[Engine-devel] Cancelled: ovirt-quantum integration
by Livnat Peer
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The following meeting has been cancelled:
Subject: ovirt-quantum integration
Organiser: "Livnat Peer" <lpeer(a)redhat.com>
Time: Wednesday, 30 May, 2012, 4:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem
Invitees: engine-devel(a)ovirt.org; ovedo(a)redhat.com; mkenneth(a)redhat.com; irenab(a)mellanox.com; atal(a)redhat.com; Ricky.Hopper(a)netapp.com; simon(a)redhat.com; gkotton(a)redhat.com
Garry is sick, he won't be available today, I'll reschedule this meeting soon.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
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<html><body><h3>The following meeting has been cancelled:</h3>
<table border='0'>
<tr><th align=left>Subject:</th><td>ovirt-quantum integration </td></tr>
<tr><th align=left>Organiser:</th><td>"Livnat Peer" <lpeer(a)redhat.com> </td></tr>
<table border='0'>
<tr><th align=left>Time:</th><td>Wednesday, 30 May, 2012, 4:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem
<table border='0'>
<tr><th align=left>Invitees:</th><td>engine-devel(a)ovirt.org; ovedo(a)redhat.com; mkenneth(a)redhat.com; irenab(a)mellanox.com; atal(a)redhat.com; Ricky.Hopper(a)netapp.com; simon(a)redhat.com; gkotton(a)redhat.com </td></tr>
<div>*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</div><br>Garry is sick, he won't be available today, I'll reschedule this meeting soon.</body></html>
Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8; method=CANCEL; name=meeting.ics
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SUMMARY:Cancelled: ovirt-quantum integration
COMMENT:The following meeting has been cancelled:
ATTENDEE;CN=Oved Ourfalli;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:ovedo@redhat.com
ATTENDEE;CN=Miki Kenneth;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:mkenneth@redhat.com
ATTENDEE;CN=Irena Berezovsky;PARTSTAT=TENTATIVE:mailto:irenab@mellanox.com
ATTENDEE;CN="Hopper, Ricky";PARTSTAT=TENTATIVE:mailto:Ricky.Hopper@netapp.co
ATTENDEE;CN=Simon Grinberg;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:simon@redhat.com
ORGANIZER;CN=Livnat Peer:mailto:lpeer@redhat.com
DESCRIPTION:The following meeting has been cancelled:\n\nSubject: ovirt-quan
tum integration \nOrganiser: "Livnat Peer" <lpeer(a)redhat.com> \n\nTime: Wedn
esday\, 30 May\, 2012\, 4:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem\n \nInv
itees: engine-devel(a)ovirt.org\; ovedo(a)redhat.com\; mkenneth(a)redhat.com\; ire
nab(a)mellanox.com\; atal(a)redhat.com\; Ricky.Hopper(a)netapp.com\; simon@redhat.
com\; gkotton(a)redhat.com \n\n\n*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*\n\nGarry is sick\, he won
't be available today\, I'll reschedule this meeting soon.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<html><body><h3>The following meeting has been
cancelled:</h3>\n\n<p>\n<table border='0'>\n<tr><th align=left>Subject:</th>
<td>ovirt-quantum integration </td></tr>\n<tr><th align=left>Organiser:</th>
<td>"Livnat Peer" <\;lpeer(a)redhat.com>\; </td></tr>\n</table>\n<p>\n<tab
le border='0'>\n<tr><th align=left>Time:</th><td>Wednesday\, 30 May\, 2012\,
4:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem\n </td></tr></table>\n<p>\n<ta
ble border='0'>\n<tr><th align=left>Invitees:</th><td>engine-devel(a)ovirt.org
\; ovedo(a)redhat.com\; mkenneth(a)redhat.com\; irenab(a)mellanox.com\; atal@redha
t.com\; Ricky.Hopper(a)netapp.com\; simon(a)redhat.com\; gkotton(a)redhat.com </td
></tr>\n</table>\n<div>*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</div><br>Garry is sick\, he won't
be available today\, I'll reschedule this meeting soon.</body></html>
12 years, 8 months
[Engine-devel] quantum ovirt integration meeting
by Livnat Peer
Hi All,
Garry is sick and can not make it for today's meeting.
Since he wrote the wiki proposal we'll reschedule this meeting to later
this week or early next week.
I'll send update soon.
thanks, Livnat
12 years, 8 months
[Engine-devel] Question about host compatibility version
by Ashok Vemuri
I have a newbie question regarding host/cluster compatibility versions. I hope someone could clarify this for me.
We have an old lab setup in which we were managing KVM hostnodes using RHEV Manager (version . We are now trying to upgrade to the latest version of oVirt Engine (version 3.1.0_0001-1.8.el6).
Now, when I add the old KVM node to oVirt Engine, I am getting following error message:
Host's Compatibility Version doesn't match the Cluster's Compatibility Version
Can someone tell me if oVirt Engine is backward-compatible with older hostnodes? Or do I need to upgrade one or more components (such as VDSM) on the hostnode to be compatible with new engine?
Here is the version information from the hostnode I'm trying to add:
OS : RHEV Hypervisor - 5.6 - 9.3.el5_6
Kernel : 2.6.18 - 238.5.1.el5
KVM : 83 - 224.el5
SPICE : 0.3.0 - 54.el5_5.2
12 years, 8 months
[Engine-devel] ovirt-quantum integration
by Livnat Peer
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
The following is a new meeting request:
Subject: ovirt-quantum integration
Organiser: "Livnat Peer" <lpeer(a)redhat.com>
Time: Wednesday, 30 May, 2012, 4:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem
Invitees: engine-devel(a)ovirt.org
Hi All,
We'll have a discussion on oVirt-Quantum integration tomorrow.
In the meeting we'll discuss -
Thanks, Livnat
Bridge ID: 972506565679
Dial-in information:
Reservationless-Plus Toll Free Dial-In Number (US & Canada): (800) 451-8679
Reservationless-Plus International Dial-In Number: (212) 729-5016
Conference code: 972506565679
Global Access Numbers Local:
Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326
Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196
Belgium, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
China Dial-In #: 4006205013
Denmark, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215
Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436
France, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140
Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579
Ireland, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793
Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529
Netherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872
Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188
Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858
Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328
Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770
Switzerland, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676
United Kingdom, LocalCall Dial-In #: 08445790678
United States Dial-In #: 2127295016
Global Access Numbers Tollfree:
Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016
Australia Dial-In #: 1800337169
Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898
Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776
Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377
Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002
Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236
Chile Dial-In #: 800370228
Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033
Costa Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048
Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297
Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318
Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114
Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313
Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232
Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116
France Dial-In #: 0805632867
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541
Greece Dial-In #: 00800127562
Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349
Hungary Dial-In #: 0680016796
Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967
India Dial-In #: 0008006501533
Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162
Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401
Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557
Italy Dial-In #: 800985897
Jamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328
Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453
Korea (South) Dial-In #: 007986517393
Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339
Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479
Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595
Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
Mexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915
New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167
Norway Dial-In #: 80012994
Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184
Philippines Dial-In #: 180011100991
Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187
Portugal Dial-In #: 800814625
Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012
Saint Kitts and Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252
Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235
Slovak Republic Dial-In #: 0800001441
South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148
Spain Dial-In #: 800300524
Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860
Switzerland Dial-In #: 800650077
Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141
Thailand Dial-In #: 001800656966
Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615
United Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057
United States Dial-In #: 8004518679
Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315
Venezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<html><body><h3>The following is a new meeting request:</h3>
<table border=3D'0'>
<tr><th align=3Dleft>Subject:</th><td>ovirt-quantum integration </td></tr>
<tr><th align=3Dleft>Organiser:</th><td>"Livnat Peer" <lpeer(a)redhat.com&=
gt; </td></tr>
<table border=3D'0'>
<tr><th align=3Dleft>Time:</th><td>Wednesday, 30 May, 2012, 4:00:00 PM - 5:=
00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem
<table border=3D'0'>
<tr><th align=3Dleft>Invitees:</th><td>engine-devel(a)ovirt.org </td></tr>
<div>*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</div><br>Hi All,<br><br>We'll have a discussion on=
oVirt-Quantum integration tomorrow.<br>In the meeting we'll discuss -<br>h=
ttp://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Quantum_and_oVirt<br><br>Thanks, Livnat<br><br>Bri=
dge ID: 972506565679<br>Dial-in information:<br>Reservationless-Plus Toll F=
ree Dial-In Number (US & Canada): (800) 451-8679<br>Reservationless-Plu=
s International Dial-In Number: (212) 729-5016<br>Conference code: 97250656=
5679<br><br>Global Access Numbers Local:<br>Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 02=
89852326<br>Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196<br>Belgium, Brussels Di=
al-In #: 027920405<br>China Dial-In #: 4006205013<br>Denmark, Copenhagen Di=
al-In #: 32729215<br>Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436<br>France, Par=
is Dial-In #: 0170377140<br>Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579<br>Irel=
and, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793<br>Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529<br>N=
etherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872<br>Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 2103=
3188<br>Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858<br>Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452=
328<br>Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770<br>Switzerland, Geneva Dial-=
In #: 0225927881<br>United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515<br>United Kingdom=
Dial-In #: 08445790676<br>United Kingdom, LocalCall Dial-In #: 08445790678=
<br>United States Dial-In #: 2127295016<br><br><br>Global Access Numbers To=
llfree:<br>Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016<br>Australia Dial-In #: 18003371=
69<br>Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898<br>Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776<br>Ba=
hrain Dial-In #: 80004377<br>Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325<br>Brazil Dial-In=
#: 08008921002<br>Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236<br>Chile Dial-In #: 800=
370228<br>Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033<br>Costa Rica Dial-In #: 0800013=
1048<br>Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297<br>Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318<b=
r>Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114<br>Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313<=
br>Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232<br>Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116<br>France=
Dial-In #: 0805632867<br>Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541<br>Greece Dial-In #=
: 00800127562<br>Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349<br>Hungary Dial-In #: 06800=
16796<br>Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967<br>India Dial-In #: 0008006501533<br>In=
donesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162<br>Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401<br>Israel=
Dial-In #: 1809462557<br>Italy Dial-In #: 800985897<br>Jamaica Dial-In #: =
18002050328<br>Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453<br>Korea (South) Dial-In #: 0079=
86517393<br>Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339<br>Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479<br=
>Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595<br>Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451<br>Mexico=
Dial-In #: 0018664590915<br>New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167<br>Norway Di=
al-In #: 80012994<br>Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184<br>Philippines Dial-In =
#: 180011100991<br>Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187<br>Portugal Dial-In #: 80=
0814625<br>Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012<br>Saint Kitts and =
Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252<br>Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235<br>Slovak R=
epublic Dial-In #: 0800001441<br>South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148<br>Spai=
n Dial-In #: 800300524<br>Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860<br>Switzerland Dial-I=
n #: 800650077<br>Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141<br>Thailand Dial-In #: 0018=
00656966<br>Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615<br>United Arab Emira=
tes Dial-In #: 8000650591<br>United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057<br>Unite=
d States Dial-In #: 8004518679<br>Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315<br>Venezue=
la Dial-In #: 08001627182 </body></html>
Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8; method=REQUEST; name=meeting.ics
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
SUMMARY:ovirt-quantum integration
ORGANIZER;CN=Livnat Peer:mailto:lpeer@redhat.com
DESCRIPTION:The following is a new meeting request:\n\nSubject: ovirt-quantu
m integration \nOrganiser: "Livnat Peer" <lpeer(a)redhat.com> \n\nTime: Wednes
day\, 30 May\, 2012\, 4:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem\n \nInvit
ees: engine-devel(a)ovirt.org \n\n\n*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*\n\nHi All\,\n\nWe'll h
ave a discussion on oVirt-Quantum integration tomorrow.\nIn the meeting we'l
l discuss -\nhttp://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Quantum_and_oVirt\n\nThanks\, Livnat\
n\nBridge ID: 972506565679\nDial-in information:\nReservationless-Plus Toll
Free Dial-In Number (US & Canada): (800) 451-8679\nReservationless-Plus Inte
rnational Dial-In Number: (212) 729-5016\nConference code: 972506565679\n\nG
lobal Access Numbers Local:\nAustralia\, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326\nAustr
ia\, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196\nBelgium\, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
\nChina Dial-In #: 4006205013\nDenmark\, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215\nFin
land\, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436\nFrance\, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140\
nGermany\, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579\nIreland\, Dublin Dial-In #: 01436
7793\nItaly\, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529\nNetherlands\, Amsterdam Dial-In #
: 0207975872\nNorway\, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188\nSingapore Dial-In #: 648408
58\nSpain\, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328\nSweden\, Stockholm Dial-In #: 08
50513770\nSwitzerland\, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881\nUnited Kingdom Dial-In
#: 02078970515\nUnited Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676\nUnited Kingdom\, Loc
alCall Dial-In #: 08445790678\nUnited States Dial-In #: 2127295016\n\n\nGlob
al Access Numbers Tollfree:\nArgentina Dial-In #: 8004441016\nAustralia Dial
-In #: 1800337169\nAustria Dial-In #: 0800005898\nBahamas Dial-In #: 1800205
4776\nBahrain Dial-In #: 80004377\nBelgium Dial-In #: 080048325\nBrazil Dial
-In #: 08008921002\nBulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236\nChile Dial-In #: 80037
0228\nColombia Dial-In #: 018009134033\nCosta Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048\nC
yprus Dial-In #: 80095297\nCzech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318\nDenmark Dial
-In #: 80887114\nDominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313\nEstonia Dial-In
#: 8000100232\nFinland Dial-In #: 0800117116\nFrance Dial-In #: 0805632867\n
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541\nGreece Dial-In #: 00800127562\nHong Kong Dial
-In #: 800930349\nHungary Dial-In #: 0680016796\nIceland Dial-In #: 8008967\
nIndia Dial-In #: 0008006501533\nIndonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162\nIreland
Dial-In #: 1800932401\nIsrael Dial-In #: 1809462557\nItaly Dial-In #: 80098
5897\nJamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328\nJapan Dial-In #: 0120934453\nKorea (So
uth) Dial-In #: 007986517393\nLatvia Dial-In #: 80003339\nLithuania Dial-In
#: 880030479\nLuxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595\nMalaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
\nMexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915\nNew Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167\nNorway
Dial-In #: 80012994\nPanama Dial-In #: 008002269184\nPhilippines Dial-In #:
180011100991\nPoland Dial-In #: 008001210187\nPortugal Dial-In #: 800814625
\nRussian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012\nSaint Kitts and Nevis Dial-I
n #: 18002059252\nSingapore Dial-In #: 8006162235\nSlovak Republic Dial-In #
: 0800001441\nSouth Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148\nSpain Dial-In #: 800300524
\nSweden Dial-In #: 200896860\nSwitzerland Dial-In #: 800650077\nTaiwan Dial
-In #: 00801127141\nThailand Dial-In #: 001800656966\nTrinidad and Tobago Di
al-In #: 18002024615\nUnited Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591\nUnited Kin
gdom Dial-In #: 08006948057\nUnited States Dial-In #: 8004518679\nUruguay Di
al-In #: 00040190315\nVenezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<html><body><h3>The following is a new meeting
request:</h3>\n\n<p>\n<table border='0'>\n<tr><th align=left>Subject:</th><t
d>ovirt-quantum integration </td></tr>\n<tr><th align=left>Organiser:</th><t
d>"Livnat Peer" <\;lpeer(a)redhat.com>\; </td></tr>\n</table>\n<p>\n<table
border='0'>\n<tr><th align=left>Time:</th><td>Wednesday\, 30 May\, 2012\, 4
:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem\n </td></tr></table>\n<p>\n<tabl
e border='0'>\n<tr><th align=left>Invitees:</th><td>engine-devel(a)ovirt.org <
/td></tr>\n</table>\n<div>*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</div><br>Hi All\,<br><br>We'll
have a discussion on oVirt-Quantum integration tomorrow.<br>In the meeting
we'll discuss -<br>http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Quantum_and_oVirt<br><br>Thanks
\, Livnat<br><br>Bridge ID: 972506565679<br>Dial-in information:<br>Reservat
ionless-Plus Toll Free Dial-In Number (US &\; Canada): (800) 451-8679<br>
Reservationless-Plus International Dial-In Number: (212) 729-5016<br>Confere
nce code: 972506565679<br><br>Global Access Numbers Local:<br>Australia\, Sy
dney Dial-In #: 0289852326<br>Austria\, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196<br>Be
lgium\, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405<br>China Dial-In #: 4006205013<br>Denm
ark\, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215<br>Finland\, Helsinki Dial-In #: 092319
4436<br>France\, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140<br>Germany\, Berlin Dial-In #:
030300190579<br>Ireland\, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793<br>Italy\, Milan Dial-
In #: 0236269529<br>Netherlands\, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872<br>Norway\
, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188<br>Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858<br>Spain\, Barce
lona Dial-In #: 935452328<br>Sweden\, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770<br>Swi
tzerland\, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881<br>United Kingdom Dial-In #: 0207897
0515<br>United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676<br>United Kingdom\, LocalCall
Dial-In #: 08445790678<br>United States Dial-In #: 2127295016<br><br><br>Glo
bal Access Numbers Tollfree:<br>Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016<br>Australia
Dial-In #: 1800337169<br>Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898<br>Bahamas Dial-In #
: 18002054776<br>Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377<br>Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
<br>Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002<br>Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236<br>Chi
le Dial-In #: 800370228<br>Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033<br>Costa Rica Di
al-In #: 08000131048<br>Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297<br>Czech Republic Dial-In
#: 800700318<br>Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114<br>Dominican Republic Dial-In #
: 18887512313<br>Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232<br>Finland Dial-In #: 0800117
116<br>France Dial-In #: 0805632867<br>Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541<br>Gree
ce Dial-In #: 00800127562<br>Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349<br>Hungary Dial-
In #: 0680016796<br>Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967<br>India Dial-In #: 000800650
1533<br>Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162<br>Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401<
br>Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557<br>Italy Dial-In #: 800985897<br>Jamaica Dia
l-In #: 18002050328<br>Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453<br>Korea (South) Dial-In
#: 007986517393<br>Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339<br>Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030
479<br>Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595<br>Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451<br>M
exico Dial-In #: 0018664590915<br>New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167<br>Norwa
y Dial-In #: 80012994<br>Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184<br>Philippines Dial-
In #: 180011100991<br>Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187<br>Portugal Dial-In #:
800814625<br>Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012<br>Saint Kitts and
Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252<br>Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235<br>Slovak R
epublic Dial-In #: 0800001441<br>South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148<br>Spain
Dial-In #: 800300524<br>Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860<br>Switzerland Dial-In
#: 800650077<br>Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141<br>Thailand Dial-In #: 0018006
56966<br>Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615<br>United Arab Emirates
Dial-In #: 8000650591<br>United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057<br>United Sta
tes Dial-In #: 8004518679<br>Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315<br>Venezuela Dia
l-In #: 08001627182 </body></html>
12 years, 8 months
[Engine-devel] REST-API: Exposing correlation-ID
by Ori Liel
Correlation-ID feature allows 'tagging' a call to a Backend command
with a String ID, and this ID will be appended to all log messages
that result from this command.
In REST-API, we would like to enable the user to pass a correlation-ID
when he activates actions.
I have two questions:
1) what's the name you'd give this parameter? job-id? batch-id?
flow-id? command-id? correlation-id???
2) I've already implemented this as a url parameter. Are there objections?
The only viable alternative I see is as an http header, which doesn't feel
right. It's not an option to pass it in the XML body, because sometimes
there is no body, for example, in DELETE commands.
12 years, 8 months
[Engine-devel] upgrade.sh error after commit e592cb210b6bceba6414e4b89c8456b21532f479
by ovirt@qip.ru
This is a message in Mime Format. If you see this, your mail reader does not support this format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
# ./upgrade.sh -u postgres=0ARunning upgrade script upgrade/03_01_1120_v=
ias_column.sql:1: invalid command \'');=0A=0A--
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<br># ./upgrade.sh -u postgres<br>Running upgrade script upgrade/03_01_1=
add_alias_column.sql:1: invalid command \'');<br><br><br><br><br>--<br><=
12 years, 8 months
[Engine-devel] oVirt automated test suites
by Shu Ming
I need a reasonable test suites to test VDSM APIs. I know most of tests
are done from the engine side manually. But I think we need a
reasonable test suites to define the typical workflows of engine usage
calling into VDSM APIs and make sure all the functions are doing well.
As engine publics REST-APIs, an automated test suites can be created on
top of the REST-APs without much difficult. Any other comments about
this idea?
Shu Ming<shuming(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
IBM China Systems and Technology Laboratory
12 years, 8 months