Re: [CQ]: 108508, 5 (ovirt-engine) failed "ovirt-master" system tests, but isn't the failure root cause
by Yedidyah Bar David
On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 12:54 PM oVirt Jenkins <jenkins(a)> wrote:
> A system test invoked by the "ovirt-master" change queue including change
> 108508,5 (ovirt-engine) failed. However, this change seems not to be the root
> cause for this failure. Change 107284,12 (ovirt-engine) that this change
> depends on or is based on, was detected as the cause of the testing failures.
> This change had been removed from the testing queue. Artifacts built from this
> change will not be released until either change 107284,12 (ovirt-engine) is
> fixed and this change is updated to refer to or rebased on the fixed version,
> or this change is modified to no longer depend on it.
> For further details about the change see:
> For further details about the change that seems to be the root cause behind the
> testing failures see:
> For failed test results see:
12:40:26 Problem 1: package
requires apache-commons-jxpath, but none of the providers can be
12:40:26 - cannot install the best candidate for the job
12:40:26 - package
apache-commons-jxpath-1.3-29.module_el8.0.0+30+832da3a1.noarch is
12:40:26 Problem 2: package
requires ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap =
1.4.1-0.279.202003021945.el8, but none of the providers can be
12:40:26 - package
requires slf4j-jdk14, but none of the providers can be installed
12:40:26 - conflicting requests
12:40:26 - package
slf4j-jdk14-1.7.25-4.module_el8.1.0+233+b2be703e.noarch is excluded
12:40:26 - package
slf4j-jdk14-1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+30+832da3a1.noarch is excluded
Known issue?
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4 years, 9 months
4.4 Beta for c8 Stream - ?
by lejeczek
hi everyone.
A novice here. I'd like to ask if 4.4 is tested against
c8steam and will work?
And in case of NO answer I'll say that it would be great if
possible, to have 4.4 fully tested and working on c8s.
many thanks, L.
4 years, 9 months
Re: [CQ]: 108705, 9 (ovirt-engine) failed "ovirt-master" system tests, but isn't the failure root cause
by Yedidyah Bar David
On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 12:57 PM oVirt Jenkins <jenkins(a)> wrote:
> A system test invoked by the "ovirt-master" change queue including change
> 108705,9 (ovirt-engine) failed. However, this change seems not to be the root
> cause for this failure. Change 107284,12 (ovirt-engine) that this change
> depends on or is based on, was detected as the cause of the testing failures.
> This change had been removed from the testing queue. Artifacts built from this
> change will not be released until either change 107284,12 (ovirt-engine) is
> fixed and this change is updated to refer to or rebased on the fixed version,
> or this change is modified to no longer depend on it.
> For further details about the change see:
> For further details about the change that seems to be the root cause behind the
> testing failures see:
> For failed test results see:
The engine did manage to run ssh-copy-id to both host-0 and host-1, but
then failed, a few seconds later, while running ansible:
2020-05-03 05:54:49,779-04 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [13ea1de1] Error executing
playbook: Failed to add host to inventory: SSH timeout waiting for
response from 'lago-basic-suite-master-host-0'
A few other lines along this one, as well as similar ones for host-1,
do not give (me) more information.
lago did manage to collect logs from both hosts, a few seconds later.
vdsm logs are empty, messages does not give me a clue.
What is the timeout on trying to ssh (with ansible)? engine.log shows
only 1-2 seconds from start to timeout. Perhaps we should make it a bit
Best regards,
4 years, 9 months
Can't install vdsm and vdsm-client from master repository
by Shani Leviim
Hi all,
I'm trying to install vdsm and vdsm-client from the master repository on an
fc31 host,
but I'm getting an error which packages don't exists:
# dnf install vdsm vdsm-client
Last metadata expiration check: 0:35:20 ago on Sun 03 May 2020 10:50:57 AM
No match for argument: vdsm
No match for argument: vdsm-client
Error: Unable to find a match: vdsm vdsm-client
I've noticed while installing the master rpm, the source repository is
*commandline* instead of ovirt-release-master or something like that.
# sudo yum install -y
Last metadata expiration check: 2:38:37 ago on Sun 03 May 2020 08:11:06 AM
27 kB/s | 11 kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture
Repository Size
ovirt-release-master noarch
*@commandline* 11 k
Does anyone encounter this issue?
Same happened to me with ovirt-release43.rpm
Thanks ahead
*Shani Leviim*
4 years, 9 months
oVirt 4.4.0 Beta release refresh is now available for testing
by Sandro Bonazzola
oVirt 4.4.0 Beta release refresh is now available for testing
The oVirt Project is excited to announce the availability of the beta
release of oVirt 4.4.0 refresh (beta 4) for testing, as of April 17th, 2020
This release unleashes an altogether more powerful and flexible open source
virtualization solution that encompasses hundreds of individual changes and
a wide range of enhancements across the engine, storage, network, user
interface, and analytics on top of oVirt 4.3.
Important notes before you try it
Please note this is a Beta release.
The oVirt Project makes no guarantees as to its suitability or usefulness.
This pre-release must not to be used in production.
In particular, please note that upgrades from 4.3 and future upgrades from
this beta to the final 4.4 release from this version are not supported.
Some of the features included in oVirt 4.4.0 Beta require content that will
be available in CentOS Linux 8.2 but can’t be tested on RHEL 8.2 beta yet
due to some incompatibility in openvswitch package shipped in CentOS Virt
SIG which requires to rebuild openvswitch on top of CentOS 8.2.
Known Issues
ovirt-imageio development is still in progress. In this beta you can’t
upload images to data domains using the engine web application. You can
still copy iso images into the deprecated ISO domain for installing VMs or
upload and download to/from data domains is fully functional via the REST
API and SDK.
For uploading and downloading via the SDK, please see:
Both scripts are standalone command line tool, try --help for more info.
Installation instructions
For the engine: either use appliance or:
- Install CentOS Linux 8 minimal from
- dnf install
- dnf update (reboot if needed)
- dnf module enable -y javapackages-tools pki-deps postgresql:12
- dnf install ovirt-engine
- engine-setup
For the nodes:
Either use oVirt Node ISO or:
- Install CentOS Linux 8 from
; select minimal installation
- dnf install
- dnf update (reboot if needed)
- Attach the host to engine and let it be deployed.
What’s new in oVirt 4.4.0 Beta?
Hypervisors based on CentOS Linux 8 (rebuilt from award winning RHEL8),
for both oVirt Node and standalone CentOS Linux hosts
Easier network management and configuration flexibility with
VMs based on a more modern Q35 chipset with legacy seabios and UEFI
Support for direct passthrough of local host disks to VMs
Live migration improvements for High Performance guests.
New Windows Guest tools installer based on WiX framework now moved to
VirtioWin project
Dropped support for cluster level prior to 4.2
Dropped SDK3 support
4K disks support only for file based storage. iSCSI/FC storage do not
support 4k disks yet.
Exporting a VM to a data domain
Editing of floating disks
Integrating ansible-runner into engine, which allows a more detailed
monitoring of playbooks executed from engine
Adding/reinstalling hosts are now completely based on Ansible
The OpenStack Neutron Agent cannot be configured by oVirt anymore, it
should be configured by TripleO instead
This release is available now on x86_64 architecture for:
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1
* CentOS Linux (or similar) 8.1
This release supports Hypervisor Hosts on x86_64 and ppc64le architectures
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1
* CentOS Linux (or similar) 8.1
* oVirt Node 4.4 based on CentOS Linux 8.1 (available for x86_64 only)
See the release notes [1] for installation instructions and a list of new
features and bugs fixed.
If you manage more than one oVirt instance, OKD or RDO we also recommend to
try ManageIQ <>.
In such a case, please be sure to take the qc2 image and not the ova image.
- oVirt Appliance is already available for CentOS Linux 8
- oVirt Node NG is already available for CentOS Linux 8
Additional Resources:
* Read more about the oVirt 4.4.0 release highlights:
* Get more oVirt project updates on Twitter:
* Check out the latest project news on the oVirt blog:
Sandro Bonazzola
Red Hat EMEA <>
*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
answer this email out of your office hours.*
4 years, 9 months