mount LVM Logical Volumes (LVs)
- Create, resize, delete, partition, format and mount Software RAID
- Edit properties of the devices
- UI can be modeled similar to the system-config-lvm tool
The items marked with (*) in above list are urgently required for the
Gluster feature, and will be developed first.
Comments / inputs welcome.
12 years, 10 months
Re: [Engine-devel] Problem with detachment of host interface using ovirt-sdk
by Itzik Brown
I used the repository git://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-engine-sdk
Commit 3c721e60ab3af3ad07e1a20bc6fdbcdbc1344df0
The test script :
import sys
from ovirtsdk.api import API
from ovirtsdk.xml import params
OVIRT_ENGINE_USER = 'admin@internal'
api = API(url = url, username = OVIRT_ENGINE_USER , password = OVIRT_ENGINE_PASSWORD)
host = 'host1'
if_name = 'eth4'
net_name = 'net1'
nic = api.hosts.get(name=host).nics.get(name=if_name)
net = params.Network(name=net_name)
act = params.Action(network=net)
12 years, 10 months
[Engine-devel] Updating ovirt engine from 3.0 to the 3.1.0 version
by Shu Ming
I built a set of ovirt engine RPM packages from near the latest ovirt
engine source code. However, when I try to access the engine server
with URL "http://ovirt-engine-112:80", the browser displayed a blank
page without http error returned. Any clue about what is going on here?
Why didn't the engine administrator home page be shown?
And the packages were also installed successfully in my target system,
checked this by "rpm -q -a|grep engine".
I) upgraded the packages to the 3.1
[root@ovirt-engine-112 ~]# rpm -q -a |grep engine
Step II)
Then I used "engine-setup" to setup the engine. It seems that
everything is ok, see the log below.
[root@ovirt-engine-112 ~]# engine-setup
Welcome to oVirt Engine setup utility
HTTP Port [80] :
HTTPS Port [443] :
Host fully qualified domain name, note that this name should be fully
resolvable [ovirt-engine-112] :
ERROR: domain is not a valid domain name
User input failed validation, do you still wish to use it? (yes|no): yes
Password for Administrator (admin@internal) :
Warning: Weak Password.
Confirm password :
Organization Name for the Certificate: cstl
The default storage type you will be using ['NFS'| 'FC'| 'ISCSI'] [NFS] :
Enter DB type for installation ['remote'| 'local'] [local] :
Local database password :
Warning: Weak Password.
Confirm password :
Should the installer configure NFS share on this server to be used as an
ISO Domain? ['yes'| 'no'] [yes] :
Mount point path: /iso-dom
ERROR: mount point already exists in /etc/exports
Mount point path: /iso-dom
Display name for the ISO Domain: iso-domains
Firewall ports need to be opened.
You can let the installer configure iptables automatically overriding
the current configuration. The old configuration will be backed up.
Alternately you can configure the firewall later using an example
iptables file found under /usr/share/ovirt-engine/conf/iptables.example
Configure iptables ? ['yes'| 'no']: yes
oVirt Engine will be installed using the following configuration:
http-port: 80
https-port: 443
host-fqdn: ovirt-engine-112
auth-pass: ********
org-name: cstl
default-dc-type: NFS
db-remote-install: local
db-local-pass: ********
nfs-mp: /iso-dom
iso-domain-name: iso-domains
config-nfs: yes
override-iptables: yes
Proceed with the configuration listed above? (yes|no): yes
Configuring oVirt-engine... [ DONE ]
Creating CA... [ DONE ]
Editing JBoss Configuration... [ DONE ]
Setting Database Configuration... [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security... [ DONE ]
Creating Database... [ DONE ]
Updating the Default Data Center Storage Type... [ DONE ]
Editing oVirt Engine Configuration... [ DONE ]
Editing Postgresql Configuration... [ DONE ]
Configuring the Default ISO Domain... [ DONE ]
Configuring Firewall (iptables)... [ DONE ]
Starting JBoss Service... [ DONE ]
Handling HTTPD... [ DONE ]
**** Installation completed successfully ******
(Please allow oVirt Engine a few moments to start up.....)
Additional information:
* SSL Certificate fingerprint:
* SSH Public key fingerprint:
* A default ISO share has been created on this host.
If IP based access restrictions are required, please edit /iso-dom
entry in /etc/exports
* The firewall has been updated, the old iptables configuration file
was saved to
* The installation log file is available at:
* Please use the user "admin" and password specified in order to login
into oVirt Engine
* To configure additional users, first configure authentication
domains using the 'engine-manage-domains' utility
* To access oVirt Engine please go to the following URL:
[root@ovirt-engine-112 ~]#
Shu Ming<shuming(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
IBM China Systems and Technology Laboratory
12 years, 10 months
[Engine-devel] Disk Cloning When Creating a VM via a Template
by Schoenbrun, Dustin
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I know that floating disks are coming in the next version of oVirt, but in =
the interim I want to know internally what the procedure is when a disk is =
cloned when creating a VM from a template. I see the AddVmImages() method =
in the AddVmFromTemplateCommand.java file, but could someone walk me throug=
h exactly what is going on when the disk gets cloned? Thanks!
-- Dustin
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<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Greetings,<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">I know that floating disks are coming in the next ve=
rsion of oVirt, but in the interim I want to know internally what the proce=
dure is when a disk is cloned when creating a VM from a template. I s=
ee the AddVmImages() method in the AddVmFromTemplateCommand.java
file, but could someone walk me through exactly what is going on when the =
disk gets cloned? Thanks!<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">-- Dustin<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
12 years, 10 months
Re: [Engine-devel] [vdsm] reserve virtio-balloon device created by libvirt
by Itamar Heim
On 04/29/2012 04:19 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 07:24:52AM -0400, Andrew Cathrow wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Dan Kenigsberg"<danken(a)redhat.com>
>>> To: "Gal Hammer"<ghammer(a)redhat.com>
>>> Cc: vdsm-devel(a)lists.fedorahosted.org
>>> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 7:19:10 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [vdsm] reserve virtio-balloon device created by libvirt
>>> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 04:00:55PM +0300, Gal Hammer wrote:
>>>> On 23/04/2012 12:26, Mark Wu wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I saw that an option to create balloon device was added by Gal in
>>>>> http://gerrit.ovirt.org/1573
>>>>> I have a question about it. Why don we preserve the old default
>>>>> behaviour? I know it's not supported by ovirt-engine now, but I
>>>>> can't
>>>>> figure out what will break if it's not disabled explicitly. So do
>>>>> you
>>>>> think we can just make use of the balloon device added by libvirt?
>>>> We didn't change the old behavior.
>>>> Libvirt creates by default a memory-balloon device, so vdsm
>>>> defaults
>>>> was to disable it by adding a "none"-type device. This was done
>>>> because vdsm didn't include an option to add such device.
>>>> My patch added an option to create a memory-balloon through vdsm.
>>>> If
>>>> the user didn't request to add the device, the behavior is same as
>>>> before, disabling the memory-balloon.
>>> I feel that it would be best not to flip Vdsm's default at the
>>> moment,
>>> even though it is the opposite of libvirt's. I would consider to flip
>>> them only after your (Mark's) patches are in, tested, and proven
>>> worthwhile for the common case.
>>> Currently, without any management for the balloon, reserving a guest
>>> PCI
>>> device was deemed wasteful.
>> On the other side of the fence
>> - We know that we do need to do ballooning
>> - In the (next?) release we'll end up adding this support
>> - There's no harm (see next point) in adding the device now in fact it saves a config change on upgrade.
> Well, there is a surprise factor, for someone running a guest generated
> in a previous version. Suddenly, after Vdsm upgrade, it would see an
> additional device. At the least, I would like Vdsm to have a
> configurable option to keep the old behavior.
please take into consideration engine has an algorithm testing max
number of devices and it should be aware of newly introduced devices by
vdsm or it will overflow.
>> - While it takes up a PCI slot it's going to be very, very rare deployments that will ever see the limit, libvirt/virtmanager/virt-install has done this forever without seeing push back.
> _______________________________________________
> vdsm-devel mailing list
> vdsm-devel(a)lists.fedorahosted.org
> https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/vdsm-devel
12 years, 10 months
[Engine-devel] CPU topology in the API
by Simon Grinberg
Hi list,
The current status is that though they look the same, CPU topology for hosts and VMs differ.
In both you have
<topology cores="N" sockets="Y"/>
for hosts: Cores = Total cores on the host, Y=number of sockets
for VMs: Cores = Cores per socket, Y=number of sockets
This means that for a hosts that has 4 sockets with 8 cores per socket the topology will be presented as:
<topology cores="32" sockets="4"/>
While for VM with the same requested topology will show:
<topology cores="8" sockets="4"/>
I think they should not be different to avoid confusion but:
* The information we displayed for the host can't count on the fact that cores are
distributed evenly across sockets, because theoretically a host could contain
several different CPUs, so it can't be displayed as a multiplication.
* On the other hand changing the VM topology will break the API though it will make it aligned both with hosts and with the 'New VM' dialogue in the UI.
For oVirt 3.x it may be that nothing can be changed however for oVirt it is allowed in theory to break the API (a bit :)) so the options as I see it are:
1. Don't touch, leave the confusion.
2. Make host align to VMs with the risk that on some hosts this may be a bit misleading - should be rare.
3. Make host topology looks like VM but allow multiple CPU topologies in the CPUs sub collection of the host.
(This also requires change in VDSM API)
4. Align VMs to Hosts
I would go for 4 or 2
Current CPU topology for the hosts is a new commit, thus it may be allowed to change it now since no one is using it yet. This works in favour of 2. In any case only 3 discloses all the information in all possible cases.
12 years, 10 months
[Engine-devel] +1 in gerrit
by Laszlo Hornyak
Just an idea for the gerrit reviews: if you review a patch and give "+1 Looks good to me, but someone else must approve", then please add someone as reviewer, who might be the right person. And then after a while the patch will get to someone who knows if the patch is good or not.
12 years, 10 months