Termin gestrichen: oVirt Node weekly meeting - Wöchentlich von 16:00 bis 16:30 am Montag (fdeutsch@redhat.com)
by fdeutsch@redhat.com
Dieser Termin wurde gestrichen und aus Ihrem Kalender entfernt.
Titel: oVirt Node weekly meeting
this is an invitation to the weekly oVirt Node devel meetings.
Anyone interested or related to Node development is welcome.
Wann: Wöchentlich von 16:00 bis 16:30 am Montag Berlin
Wo: irc://irc.oftc.net#ovirt
Kalender: fdeutsch(a)redhat.com
* Fabian Deutsch - Organisator
* devel(a)ovirt.org
* wdaniel(a)redhat.com
* tlitovsk(a)redhat.com
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9 years, 1 month
ovirt-engine-sdk-python too slow
by John Hunter
Hi guys,
I am using the ovirt-engine-sdk-python to communicate with the ovirt-engine,
I am ok to list the vms but the processing time is too long, like 4.5
and this line:
from ovirtsdk.api import API
take almost 3 seconds.
This seems a little bit longer than I expected it to be, so I am asking is
a quicker way to communicate with the ovirt-engine?
Best regards
Junwang Zhao
Department of Computer Science &Technology
Peking University
Beijing, 100871, PRC
9 years, 1 month
Networking fails for VM running on Centos6.7.Works on Centos6.5
by mad Engineer
hello all i am having strange network issue with vms that are running on
centos 6.7 ovirt nodes.
I recently added one more ovirt node which is running centos6.7 and
upgraded from centos6.5 to centos6.7 on all other nodes.
All VMs running on nodes with centos6.7 as host Operating system fail to
reach network gateway,but if i reboot that same host to centos6.5 kernel
everything works fine(with out changing any network configuration).
Initially i thought it as configuration issue but its there on all nodes.if
i reboot to old kernel everything is working.
I am aware about ghost vlan0 issue in centos6.6 kernel.Not aware about any
issue in centos6.7 Also all my servers are up to date.
All physical interfaces are in access mode VLAN connected to nexus 5k
working kernel- 2.6.32-431.20.3.el6.x86_64
non working kernel- 2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64
Any idea?
9 years, 1 month
Random VMs stuck in [drm] fb: depth 24,pitch 4096
by kevin parrikar
Running centos 6.7 and trying to PXE boot centos 6.5 vms but some of
them are stuck with this in boot message:
[drm] fb: depth 24,pitch 4096
screenshot of vm console:
tried restarting vms but its still stuck there
rpm -qa |grep kvm
rpm -qa |grep seabio
uname -a
ever seen this behaviour?
vms have 8gb/4cpu
9 years, 1 month
Automatic configuration of WildFly overlay
by Martin Perina
today we have merged patches into master and ovirt-engine-3.6 branch, which
eases configuration of WildFly overlay in development environment:
1. If you are using WildFly for development (preferred option), you should
build engine using:
make clean install-dev PREFIX=$HOME/ovirt-engine
When the build is finished successfully, WildFly overlay configuration
is created automatically in
There's no need to any manual configuration.
2. If you are using EAP6 for development, from now you should build engine
make clean install-dev PREFIX=$HOME/ovirt-engine WILDFLY_OVERLAY_MODULES=""
Using this option, WildFly overlay won't be configured, so you can use EAP6.
More information about build options can be found at README.developer.
Martin Perina
9 years, 1 month
Ovirt upgrade job failing
by David Caro
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Since yesterday morning the upgrade job from 3.6 to master [1] has been fai=
on applying the schema.sh, specifically:
2015-11-26 08:12:54 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_engine_setup.ovirt_engine.db.=
schema plugin.execute:941 execute-output: ['/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscrip=
ts/schema.sh', '-s', 'localhost', '-p', '5432', '-u', 'engine', '-d', 'engi=
ne', '-l', '/var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/ovirt-engine-setup-20151126081101-8=
84dt8.log', '-c', 'apply'] stderr:
psql:/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/create_views.sql:108: ERROR: column=
snapshots.memory_metadata_disk_id does not exist
LINE 59: snapshots.memory_metadata_disk_id,
FATAL: Cannot execute sql command: --file=3D/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscrip=
I see that the line was introduced by [2], though it did not fail back then=
the issue might not be there), it might also come from 3.6 branch, but I ne=
ed a
bit of help tracking that down from any of the db guys
This is making all the builds of that job fail, and it might be masking oth=
errors (and giving -1 to a lot of patches).
[1] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine_master_upgrade-from-3.6_el7_m=
[2] https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/47262/
David Caro
Red Hat S.L.
Continuous Integration Engineer - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +420 532 294 605
Email: dcaro(a)redhat.com
IRC: dcaro|dcaroest@{freenode|oftc|redhat}
Web: www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-62605
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9 years, 1 month