ovirtm Hosts reinstall button
by Paul Dyer
can anyone explain what this button does? I have looked in the
documentation but have found no reference to it. Will reinstall only
install packages and setting for the host, and leave
cluster/storage/networks alone?
I have a cluster version 3.6.2 that will not Activate the host because the
message "Host .. is compatible with versions (3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5) and
cannot join Cluster...". The host was part of a 3.5 cluster until the
upgrade to 3.6.2.
Thanks a million,
Paul Dyer,
Mercury Consulting Group, RHCE
8 years, 11 months
[vdsm][virt] what's new in virt (20151215)
by Francesco Romani
Hi all,
I'm happy to start a weekly summary of what's going on on virt's world (VDSM edition).
General topics
* I've got some mixed feedback about my Vm-on-a-diet effort. I still believe that fat trimming
is a worthwhile goal per se, but I'm willing to adapt the strategy responding to the comments,
so we will focus on virt-specific topics.
* As consequence of the above, I'm focusing on the last bits of device fixing, which involves
- fixing all device to update themselves from libvirt XML after domain boot, instead using
all the getUnderyling* methods
- switch the devices related code to use Etree instead of minidom. This will involve changes to
the domain_descriptor.
I estimate this task will still trim ~600 lines out of vm.py, so it still somehow gets some
size trimming done, albeit not intensive as planned.
This is a complex topic, will post plan and ideas on a separate mail
* Finally, some series are still worth pushing forward, see below.
Patches in need of attention
* topic branches
- mpolednik started a much needed cleanup and fixing of fake_qemu and fake_kvm code, with the ultimate goal to move all
the remaining bits into the faqemu hook, and to make it useful on ppc64.
Lots of refactoring is needed to support this change, and that produced
- we want to improve the reporting in case of migratio aborted. The ultimate goal is to let Engine (thus the User)
know why a migration failed. To export this information, however, we need some cleanup before. Hence:
- last and less urgent: here's some cleanup about existing getUnderlying* methods of Vm class, preparing
the last step of the big vmdevices split. I believe this is useful anyway
* single patches
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/46846
this is the first of a series aiming to improve migration support in 4.0. Probably worth merging all together,
even though this one seems ready for broader review to me.
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49173/
Notified just to raise awareness, still working on ensuring backward compatibility and smooth upgrade
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/48672
v2v xen support
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49951/
OVA support improvements. Worth a look, but note that we are working toward a split of this big patch
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49636
V2V refactoring, also almost ready
- https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/49570/
still in the context of migration enhancements. We want to throttle incoming migrations, to do so we want
to use a sempahore which needs to be held by the creation thread until VM is created.
This helper makes this possible, using an uniform interface for both this case and the common, simpler case.
That's all for now, as usual, reviews welcome! :)
Francesco Romani
RedHat Engineering Virtualization R & D
Phone: 8261328
IRC: fromani
8 years, 11 months
Coming (Very) Soon - New ovirt.org Website & Deprecated Wiki
by Mikey Ariel
Hash: SHA256
In the past months we've been working on upgrading the oVirt project
infrastructure, to better support the community contributions.
One of the main platforms for our user documentation, release
management content, and community content has been the MediaWiki site
that you all know as ovirt.org. Most of us are familiar with the wiki
site format, with all its advantages and disadvantages.
After several years of serving the community, I'm happy to announce
that we are very near to completing a full upgrade of the website
infrastructure from a wiki site to a static site, source-controlled on
GitHub and authored in Markdown.
This email is the pre-launch announcement, as we are reaching the
final stages of the migration, and there are a few actions that might
affect your work on website content in the meantime.
Why migrate the website
As mentioned, wiki sites provide an open and flexible content editing
platform. Unfortunately, as the site grows the content becomes quite
difficult to manage and curate, resulting in lots of obsolete,
outdated, and incorrect information.
By moving to a source-controlled repository and implementing GitHub's
contribution workflow, we strive to ease the work of maintaining an
up-to-date content site, employ a peer-review process for changes, and
standardize the authoring markup language to lower the contribution
The Middleman framework (Ruby-based static site generator) was chosen
based on observing successful implementation of other open-source
community websites, such as OpenStack RDO, Project Atomic, and Gluster.
What we did so far
When we started the migration, our Web design team exported all of the
wiki content from the old website and converted it to MD files. They
also set up the website config flow, auto-deploy, and upgraded the
look-and-feel of the website.
We then initiated a content review effort as well as a UX review for
the new website in a smaller forum, which caught most of the critical
issues with the new website and helped us get the new format to a
place where we can release the website in a near-GA/public-beta format.
Yesterday (Wednesday Feb 17) we exported the website one more time and
currently we're running a diff on all the files that changed since the
initial export was done, to make sure we grab all the updates and the
latest content before we launch the new website.
What is about to happen
Today we are initiating a **wiki freeze**, which means the old
MediaWiki site will become read-only. This is to ensure that all of
our diff scripts reflect the most current state of the content on the
website, and that we don't lose any content in the transition.
Barring any unexpected blockers, we will port the ovirt.org domain to
point to the new website and open the new website for contributions on
**Monday February 22** or earlier.
What do you need to do right now
If you have any wiki pages that you're actively editing, please don't
save them to the old MediaWiki site, and hold onto your pending
changes until we send the happy launch email.
We will also include instructions on how to contribute/edit/add
content to the new website, but in general the workflow will be
aligned with the standard GitHub best practices
(clone-edit-commit-pullrequest), so you can utilize all of the git
commands that you already know or work directly within the GitHub web
I'd like to thank all of the people who were involved with this
migration so far, ovirt.org is a big website with lots of content and
it was no small task to upgrade it.
Please feel free to ping me on- or off-list if you have any questions
about the next steps, and expect a happy launch email soon!
- --
Mikey Ariel
Community Lead, oVirt
"To be is to do" (Socrates)
"To do is to be" (Jean-Paul Sartre)
"Do be do be do" (Frank Sinatra)
Mobile: +420-702-131-141
IRC: mariel / thatdocslady
Twitter: @ThatDocsLady
Version: GnuPG v2
8 years, 11 months
Welcome: New ovirt.org website!
by Mikey Ariel
Hash: SHA256
Following yesterday's pre-launch email[1], I'm happy to announce that
the new ovirt.org[2] website is now live in **public beta** and
available for community review.
All the information in this email is also available in the first blog
post of our shiny new oVirt blog[3]. Read on for information about new
features, known issues, and a call for reviews.
The old MediaWiki site is still available in read-only[4], and will be
taken offline on **March 1, 2016**. This is to ensure that you can
compare pages and review migrated content.
What's New
The new Website is full of improvements and enhancements, check out
these highlights:
* Source content is now formatted in Markdown instead of MediaWiki.
This means that you can create and edit documentation, blog posts, and
feature pages with the same Markdown syntax you know.
* The Website is deployed with Middleman and stored on GitHub. This
means that you can make changes to content with the same GitHub
contribution workflow that you know (fork, clone, edit, commit, submit
pull request). We even have an "Edit this page on GitHub" link at the
bottom of every page!
* New layout and design, from breadcrumbs to sidebards and an upgraded
landing page. (This is still WIP, please see known issues.)
* Automatic redirects from the old MediaWiki site. This means that if
the wiki page exists in the new website, previously-released URLs will
redirect to that page. If the page was removed, the Search page will
open with the page title auto-filled in the search box.
* Hierarchical content structure. This means that instead of flat
Wiki-style files, the deployed Website reflects an organized source
repo with content sorted into directories and sub-directories.
* Official oVirt blog! Our new blog welcomes contributions. This means
that if you solved a problem with oVirt, want to share your oVirt
story, or describe a cool integration, you can submit a pull request
with a blog post and we will provide editorial reviews and help
publish your posts.
* Standardized contribution process. The GitHub repo now includes a
README.md[5] file that you can use to learn about how to add and edit
content on the website. We welcome pull requests!
Known Issues
Despite our best efforts, there are still a few kinks with the new
website that you should be aware of:
* Attempting to navigate to ovirt.org (without www.) leads to a
redirect loop. We have a ticket open with OpenShift, our hosting
service to fix this.
* Only http is available. We also have a ticket with OpenShift to add
SSL and enable https.
* Home page and Download page are still being upgraded by our UX
experts, expect some cool new changes soon!
* Feature pages look-and-feel is still under construction. You can
still edit and push feature pages as usual.
What's Next
Even though the Website is live, the work is hardly over. We'd like to
ask for your help in:
* Reviewing content for anything obsolete or outdated (each page in
the new website includes a header toolbar with metadata from the
original wiki page for your convenience)
* Submitting blog posts or any other content that you wish to share
with the oVirt community
* Reporting bugs and proposing enhancements, for example broken links
or missing pages
We hope you will enjoy the new oVirt Website, looking forward to your
feedback and contributions!
[1] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2016-February/012372.html
[2] http://www.ovirt.org/
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/blog/2016/02/welcome-to-new-ovirt-site/
[4] http://old.ovirt.org/Home
[5] https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-site/blob/master/README.md
- --
Mikey Ariel
Community Lead, oVirt
"To be is to do" (Socrates)
"To do is to be" (Jean-Paul Sartre)
"Do be do be do" (Frank Sinatra)
Mobile: +420-702-131-141
IRC: mariel / thatdocslady
Twitter: @ThatDocsLady
Version: GnuPG v2
8 years, 11 months
Cockpit-oVirt plugin
by Marek Libra
I'm pleased to announce initial version of new oVirt plugin for Cockpit, which is recently a proposed feature for oVirt 4.0.
The oVirt Wiki Feature can be found at [3].
Sources and README file can be found on the github [1].
Up-to-date issue list is at [2] (includes planed enhancements)
Please refer the README file for install instructions, so far tested on Centos 7 (minimal).
The plugin will be distributed as an rpm in the future and is meant as an optional add-on to oVirt.
Main focus is on
- troubleshooting when accessibility/functionality of webadmin is limited
- easy-to-use tool for VM-centric host monitoring/administration
- potential integration point with oVirt on UI level
- easy to use, so for small setups the preferred choice with an option to "upgrade" to full oVirt later
The plugin or its parts can be used as standalone same as embedded into other UIs, like drill-down from webadmin or ManageIQ for more details or fine-tuning.
The plugin has dependency on VDSM.
Please note, since there was a VDSM patch needed, recent master is required (see README in the source).
Dependency on oVirt's engine is optional - when accessible then additional plugin functionality is available.
Please note, the plugin is in early development phase showing basic concept.
[1] Sources: https://github.com/mareklibra/cockpit-ovirt/
[2] Issue tracker: https://github.com/mareklibra/cockpit-ovirt/issues
[3] Wiki Proposed Feature page is in review, recent unmerged version:
Once merged, screenshots will be available.
8 years, 11 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.6.3 Fourth Release Candidate is now available for testing
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability
of the Fourth Release Candidate of oVirt 3.6.3 for testing, as of February
24th, 2016
This release is available now for Fedora 22,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, CentOS Linux 6.7 (or similar) and
Red Hat Enterprise Linux >= 7.2, CentOS Linux >= 7.2 (or similar).
This release supports Hypervisor Hosts running
Red Hat Enterprise Linux >= 7.2, CentOS Linux >= 7.2 (or similar) and
Fedora 22.
Highly experimental support for Debian 8.3 Jessie has been added too.
This release candidate includes updated packages for:
- ovirt-engine
- vdsm
- ovirt-hosted-engine-ha
- ovirt-hosted-engine-setup
This release of oVirt 3.6.3 includes numerous bug fixes.
See the release notes [1] for an initial list of the new features and bugs
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
A new oVirt Live ISO will be available soon [2].
Please note that mirrors[3] may need usually one day before being
* Read more about the oVirt 3.6.3 release highlights:
* Get more oVirt Project updates on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ovirt
* Read more about oVirt Project community events:
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/release/3.6.3/
[2] http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.6-pre/iso/
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/Repository_mirrors#Current_mirrors
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
9 years
Cockpit port open by default after adding host
by Fabian Deutsch
we use cockpit on Node Next, and we configure firewalld to open the
port by default.
However, after adding the host to Engine, the port is getting closed
again because iptables is the used.
How do you recommend to get the cockpit port opened by default?
- fabian
9 years
oVirt Node Next upgrades
by Fabian Deutsch
in the last few weeks the Node team made some significant steps on oVirt Node
In a nutshell, Node can now be installed using an ISO, added to Engine
and upgraded using `yum update`. This is nice.
To achieve this goal a few smaller steps were needed:
Layout initialization
Now the LVM specific layout is initialized during installation. This required
some patches on imgbased.
With those patches, imgbased also gained a bit of a refactoring.
Bootloader configuration
Switching between the images works by booting into the different images.
To enable this, bootloader entries are needed.
Previously there was a quick-n-dirty BLS based implementation, now `grubby`
is used to modify the bootloader
This is more aligned with how bootloader configuration is recommended on
CentOS/Fedora and RHEL.
And in addition it was easy to implement.
RPM dependencies
To get `yum update` working propperly we had to work out a mechanism to
update an image without an image. What!? Well, it's a long story, read all of
it here:
Installation ISO generation
This is not really a necessary thing, but it seems that it really helps to
install the initial image of Node Next.
And because our delivery format is so nice, it was very simple to provide this
installation ISO.
Read more about it here:
That's quite a step which we made in the last few weeks, but more is to come.
oVirt 3.6
We noticed that Node is using the rpms from the oVirt master branches, which
makes it a bit unstable. We plan to switch to consume oVirt 3.6 rpms.
Node will have a cockpit plugin for oVirt stuff, this work needs to be started.
Rollback is simple in Node, just boot the older image. We want to add a verb to
allow a user to trigger the rollback from the terminal.
It's time to give oVirt Node Next a try! Feel free to provide us some
feedback on
how it went.
On behalf of the Node team
- fabian
9 years