Error: Adding new Host to ovirt-engine
by Ahmad Khiet
Can't add new host to ovirt engine, because the following error:
2019-06-12 12:23:09,664 p=4134 u=engine | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-facts :
Set facts] *************************************
2019-06-12 12:23:09,684 p=4134 u=engine | ok: [] => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python2",
"host_deploy_vdsm_version": "4.40.0"
"changed": false
2019-06-12 12:23:09,697 p=4134 u=engine | TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver
: Install ovs] *********************************
2019-06-12 12:23:09,726 p=4134 u=engine | fatal: []: FAILED! =>
The conditional check 'cluster_switch == "ovs" or (ovn_central is defined
and ovn_central | ipaddr and ovn_engine_cluster_version is
version_compare('4.2', '>='))' failed. The error was: The ipaddr filter
requires python's netaddr be installed on the ansible controller
The error appears to be in
line 3, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- block:
- name: Install ovs
^ here
2019-06-12 12:23:09,728 p=4134 u=engine | PLAY RECAP
2019-06-12 12:23:09,728 p=4134 u=engine | :
ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0
whats missing!?
Ahmad Khiet
Red Hat <>
M: +972-54-6225629
1 year, 7 months
This year conference community updates
by Sandro Bonazzola
as announced we are going to have oVirt online conference coming in
I would like to give usual community updates in and as part of that I'd
like to report about oVirt downstream products (such as Red Hat
Virtualization and Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager) and about companies
using oVirt.
I could just go googling and guessing by e-mail traffic on oVirt users list
but I want to try a different approach this year.
So, if you are shipping an oVirt downstream or if you're using oVirt and
you'd like to get the company nominated during the community reports please
let me know off-list.
Also I'd like to remind that oVirt site has a section dedicated to user
stories, if you want to share yours you can either push it to or get in touch with me off-list to get
help getting your story published.
Sandro Bonazzola
Red Hat EMEA <>
*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
answer this email out of your office hours.*
3 years, 8 months
importing fixtures in ovirt-system-tests
by Yedidyah Bar David
Hi all,
We have several different styles of where/how to import fixtures in
- import directly inside the test code
- import in
- import in fixtures modules
- For all of above, both 'import *' and importing specific fixtures
I think we should try to agree on a specific style and then follow it.
One drawback of importing directly in test/fixtures code is that it's
then impossible to override them in
A drawback of importing '*' and/or doing this in is that
you might inadvertently import more than you want, or this might
happen eventually (after more stuff are added), that this makes it
harder to find what uses what, and that it risks unintended collisions
in names - as opposed to intended overrides.
A related issue is having to update many places if you add/change something.
If there is some kind of "best practices" document somewhere that
people are happy with, perhaps we should follow it. Otherwise, we
should come up with our own.
Personally I think I'd like to have a single file with all the
imports, of specific fixtures (not '*'), and import this file from of all the suites. Didn't actually try this and no idea
what complications it might bring.
Comments/ideas/opinions/decisions are welcome :-)
Best regards,
3 years, 8 months
ovirt-engine-4.4.7 was branched
by Tal Nisan
Hi everyone,
Today we've tagged what will be 4.4.7 RC build, to maintain stability and
to allow work on 4.4.8 we have branched 4.4.7 in case of bugs found on the
RC Build that need to be fixed.
The general guidelines:
For your 4.4.8 work - just push to master
For 4.4.7 work (blockers/exceptions only!) - push to master and once it's
merged backport to the ovirt-engine-4.4.7.z branch
3 years, 9 months
Vdsm: ovirt-4.4.7 branch created
by Milan Zamazal
ovirt-4.4.7 branch has been created for 4.4.7 backports. You can merge
4.4.8 stuff to master now.
3 years, 9 months
cloning LVM partitions
What are the internal commands used to clone LVM partitions ?
(you can simply indicate me the source code where this is done)
3 years, 9 months
selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException: Message: Clusters menu is not displayed
by Yedidyah Bar David
On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 1:03 PM Code Review <gerrit(a)> wrote:
> From Jenkins CI <jenkins(a)>:
> Jenkins CI has posted comments on this change. ( )
> Change subject: Make the ansible_inventory fixture backend-independent
> ......................................................................
> Patch Set 16: Continuous-Integration-1
> Build Failed
Hi all,
Can someone please have a look and decide if this failure is reasonable?
The screenshot of the failed "Open cluster list view" does not show
anything suspicious at all [1], to me, but not sure how it should
otherwise look - e.g. should it include a pointer, which might imply
where we tried to move, etc. It timed out 3 minutes after a successful
login [2].
If it's not supposed to include a pointer, perhaps we should try to
make selenium do include a pointer in the screenshots - I have a
feeling this can help debug other UI issues. But I don't know this
code at all...
Thanks and best regards,
> --
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> Gerrit-Project: ovirt-system-tests
> Gerrit-Branch: master
> Gerrit-Change-Id: Id07012f8fc3a972a3b62d32f2271d5747514e13a
> Gerrit-Change-Number: 115191
> Gerrit-PatchSet: 16
> Gerrit-Owner: Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Andrej Cernek <acernek(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Anton Marchukov <amarchuk(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Dafna Ron <dron(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Dusan Fodor <dfodor(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Gal Ben Haim <galbh2(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Galit Rosenthal <grosenth(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins CI <jenkins(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Marcin Sobczyk <msobczyk(a)>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Name of user not set #1001916
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a)>
> Gerrit-Comment-Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 10:03:15 +0000
> Gerrit-HasComments: No
> Gerrit-Has-Labels: Yes
> Gerrit-MessageType: comment
3 years, 9 months