[Engine-devel] [QE] 3.4.0 Release tracker
by Sandro Bonazzola
as you may know, we're planning to build oVirt 3.4.0 beta really soon and release 3.4.0 by end of January.
A tracker bug (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1024889) has been created for this release.
The following is a list of the current blocker bugs with target 3.4.0:
Whiteboard Bug ID Summary
storage 1032686 [RFE] API to save OVF on any location
storage 1032679 [RFE] Single Disk Snapshots
network 987813 [RFE] report BOOTPROTO and BONDING_OPTS independent of netdevice.cfg
The following is a list of the bugs with target 3.4.0 not yet fixed:
Whiteboard Bug ID Summary
gluster 1008980 [oVirt] Option 'Select as SPM' available for a host in gluster-only mode of oVirt
gluster 1038988 Gluster brick sync does not work when host has multiple interfaces
i18n 1033730 [es-ES] need to revise the "create snapshot" translation
infra 870330 Cache records in memory
infra 904029 [engine-manage-domains] should use POSIX parameter form and aliases as values
infra 979231 oVirt Node Upgrade: Support N configuration
infra 986882 tar which is used by host-deploy is missing from fedora minimal installation
infra 995362 [RFE] Support firewalld
infra 1016634 Performance hit as a result of duplicate updates to VdsDynamic in VdsUpdateRuntimeInfo
infra 1023751 [RFE] Create Bin Overrider for application context files changes we do in JRS
infra 1023754 [RFE] add trigger to stop etl connection via engine db value.
infra 1023759 [RFE] re-implement SSO solution based on JRS new SSO interface
infra 1023761 [RFE] Build nightly JRS builds based on latest JRS version
infra 1028793 systemctl start vdsmd blocks if dns server unreachable
infra 1032682 Refactor authentication framework in engine
infra 1035844 [oVirt][infra] Add host/Reinstall radio button text not actionable
infra 1045350 REST error during VM creation via API
infra 1046611 [oVirt][infra] Device custom properties syntax check is wrong
integration 789040 [RFE] Log Collector should be able to run without asking questions
integration 967350 [RFE] port dwh installer to otopi
integration 967351 [RFE] port reports installer to otopi
integration 1023752 [RFE] add upstream support for Centos el6 arch.
integration 1024028 [RFE] add trigger to stop etl connection via engine db value.
integration 1028489 [RFE] pre-populate ISO DOMAIN with rhev-tools-setup.iso (or equiv)
integration 1028913 'service network start' sometimes fails during setup
integration 1037663 F20 - ovirt-log-collector: conflicts with file from package sos-3.0-3.fc20.noarch
integration 1039616 Setting shmmax on F19 is not enough for starting postgres
network 987832 failed to add ovirtmgmt bridge when the host has static ip
network 1001186 With AIO installer and NetworkManager enabled, the ovirtmgmt bridge is not properly configured
network 1010663 override mtu field allows only values up to 9000
network 1018947 Yum update to oVirt 3.3 from 3.1.0 fails on CentOS 6.4 with EPEL dependency on python-inotify
network 1037612 [oVirt][network][RFE] Add "sync" column to hosts sub tab under networks main tab
network 1040580 [RFE] Apply networks changes to multiple hosts
network 1040586 [RFE] Ability to configure network on multiple hosts at once
network 1043220 [oVirt][network][RFE] Add Security-Group support for Neutron based networks
network 1043230 Allow configuring Network QoS on host interfaces
network 1044479 Make an iproute2 network configurator for vdsm
network 1048738 [oVirt][network][RFE] Add subnet support for neutron based networks
network 1048740 [oVirt][network][RFE] Allow deleting Neutron based network (in Neutron)
network 1048880 [vdsm][openstacknet] Migration fails for vNIC using OVS + security groups
sla 994712 Remove underscores for pre-defined policy names
sla 1038616 [RFE] Support for hosted engine
storage 888711 PosixFS issues
storage 961532 [RFE] Handle iSCSI lun resize
storage 1009610 [RFE] Provide clear warning when SPM become inaccessible and needs fencing
storage 1034081 Misleading error message when adding an existing Storage Domain
storage 1038053 [RFE] Allow domain of multiple types in a single Data Center
storage 1045842 After deleting image failed ui display message: Disk gluster-test was successfully removed from...
ux 784779 [webadmin][RFE] Login page. Add a link to welcome page
ux 1014859 [RFE] improve context-sensitive help csv mapping files
ux 1035566 [RFE] [oVirt][webadmin] Change comment column title to icon, and move to right of name
ux 1048916 sub-tab events in different main-tabs are being duplicated
virt 953340 console from rhevm-shell/ovirt-shell using spicec does not work (linux client)
virt 975730 [RFE] pass session id to spice via mime type to allow spice Menu Using REST
virt 987957 [RFE] edit VM dialog - nics appear in random order (not sorted by name)
virt 1031040 [RFE] RunOnce dialog can not set a vnc keymap itself
virt 1033547 [RFE] Configure both SPICE and VNC display console
virt 1035279 Allow to disable SSO per VM
virt 1038587 Show name of the template in General tab for a vm if the vm is deployed from template via clone allocation.
virt 1040088 [RFE] Add FreeBSD to the list of VM operating systems
virt 1043469 ovirt-guest-agent for openSUSE
virt 1043471 ovirt-guest-agent for SLES
virt 1043473 ovirt-guest-agent for Ubuntu
virt 1043474 ovirt-guest-agent for Debian
753296 [RFE] Enable FIPS mode
753306 SR-IOV support
753309 [RFE] Workaround for enable/disable services via persist cmd
806317 [RFE] ovirt-node regenerates kdump ramdisk image on every boot
832000 Reduce number of kargs to enable a better automated installation with PXE
846963 [oVirt-node] Upgrade ovirt-node with "ovirt_upgrade" parameter failed
850386 Introduce new systemd-rpm macros in ovirt-node spec file
893950 Make ovirt-node more FHS
908902 Add specififc log handlers (log files) for transactions and ui
909369 Use blivet during installation
918270 Refactor and isolate block device discovery
918957 [TUI] Confirmation for reboot
947406 Add notice field
947407 Status of caps-lock should be shown near password fields
953870 Migrate to livemedia-creator
966320 ovirt node will also enable ipv4 with dhcp protocol when only setting ipv6 with dhcp
966498 Change sensitivity of widgets recursively
969340 Migrate ovirt-node-installer backend and ovirt-auto-install backend to new code base
974609 Add correct suffixes to scripts
979067 [RFE] Add generic container handling
979078 [RFE] <RETURN> can be used to Save a page
979389 [RFE] use asciidoc for man pages
980064 [RFE] Add mouse support to the console
987824 [RFE] Need to add roll up and down ability to mouse control in multipage
988337 Shown incorrect info for the item "VLAN ID" after configured nic with "vlan".
988341 Should not create bond when report an error in configuration process
995994 Could not add Fedora host when its version becomes "oVirt Node Hypervisor"
997049 Allow nested transactions
1001947 KeyboardInterrupt Exception when click mouse on UI
1001950 RFE: same action on all ovirt-node-install page for press enter
1002176 Not enough debugging informations in log files
1002620 [RFE] Create central augeas object
1003234 password.py: Using "set_admin_password" to change admin password failed in single mode
1005148 [RFE] Add documentation on how to deploy Node with Puppet/Foreman
1007191 RFE: Support "BOOTIF=bondname" in auto-install parameters
1008891 Installer goes to next page after returning from shell
1011901 Report traceback infos about errors when starting ntpdate, rpcidmapd and rpcgssd services ...
1013520 Miss some console info to show status by using "ovirt-node-upgrade" to upgrade ovirt-node
1020227 /var/log/lastlog is missing
1021647 Shared configuration keys to pass management informations
1026646 Better to disable "enter" button works for the fan status table of ipmi page
1027110 Better to disable cim transaction run and prompt ConfirmationDialog when configuring cim without providing password
1027130 edit-node: Better to rename iso_name more simpler when install multiple packages
1027161 plugin info shown incorrectly in plugins page when install multiple packages
1029033 Link status shows disconnected although the cable is plugged.
1032373 [RFE] enhance edit-node man page for uid/gid options help info a bit more
1032374 [RFE] edit-node:Support specify multiple user, uid/group, gid elements changed
1035441 [RFE] Sync versions between ovirt-node and overall ovirt
Please set the target to 3.4.0 and add the bug to the tracker if you think that 3.4.0 should not be released without it fixed.
Please also update the target to 3.4.1 or any next release for bugs that won't be in 3.4.0: it will ease gathering the blocking bugs for next releases.
For those who want to help testing the bugs, I suggest to add yourself as QA contact for the bug.
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] About oVirt support storage ?
by JustMan
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11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] [QE] oVirt 3.3.3 beta status
by Sandro Bonazzola
we're going to branch and build oVirt 3.3.3 beta on Monday 2014-01-13.
A bug tracker is available at [1] and it shows no bugs blocking the release
the following has been proposed as blocker for 3.3.3 or 3.4.0, not targeted to a specific version yet:
Bug 1035314 - vdsm-hook-nestedvt uses kvm_intel-only syntax
The following is a list of the non-blocking bugs still open with target 3.3.3:
Whiteboard Bug ID Summary
Whiteboard Bug ID Summary
infra 987982 When adding a host through the REST API, the error message says that "rootPassword" is required...
infra 1017267 Plaintext user passwords in async_tasks database
infra 1040022 vdsm-tool configurre errors when installing vdsm package
integration 902979 ovirt-live - firefox doesn't trust the installed engine
integration 1021805 [RFE] oVirt Live - use motd to show the admin password
integration 1022440 [RFE] AIO - configure the AIO host to be a gluster cluster/host
integration 1026930 Package virtio-win and put it in ovirt repositories
integration 1026933 pre-populate ISO domain with virtio-win ISO
network 906313 [oVirt-webadmin] [setupNetworks] "No valid Operation for <network_name> and Unassigned Logical Networks panel"
network 987916 [oVirt] [provider] Dialog doesn't update unless focus lost
network 997197 Some AppErrors messages are grammatically incorrect (singular vs plural)
network 1023722 [oVirt-webadmin][network] Network roles in cluster management should be radio buttons
sla 1049343 [oVirt] Disabled Balloon in Add Vm
storage 987917 [oVirt] [glance] API version not specified in provider dialog
ux 906394 [oVirt-webadmin] [network] Loading animation in network main tab 'hosts' and 'vms' subtab is stuck...
virt 1007940 Cannot clone from snapshot while using GlusterFS as POSIX Storage Domain
906257 USB Flash Drive install of ovirt-node created via dd fails
923049 ovirt-node fails to boot from local disk under UEFI mode
965583 [RFE] add shortcut key on TUI
976675 [wiki] Update contribution page
979350 Changes admin password in the first time when log in is failed while finished auto-install
979390 [RFE] Split defaults.py into smaller pieces
982232 performance page takes >1sec to load (on first load)
984441 kdump page crashed before configuring the network after ovirt-node intalled
986285 UI crashes when no bond name is given
991267 [RFE] Add TUI information to log file.
1018374 ovirt-node-iso-3.0.1-1.0.2.vdsm.fc19: Failed on Auto-install
1018710 [RFE] Enhance API documentation
1032035 [RFE]re-write auto install function for the cim plugin
1033286 ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm can not be added to ovirt node el6 base image
Please add the bugs to the tracker if you think that 3.3.3 should not be released without them fixed.
Please re-target all bugs you don't think that should block 3.3.3.
For those who want to help testing the bugs, I suggest to add yourself as QA contact for the bug and add yourself to the testing page [2].
Maintainers are welcomed to start filling release notes, the page has been created here [3]
[1] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1050084
[2] http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/Ovirt_3.3.3_testing
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3.3_release_notes
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] how to change user password in webadmin?
by JustMan
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11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] IMPORTANT: FindBugs threshold update
by Oved Ourfalli
Hi all,
Up until now the jenkins jobs on the gerrit patches included a findbugs job, that failed only in case of a warning of level NORMAL or higher.
Now we update this threshold to fail on any findbugs warning, including LOW ones.
Please make sure to rebase your current patches and check that the findbugs job finish successfully.
It will probably fail without a rebase, as the last patches clearing the warnings were merged a few hours ago.
Kodus to everyone involved in clearing all the LOW level warnings... mostly Allon and Alissa, but others helped as well! :-)
11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] [Bugs] in RSDL ovirt 3.3.2-1
by Sven Kieske
I stumbled upon some spelling bugs in the rsdl, here is what
I got so far:
line 10:
<description>These options are valid for entire application.</description>
should be:
<description>These options are valid for the entire
line 218:
<description>update the specified cluster in the system. The
capabilities like virt servicem luster service, tarnsparent huge pages
etc can be changed.</description>
should be:
<description>update the specified cluster in the system. The
capabilities like virt service gluster service, transparent huge pages
etc can be changed.</description>
line 649:
<description>invoke the rebalance command on the gluster volume attached
to the</description>
should be:
<description>invoke the rebalance command on the gluster volume attached
to the cluster</description>
line 665:
<description>invoke the rebalance command on the gluster volume attached
to the with optional arguments to fix the lay and force the
should be:
<description>invoke the rebalance command on the gluster volume attached
to the cluster with optional arguments to fix the layout and force the
line 901:
<description>get the detials of the specified network in the
should be:
<description>get the details of the specified network in the
line 2377:
<description>add a new disk the system</description>
should be:
<description>add a new disk to the system</description>
line 2397:
<description>add a new disk the system with specified size, space will
be allocated from the storage domain for the disk</description>
should be:
<description>add a new disk to the system with specified size, space
will be allocated from the storage domain for the disk</description>
line 2441:
<description>add a new lun disk the system, this operation does not
require size but requires lun connection details</description>
should be:
<description>add a new lun disk to the system, this operation does not
require size but requires lun connection details</description>
line 2603:
<description>get the list of permission for the disk in the system. Disk
inherits permissions from the VM it is attached to and from the storage
domain it resides on (if there is one)</description>
should be:
<description>get the list of permissions for the disk in the system.
Disk inherits permissions from the VM it is attached to and from the
storage domain it resides on (if there is one)</description>
There might be various others, I didn't scan the whole XML.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Regards
Sven Kieske
Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG
Königsberger Straße 6
32339 Espelkamp
T: +49-5772-293-100
F: +49-5772-293-333
Geschäftsführer: Robert Meyer
St.Nr.: 331/5721/1033, USt-IdNr.: DE814773217, HRA 6640, AG Bad Oeynhausen
Komplementärin: Robert Meyer Verwaltungs GmbH, HRB 13260, AG Bad Oeynhausen
11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] gerrit upgrade
by Itamar Heim
with gerrit 2.8 released a month ago having our fix for Configurable
external robots.txt file (thanks juan), I'm planning to upgrade next
monday (January 13th) to 2.8.
other noteworthy changes - worth reading those with asterisk(*).
gerrit 2.7[1]
- New /a/tools URL.
This allows users to download the commit-msg hook via the command
line if the Gerrit server requires authentication globally.
- Gerrit Trigger Plugin in Jenkins
WARNING: Upgrading to 2.7 may cause the Gerrit Trigger Plugin in
Jenkins to stop working. Please see the "New Stream Events global
capability" section below.
gerrit 2.8[2]
* New change screen with completely redesigned UI and fully using the
Users can choose which one to use in their personal preferences,
either using the site default or explicitly choosing the old one or
new one.
- Secondary indexing with Lucene and Solr.
- Lots of new REST API endpoints.
- New UI extension and JavaScript API for plugins.
- New build system using Facebook’s Buck.
- New core plugin: Download Commands.
- Configurable external robots.txt file.
* Labels can be configured to copy scores forward to new patch sets if
there is no code change.
* Labels can be configured to copy scores forward to new patch sets for
trivial rebases.
* New button to cherry-pick the change to another branch.
* When issuing a rebase via the Web UI, the committer is now the logged
in user, rather than "Gerrit Code Review".
11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] Network labeling requirements follow up questions
by Malini Rao
I had asked a couple of questions about network labeling reqs offline but wanted to continue the discussion on the list. Thank you for the answers and I have copied my questions and your answers for context -
1. Can a network be part of several labels?
Currently not, we are not sure if there is a use case for that ATM, but
I hope users would surprise us with an interesting use case.
2. Can a network exist as a available network in the Setup Host networks dialog on its own even if it is part of a label? i.e, can a network be assigned to a NIC on its own and to another NIC as part of a label?
Network can not be provisioned twice on the same host (regardless of labels).
With regard to your answer to my question 2, I understand that the network cannot be provisioned twice on the same host but it can be provisioned to multiple hosts... right? So, Let's say the Green network is part of a label called label 1 which also includes yellow and red networks, and let's say Host 1 is provisioned using label 1 and so it can use green, yellow and red networks. For Host 2, can I provision with just Green rather than with Label 1? Or can a network be used only once in a label and across hosts?
11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] ovirt-engine 3.3.3 branching
by Sandro Bonazzola
this is just a reminder we're going to build ovirt-engine 3.3.3 beta today.
We're going to branch ovirt-engine around 10am EST to allow you to get your patches in.
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
11 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] [ATN][devenv] action required when rebasing on latest master
by Alon Bar-Lev
After rebasing to latest master (at least 08be92), if you want to reuse your prefix, please:
$ rm -fr "${HOME}/ovirt-engine/share/ovirt-engine/setup"
$ make install-dev PREFIX="${HOME}/ovirt-engine" DEV_REBUILD=0
This will remove some leftovers and allow you to reuse your current prefix.
I submitted a patch[1] to automate this process, I hope it will be merged soon, but its effect is only for the N+1 deployment.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Alon Bar-Lev.
[1] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/22895/
11 years, 2 months