[vdsm][virt] what's new in virt (20151215)
by Francesco Romani
Hi all,
I'm happy to start a weekly summary of what's going on on virt's world (VDSM edition).
General topics
* I've got some mixed feedback about my Vm-on-a-diet effort. I still believe that fat trimming
is a worthwhile goal per se, but I'm willing to adapt the strategy responding to the comments,
so we will focus on virt-specific topics.
* As consequence of the above, I'm focusing on the last bits of device fixing, which involves
- fixing all device to update themselves from libvirt XML after domain boot, instead using
all the getUnderyling* methods
- switch the devices related code to use Etree instead of minidom. This will involve changes to
the domain_descriptor.
I estimate this task will still trim ~600 lines out of vm.py, so it still somehow gets some
size trimming done, albeit not intensive as planned.
This is a complex topic, will post plan and ideas on a separate mail
* Finally, some series are still worth pushing forward, see below.
Patches in need of attention
* topic branches
- mpolednik started a much needed cleanup and fixing of fake_qemu and fake_kvm code, with the ultimate goal to move all
the remaining bits into the faqemu hook, and to make it useful on ppc64.
Lots of refactoring is needed to support this change, and that produced
- we want to improve the reporting in case of migratio aborted. The ultimate goal is to let Engine (thus the User)
know why a migration failed. To export this information, however, we need some cleanup before. Hence:
- last and less urgent: here's some cleanup about existing getUnderlying* methods of Vm class, preparing
the last step of the big vmdevices split. I believe this is useful anyway
* single patches
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/46846
this is the first of a series aiming to improve migration support in 4.0. Probably worth merging all together,
even though this one seems ready for broader review to me.
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49173/
Notified just to raise awareness, still working on ensuring backward compatibility and smooth upgrade
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/48672
v2v xen support
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49951/
OVA support improvements. Worth a look, but note that we are working toward a split of this big patch
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49636
V2V refactoring, also almost ready
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49570/
still in the context of migration enhancements. We want to throttle incoming migrations, to do so we want
to use a sempahore which needs to be held by the creation thread until VM is created.
This helper makes this possible, using an uniform interface for both this case and the common, simpler case.
That's all for now, as usual, reviews welcome! :)
Francesco Romani
RedHat Engineering Virtualization R & D
Phone: 8261328
IRC: fromani
8 years, 11 months
Request permissions for otopi maintainership
by Yedidyah Bar David
otopi access lists have as unique member Alon Bar-Lev who recently
left the project.
Since I work a lot on engine-setup which is based on otopi, I have
some good experience with it, and also worked on otopi itself in the
past, I'm stepping in, proposing myself as maintainer for that
9 years
cpu profile permission error while editing/creating vm
by Tomer Saban
If you get an error message like the following while editing/creating VM:
User doesn't have permissions to assign the cpu profile ASFDS with id 3c990c63-8078-4916-bf18-f38596232a5a to VMs.
Go to Clusters->choose your cluster-> cpu profiles in the subtab-> choose the any cpu profile-> click add in the right frame and add permission for your user with role "CpuProfileCreator".
9 years
outdated quickstart guide
by Sven Kieske
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I'm just installing ovirt 3.6.2 in a new dev setup
and noticed that the quickstart guide still just
mentions 3.4 and 3.5:
maybe this can get adjusted?
PS: Any ETA for ovirt 3.6.3 yet?
Mit freundlichen Gr=C3=BC=C3=9Fen / Regards
Sven Kieske
Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG
K=C3=B6nigsberger Stra=C3=9Fe 6
32339 Espelkamp
T: +495772 293100
F: +495772 293333
Gesch=C3=A4ftsf=C3=BChrer: Robert Meyer
St.Nr.: 331/5721/1033, USt-IdNr.: DE814773217, HRA 6640, AG Bad Oeynhause=
Komplement=C3=A4rin: Robert Meyer Verwaltungs GmbH, HRB 13260, AG Bad
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
9 years, 1 month
Changing the name of VDSM in oVirt 4.0.
by Yaniv Dary
I wanted to bring this up to get feedback on this proposed change. VDSM
doesn't align to other project under the oVirt umbrella like ovirt-engine,
ovirt-node, ovirt-guest-agent etc..
I suggest for ease of use and tracking we change the versioning to align to
the engine (4.0.0 in oVirt 4.0 GA) to make it easy to know which version
was in which release and also change the package naming to something like
What do you think on this? What do you think the name should be?
Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: ydary(a)redhat.com
IRC : ydary
9 years, 1 month
Re: [ovirt-devel] Debian porting
by Milan Zamazal
lucas castro <lucascastroborges(a)gmail.com> writes:
> Who is working on ovirt debian porting,
I'm working on inclusion of Vdsm into Debian. ovirt-guest-agent is
already included in Debian (packaged by another Debian maintainer). I'm
not aware about any plans to package Engine for Debian nor I plan to do
There are also Vdsm Debian packages provided by oVirt at
http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.6/debian/, but I don't recommend
using them if you are going to use packages from standard Debian
distribution once they are ready. While the packages to be included in
Debian started from those provided by oVirt, there are many fixes in
them and upgrading from oVirt repository packages to packages from
Debian is not supported (may change if there is strong demand for that).
So mixing those is likely to cause troubles.
As for Vdsm in Debian, I've already uploaded most of the supporting
packages (Python libraries, MoM) to Debian unstable. Vdsm itself is in
One blocker is old version of sanlock package in Debian and missing
sanlock-python package. I wrote to the Debian package maintainer a few
days ago, no response so far. In the meantime, it's possible to use
sanlock packages by oVirt from the URL mentioned above. (Please note I
can't simply upload Debian package of another maintainer without his
consent, so we must be patient.)
> And how can I help ?
If you'd like to help with Vdsm packaging in Debian, you can do so in
any of the following ways:
- Providing input on your needs.
- Providing feedback on what to do with /rhev/data-center mounts
directory in Vdsm. It's FHS incompatible and must be changed for
Debian (the current location in the package is
/run/vdsm/rhev/data-center). The unpleasant thing is that AFAIK
migrations are not possible with current Vdsm across machines with
mounts at different locations, so we should be careful.
- Testing vdsm* packages once they are ready. They're not yet but once
they are, testing them will be very welcome.
- Providing feedback on the packaging. The git repository is on Alioth:
https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/vdsm.git/ . BTW, if
anybody needs commit access (and doesn't have it) to the repository,
tell me. Just please coordinate with me in any case so that we avoid
duplicate work or conflicting plans.
- The `vdsm*' packages are currently lintian clean, but completely
untested, even installation may not work. If you'd like to check the
installation and to fix contingent bugs preventing it, it's welcome.
You'll also need safelease
(https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/safelease.git/), not yet
in Debian but ready to upload, I'll do so soon.
- Testing whether all the Vdsm related packages from unstable
(python-cpopen, python-threading, ioprocess, safelease, mom, vdsm*)
work on Debian 8 (jessie) as well. Ideally, they might work
unchanged, but in case they don't we may be considering backporting
- You can also review patches in debian/patches. Maybe some of the
changes should be incorporated upstream, maybe some of them should be
9 years, 1 month
Automation CI for vdsm
by Yaniv Bronheim
Hi all,
We want to run functional tests as part of Vdsm CI for each patch before
merge. Therefore we need to declare how to automate this process without
overloading our jenkins machines.
The functional tests will run using lago (https://github.com/ovirt/lago) -
It will initiate multiply vms, install vdsm and manipulate it by nosetests
or other procedures such as upgrade, removal and so on.
Currently standard CI provides check-patch and check-merged scripts (
the problem with check-merged is that it will run after merge which doesn't
help if something fails.
We want to allow developers to trigger the script once reviews and
verification are ready (last step before merge). To do so we agreed to add
Continues Integration flag for each vdsm patch. Once this flag will be
signed with +1 it will trigger Jenkins CI to run the check-merged script
(adding new button to gerrit is not an option - you can image that flag as
a trigger button), on success Jenkins CI flag will turn to +2. on fail
we'll get -1 and once new patchset is ready the developer will remove the
+1 and add it back to the Continues Integration flag to re-trigger the job.
Please ack the process before we move on with that
The patch for those scripts still under review and testing -
*Yaniv Bronhaim.*
9 years, 1 month
oVirt goes to FOSDEM 2016 - the full scoop!
by Mikey Ariel
FOSDEM 2016 is just a few short weeks away, and I'm happy to share with
you the full details about our community presence at the conference.
Virt & IaaS Devroom
Just a reminder that the full schedule is published on the FOSDEM
website[1], and we have some great presentations from our community
members for you to learn from.
oVirt/Foreman Stand
This year we will share a stand with our friends from the Foreman
project. Stop by to say hello, grab swag, and enjoy some cool demos!
If you're attending FOSDEM and would like to help us out, we'd love to
have you there! This is a great opportunity to chat about oVirt with
FOSDEM attendees and meet other community members from all over the world.
Special surprise swag is reserved for booth volunteers! Please sign up
for booth shifts in the etherpad[2] (lines 11-33). One of our core
contributors will also be at the booth to support and co-pilot each shift.
Social Event on Saturday
In previous years, we had informal social gatherings for our community
members on Saturday evening. These evenings are yet another excellent
opportunity to meet and chat with the oVirt community outside the hectic
FOSDEM venue.
This year we'd like to hold an event again if there is enough demand, so
please write your name/IRCnick/Twitter/G+/email in the etherpad[2] (line
86 and down) **by January 15**.
If there is enough interest, we will reserve a nice pub in the center of
Brussels and buy the first round :)
See you in Brussels!
[1] https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/track/virtualisation_and_iaas/
[2] http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/ovirt-fosdem-2016
Mikey Ariel
Community Lead, oVirt
"To be is to do" (Socrates)
"To do is to be" (Jean-Paul Sartre)
"Do be do be do" (Frank Sinatra)
Mobile: +420-702-131-141
IRC: mariel / thatdocslady
Twitter: @ThatDocsLady
9 years, 1 month