  • 59 participants
  • 64 discussions
Building vdsm with standard-manual-runner fails to clone the repo
by Nir Soffer
5 years, 3 months
vdsm has been tagged (v4.30.37)
by Milan Zamazal
5 years, 3 months
Proposing Marcin Sobczyk as VDSM infra maintainer
by Martin Perina
5 years, 3 months
5 years, 3 months
VDSM TestCommunicate.test_send_receive() failed
by Eyal Shenitzky
5 years, 3 months
dropping Fedora 29 support
by Michal Skrivanek
5 years, 3 months
oVirt 4.4 / master CI readiness
by Sandro Bonazzola
5 years, 3 months
Dropping local crypto settings throughout oVirt in favour of crypto policies
by Marcin Sobczyk
5 years, 3 months
Building vdsm repo fails in CI
by Vojtech Juranek
5 years, 3 months
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