[Engine-devel] Localization of canDoAction error messages
by Martin Sivak
I am trying to improve the messages the user gets when scheduling fails. But I have found an interesting issue regarding localization. The texts here are simplified, but should demonstrate what I am trying to do.
So here is the flow:
- RunVmCommand's canDoAction fails because there is no host that fits the constraints
- For each host I add a message to getReturnValue().getCanDoActionMessages() in the format of "Host XYZ failed constraint ABCD".
- I log the same message to the log
I expect the log to contain the strings in english and a localized version to be shown in the error popup that will be displayed by the webadmin.
And the question is.. how do I localize this? I looked at AppErrors and AppMessages, but there is not way of using them from the backend side.
Any ideas?
Martin Sivák
Red Hat Czech
11 years, 4 months
[Engine-devel] Request for Fedora 20 VM
by Sandro Bonazzola
Fedora 20 Alpha has been released and can be downloaded from http://fedoraproject.org/get-prerelease.
I think it's time to start running our tests and build nightly also on Fedora 20 in order to discover
possible compatibility issues.
Can infra provide a Fedora 20 VM for jenkins use?
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
11 years, 4 months
[Engine-devel] use jrebel to stop redeploying and save precious time
by Roy Golan
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
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Hi all
oVirt developers now have FOSS license to use jRebel.
what is jRebel?
from http://zeroturnaround.com/software/jrebel/
"View Changes Instantly,
See all changes to Java application instantly in the browser. Save and
refresh! Locally or remotely. No Maven build needed!"
Yes no need to run make,mvn,setup and so on...
step to make it work (5 minutes work)
* install jRebel plugin for your IDE -
* send me a *private* mail, I'll reply back with the key, then go
activate the plugin from your IDE
* right click "bll" project and ask the pick jRebel from the menu to
create a rebel.xml
* place /*20-java.conf*/ under
*/$PREFIX/ovirt-engine/etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d//* and edit it to
point to your jrebel.jar.
this is my /*20-java.conf*/:
from now on, every change to a class in bll which is compiled (so
target/classes dir changes) will be reloaded in the jvm.
note: this add few seconds to jboss boot time. but worth it.
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Hi all<br>
oVirt developers now have FOSS license to use jRebel.<br>
what is jRebel?<br>
from <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://zeroturnaround.com/software/jrebel/">http://zeroturnaround.com/software/jrebel/</a><br>
"View Changes Instantly,
<div class="card-col">
<p>See all changes to Java application instantly in the browser.
Save and refresh! Locally or remotely. No Maven build needed!"<br>
Yes no need to run make,mvn,setup and so on...<br>
step to make it work (5 minutes work)<br>
<p>* install jRebel plugin for your IDE -
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://manuals.zeroturnaround.com/jrebel/ide/index.html">http://manuals.zeroturnaround.com/jrebel/ide/index.html</a><br>
* send me a *private* mail, I'll reply back with the key, then
go activate the plugin from your IDE <br>
* right click "bll" project and ask the pick jRebel from the
menu to create a rebel.xml <br>
* place <i><b>20-java.conf</b></i> under <b><i>$PREFIX/ovirt-engine/etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/</i></b>
and edit it to point to your jrebel.jar.<br>
<p> this is my <i><b>20-java.conf</b></i>: </p>
from now on, every change to a class in bll which is compiled
(so target/classes dir changes) will be reloaded in the jvm. <br>
note: this add few seconds to jboss boot time. but worth it. <br>
11 years, 4 months
[Engine-devel] 3.3.1 Release tracker
by Sandro Bonazzola
as you may know, we're planning to build oVirt 3.3.1 beta really soon and release 3.3.1 by the end of October.
Ofer has created a tracker bug (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1019391) for this release.
Only 2 bugs considered blocking up to now are both in modified state, so we're in a good shape for 3.3.1 beta build.
The following is a list of the bugs with target 3.3.1 or 3.3:
"Bug ID","Component","Summary","Status","Target Release","Assignee","Whiteboard"
988354,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","nic->network assignement not working for VM created from template with disk","POST",3.3,"tjelinek(a)redhat.com","network"
988067,"ovirt-engine-sdk-java","Adding a cluster with incomplete version fails with exception","ASSIGNED",3.3,"oliel(a)redhat.com","infra"
904149,"ovirt-engine-installer","engine-cleanup doesn't remove iso nfs export","ASSIGNED",3.3,"didi(a)redhat.com","integration"
1017267,"ovirt-engine-core","Plaintext user passwords in async_tasks database","ASSIGNED","3.3.1","emesika(a)redhat.com","infra"
987897,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","VM - network interfaces subtab has a delayed refresh and displays wrong info for a
988016,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","Specify custom MAC address in new/edit VNIC dialog for templates shouldn't
987935,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","[oVirt] [neutron] Networking plugin type doesn't reappear after test","NEW",3.3,"lpeer(a)redhat.com","network"
988002,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","[oVirt] [network] Add button shouldn't appear on specific network","NEW",3.3,"lpeer(a)redhat.com","network"
987933,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","[oVirt] [provider] Type list is not sorted in add dialog","NEW",3.3,"lpeer(a)redhat.com","network"
987949,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","[oVirt] [provider] It's seemingly possible to add a provider with the same name","NEW",3.3,"lpeer(a)redhat.com","network"
987916,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","[oVirt] [provider] Dialog doesn't update unless focus lost","NEW",3.3,"lpeer(a)redhat.com","network"
987999,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","[oVirt] [provider] Add button shouldn't appear on specific provider","NEW",3.3,"lpeer(a)redhat.com","network"
987982,"ovirt-engine-api","When adding a host through the REST API, the error message says that ""rootPassword"" is required, but the actual field
name is ""root_password""","NEW",3.3,"mpastern(a)redhat.com","infra"
987887,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","Error message when reports portal is not installed","NEW",3.3,"mtayer(a)redhat.com","infra"
915753,"ovirt-engine-core","Deadlock detected during creation vms in pool","NEW",3.3,"laravot(a)redhat.com","storage"
987917,"ovirt-engine-webadmin","[oVirt] [glance] API version not specified in provider dialog","NEW",3.3,"fsimonce(a)redhat.com","storage"
987832,"vdsm","failed to add ovirtmgmt bridge when the host has static ip","NEW",3.3,"lpeer(a)redhat.com","network"
991267,"ovirt-node","[RFE] Add TUI information to log file.","POST",3.3,"fdeutsch(a)redhat.com",
1009899,"ovirt-engine-core","exportDbSchema scripts generates output file with wrong name","POST","3.3.1","emesika(a)redhat.com","infra"
990854,"vdsm","Multiple Gateways: Upgrade VDSM to 3.3 must reconfigure networking on host","NEW",3.3,"amuller(a)redhat.com","network"
Please set the target to 3.3.1 and add the bug to the tracker if you think that 3.3.1 should not be released without it fixed.
Please also update the target to 3.3.2 or any next release for bugs that won't be in 3.3.1: it will ease gathering the blocking bugs for next releases.
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
11 years, 4 months
[Engine-devel] [JENKINS] failure in upstream job - conflict in db file name
by Eyal Edri
following patches broke the db scripts (wrong order of naming):
core: Fix PinToHostPolicyUnit when PinToHost is enabled (details)
core: Use pin to host only when present in cluster policy (details)
engine: adding no-arg constructor to RemoveVdsParameters (details)
[core] rename VdsStatic hostname to hostName. (details)
webadmin: Hide "public" InfoIcon if checkbox hidden (details)
Running upgrade sql script upgrade/03_03_0910_remove_migration_filter.sql ...
Running upgrade sql script upgrade/03_03_0920_add_fqdn_to_vm_dynamic.sql ...
Running upgrade sql script upgrade/03_03_0930_add_dwh_heartbeat.sql ...
Running upgrade sql script upgrade/03_03_0940_clear_snapshot_id_of_floating_disks.sql ...
Illegal script version number 03030990,version should be in max 10 gap from last installed version: 03030940
Please fix numbering to interval 03030941 to 03030950 and run the upgrade script.
Failed to create schema for database ovirt_engine_dao_unit_tests_gerrit_50
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Performing Post build task...
Could not match :INFO : False
Logical operation result is FALSE
Skipping script : dropdb -U postgres ${JOB_NAME}_${BUILD_NUMBER} || /bin/true
Recording test results
Email was triggered for: Failure
full log:
11 years, 4 months
[Engine-devel] Introducing generics to UiCommon
by Tomas Jelinek
Hey all,
as we have passed the oVirt feature freeze I would like to celebrate it with a little bit of cleanup :)
A good candidate for this is to introduce generics into uicommonweb project. The fact that it is not generic
brings quite some hidden expectations into our code, makes it unreadable and error prone.
Also, the gwt-common and both webadmin and userportal are mostly prepared to be generic but because the uicommonweb is not, we have code like:
new ListModelListBoxEditor<Object>(new NullSafeRenderer<Object>() {
public String renderNullSafe(Object object)
return ((Version) object).getValue();
which is quite ugly and error prone.
So I have prepared two patches, one [1] which introduces the generic infrastructure (and prepares one widget for it, more about this below) and one [2] which uses it and refactors the DataCenterModel
to use it (I have chosen this model because it is big enough to show how to do it and what the benefits are but small enough to be quickly review-able).
The infrastructure change:
- changes the ListModel and EntityModel to be genreic
- adjusts the UiCommonEditorDriverGenerator to work with generics (e.g. to make it aware that ListModel<String> is indeed a ListModel, same for EntityModel)
- created a String version of EntityModelTextBox
The reason why the String EntityModelTextBox had to be created is that the EntityModelTextBox is an EditorWidget<Object, ...> so it can work only with EntityModel<Object>. I saw 2 ways how to make this work with EntityModel<String>:
1: Create a String version of this editor inside the .generic sub-package, incrementally replace the usage of the non-generic EntityModelTextBox and when the non-generic will be completely replaced, delete it and move the generic one
out from the generic sub-package
2: Change the EditorWidget<Object, ...> to EditorWidget<T, ...> and replace each usage of the "EntityModelTextBox someWidget" by "EntityModelTextBox<Object> someWidget" and than incrementally replace the <Object> to <String> as the
underlying models will be refactored. After the last one will be refactored, change the EditorWidget<T, ...> to EditorWidget<String, ...> and replace all "EntityModelTextBox<Object> someWidget" by "EntityModelTextBox someWidget"
I have chosen the first option because:
- much less classes touched at once (e.g. much more safe)
- the EntityModelTextBox<T> invites to use something like EntityModelTextBox<VM> which is not correct and fails on class cast exceptions
But at the same time I see the disadvantages of this approach (mostly that we have two versions of the same class). Please note that far not all the widgets will need two versions, only the ones editing only Strings which
are declared as EditorWidget<Object> which are:
- EntityModelLabel
- EntityModelTextAreaLabel (used only in couple of places - can be refactored together without the need to have two versions)
- EntityModelTextBox (already in the [1])
- EntityModelPasswordBox
- EntityModelTextArea
- ListModelSuggestBox (used only in couple of places - can be refactored together without the need to have two versions)
The rest of the widgets should be already prepared to be used in generic environment.
Please let me know what do you think about it,
have a nice day,
[1]: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/17604/
[2]: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/17605/
11 years, 5 months
[Engine-devel] stale gerrit patches
by Itamar Heim
we have some very old gerrit patches.
I'm for abandoning patches which were not touched over 60 days (to begin
with, I think the number should actually be lower).
they can always be re-opened by any interested party post their closure.
i.e., looking at gerrit, the patch list should actually get attention,
and not be a few worth looking at, with a "lot of old patches"
11 years, 5 months
[Engine-devel] Cluster default with empty processor name with PPC64 support
by Leonardo Bianconi
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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Hi everyone!
During the development of PPC64 support in the engine, we faced some UX iss=
ues regarding the default Cluster (that Cluster with empty processor name).
Currently, oVirt engine allows the default Cluster to contain empty process=
or name, and the administrator can add VMs and/or Templates to it. The proc=
essor name can be assigned later, editing the cluster or assigning a valid =
host to it.
During the implementation of PPC64 support on the engine, the field "archit=
ecture" was added to Clusters, VMs and Templates entities.
So we have the following questions regarding how the UI should behave:
- Shall we keep allowing the administrator to assign VMs and Templates to t=
he Cluster with no processor name or assigned architecture ?
-> If we have an "yes" for the question above:
-- We will have to assign the architecture to the Cluster base=
d on the OS of the first assigned VM, and the processor name could be defi=
ned the same way as currently ... editing the Cluster or assigning a compat=
ible Host to it.
-- The VM creation popup will have to be able =
to indicate the architecture of each OS ... some OSes have the same name, a=
nd it may get ambiguous since the Cluster architecture is still undefined a=
t that point (before the first VM get already created).
Leonardo Bianconi
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<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">Hi everyone!<o:p></o:p></span><=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">During the development of PPC64=
support in the engine, we faced some UX issues regarding the default Clust=
er (that Cluster with empty processor name).<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">Currently, oVirt engine allows =
the default Cluster to contain empty processor name, and the administrator =
can add VMs and/or Templates to it. The processor name can be assigned late=
r, editing the cluster or assigning
a valid host to it.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">During the implementation of PP=
C64 support on the engine, the field “architecture“ was added t=
o Clusters, VMs and Templates entities.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">So we have the following questi=
ons regarding how the UI should behave:<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">- Shall we keep allowing the ad=
ministrator to assign VMs and Templates to the Cluster with no processor na=
me or assigned architecture ?<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"> &=
nbsp; -> If we have an “yes=
221; for the question above:<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"> &=
nbsp; -- We will have to assign the arc=
hitecture to the Cluster based on the OS of the first assigned VM, and =
; the processor name could be defined the same way as currently … edi=
ting the Cluster or assigning a
compatible Host to it.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"> &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; -- The VM cr=
eation popup will have to be able to indicate the architecture of each OS &=
#8230; some OSes have the same name, and it may get ambiguous since the Clu=
ster architecture is still undefined
at that point (before the first VM get already created).<o:p></o:p></span>=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Thanks!<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Regards.<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Leonardo Bianconi<o:p></o:p></p>
11 years, 5 months