[Engine-devel] Generatic Mac Pool Ranges - feedback requested
by Alex Lourie
In a current setup flow there are 3 ways of generating mac pool ranges:
1. Generated from the second and third parts of the first non-local IP:
{base MAC}:{IP part2}:{IP part3}:00-{base MAC}:{IP part2}:{IP
2. If (1) could not be done for some reason, we have default values in
3. If (2) didn't work for some reason, the values are left as created
during DB creation.
Assuming that we want (1) to work the best way possible, and to create
"random" enough values for Mac Pool ranges, I would ask for an opinion
for a better way.
I am considering creating random int values instead of fetching the IP
as it's simpler and safer than parsing 'ip a' output.
Alex Lourie
Software Engineer in Integration
Red Hat.
11 years, 6 months
Re: [Engine-devel] webadmin: UI plugin dialog API improved
by Vojtech Szocs
Hi Daniel,
these are excellent questions! I'm CC'ing engine-devel to reach out to everyone who might be interested in them.
> why dialogToken is mandatory? (wouldn't it be more convenience to make it optional?)
dialogToken is used to work with the dialog once it's displayed via showDialog API function.
For example, there are no buttons defined for the dialog by default, so you might want to define at least a "Close" button:
api.showDialog('My Dialog', 'my-dialog', 'http://www.abc.com/', '800px', '600px', {
buttons: [
label: 'Close',
onClick: function() { api.closeDialog('my-dialog'); }
As you can see, you need dialogToken at least to close the dialog :) another example of a dialog button:
label: 'Load different content',
onClick: function() { api.setDialogContentUrl('my-dialog', 'http://www.xyz.com/'); }
(The above are just simple examples, you can put whatever code you like into onClick function.)
> what are dialogToken's restrictions (no-spaces?/etc...)
Unlike historyToken in custom tab API (addMainTab/addSubTab/etc.), dialogToken doesn't have any restrictions. It's recommended to use "token-string-lowercase-without-spaces" syntax, but it's just a recommendation.
As for historyToken in custom tab API, the "token-string-lowercase-without-spaces" syntax is preferred, because historyToken value will be part of WebAdmin URL (e.g. WebAdmin.html#my-main-tab) when navigating to the given custom tab.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Erez" <derez(a)redhat.com>
To: "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs(a)redhat.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 8:14:38 PM
Subject: webadmin: UI plugin dialog API improved
Hi Voj,
Some qqs about showDialog api:
* why dialogToken is mandatory? (wouldn't it be more convenience to make it optional?)
* what are dialogToken's restrictions (no-spaces?/etc...)
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] Kiril Nesenko as a tools maintainer
by Keith Robertson
I would like to propose that we add Kiril Nesenko as a maintainer for
the Ovirt ISO Uploader, Image Uploader and Log Collector. He has been
enormously helpful with the maintenance of the tools.
Keith Robertson
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] oVirt web GUI no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and 7
by Vojtech Szocs
Hello everyone,
please be advised that oVirt web GUI (WebAdmin & UserPortal) no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and 7.
It's still possible to use Internet Explorer 8, although it has known performance issues which impact overall application performance. For WebAdmin, it's recommended to use Internet Explorer 9 or above.
We decided to drop support for Internet Explorer 6 and 7 mainly because of poor JavaScript & rendering engine performance and poor compliance to HTML5 standards.
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] UI Plugins: addMainTabActionButton API improved
by Vojtech Szocs
Hi guys,
it's now possible to specify location (representation) of buttons added via addMainTabActionButton API.
For example:
api.addMainTabActionButton('Host', 'My Button', {
location: 'OnlyFromContext',
onClick: function() { ... },
Supported values for button location:
* 'OnlyFromContext' - button available only from context menu
* 'OnlyFromToolBar' - button available only from toolbar (action panel)
* 'ContextAndToolBar' (default) - button available from both context menu and toolbar (action panel)
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] No need to compile for all browsers when debugging oVirt Frontend applications
by Vojtech Szocs
Hi guys,
I've just learned that it's not necessary to do GWT compilation for *all browsers* in order to debug given oVirt Frontend application (WebAdmin or UserPortal).
Full oVirt build & deploy to Engine is still recommended, but you can use "gwt.userAgent" property to restrict GWT compilation only for a couple of browsers:
$ mvn clean install -Pdep,gwt-admin,gwt-user -Dgwt.userAgent=gecko1_8,ie8
The example above means "compile only for Firefox and IE8".
I suspect it's because of GWT permutation selector script (*.nocache.js) being optimized-out in case you perform compilation for a single browser, which might interfere with the way how GWT plugin connects to Development Mode.
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] Adding JCommander library to projects
by Martin Perina
I'm currently working on bug 904029, support for POSIX parameters and values
in engine-manage-domains. I think there are two possible solutions:
1) Write custom parser (similar to EngineConfigCLIParser used for engine-config)
2) Add CLI parsing library to project and use it for all command line clients
(first implementation could be for engine-manage-domains)
I think 2) is much better approach, but I'm not sure about the process of adding new
library to project.
Personally I like JCommander ( http://jcommander.org ), using annotation for parameter
specification is great. JCommander is licensed with Apache 2.0 license, so the addition
shouldn't be a problem.
So, would it be possible to add JCommander library to project?
Martin Perina
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] Adding support for OpenLDAP to oVirt
by Uwe Grawert
Hello together,
regarding support for OpenLDAP as domain provider I found this mail from last year on ovirt-users list :http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2012-July/002791.html
I would like to add support for OpenLDAP to oVirt. As a start I had a look at ovirt-engine/backend/manager/modules/bll/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/bll/adbroker/ITDS* which seems to be very similar to the RHDS classes.
I simply copied all ITDS*.java files to OpenLdap*.java and changed class names and so forth from ITDS/itds to OpenLdap/openLdap. I also changed user and group attributes to make sense for OpenLDAP. Additionally I enhanced the LdapQueryMetadataFactoryImpl class, again copying mostly from ITDS and others.
To the very last I enhanced the enum at ovirt-engine/backend/manager/modules/utils/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/ldap/LdapProviderType.java with an OpenLDAP entry.
Right now I do not oversee the whole LDAPBroker code. Especially I do not know how enum at LdapProviderType.java is related the code found at bll/adbroker/*.
Could you please give me some guidance and advise, if I am on the right track? I could also send a diff of all changes to the list, if that is helpful. Thanks very much.
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] Best place for new interfaces used by bll
by Ravi Nori
I am working on refactoring some of the backend code in bll and need to
create interfaces so that I can eliminate the dependency between bll and
the new module.
Currently I created the interfaces in
org.ovirt.engine.core.common.interfaces, but from what I understand this
module is used by both frontend and backend. The new interfaces will
only be used by the backend. What would be the best place to put these
new interfaces?
11 years, 6 months
[Engine-devel] Error during "Create new VM"
by Deepak C Shetty
I get the following error in the engine web gui while trying to
create a new VM (server or desktop)
Cannot add VM if custom VM properties are in invalid format. Please
check the input.
Whats custom property is it talking about ?
Under 'Custom Property' in new VM Dialog.. it has nothing.. it says "no
I am on a git based engine setup.... trying to validate gluster storage
domain, but unable to proceed from this step.
Any workarounds/inputs appreciate
11 years, 6 months