  • 25 participants
  • 38 discussions
2FA requirement for oVirt GitHub org?
by Janos Pasztor
3 years, 7 months
Broken commit-msg hook in gerrit
by Nir Soffer
3 years, 7 months
Add "ci system-test" command
by Nir Soffer
3 years, 7 months
basic OST: Error initializing source docker, unauthorized: incorrect username or password
by Yedidyah Bar David
3 years, 7 months
Add OST flag to all oVirt projects
by Nir Soffer
3 years, 7 months
AV 8.4 for CentOS Linux
by Sandro Bonazzola
3 years, 7 months
ansible OST: Failed to hot-plug disk
by Yedidyah Bar David
3 years, 7 months
planned Jenkins restart
by Evgheni Dereveanchin
3 years, 7 months
Gerrit hook adds unrelated patches to bugs
by Nir Soffer
3 years, 7 months
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