Error: Adding new Host to ovirt-engine
by Ahmad Khiet
Can't add new host to ovirt engine, because the following error:
2019-06-12 12:23:09,664 p=4134 u=engine | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-facts :
Set facts] *************************************
2019-06-12 12:23:09,684 p=4134 u=engine | ok: [] => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python2",
"host_deploy_vdsm_version": "4.40.0"
"changed": false
2019-06-12 12:23:09,697 p=4134 u=engine | TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver
: Install ovs] *********************************
2019-06-12 12:23:09,726 p=4134 u=engine | fatal: []: FAILED! =>
The conditional check 'cluster_switch == "ovs" or (ovn_central is defined
and ovn_central | ipaddr and ovn_engine_cluster_version is
version_compare('4.2', '>='))' failed. The error was: The ipaddr filter
requires python's netaddr be installed on the ansible controller
The error appears to be in
line 3, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- block:
- name: Install ovs
^ here
2019-06-12 12:23:09,728 p=4134 u=engine | PLAY RECAP
2019-06-12 12:23:09,728 p=4134 u=engine | :
ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0
whats missing!?
Ahmad Khiet
Red Hat <>
M: +972-54-6225629
1 year, 7 months
GWT in project ovirt
I plan to develop ui plugins.
Does it make sense to use GWT?
Do you plan to use GWT in the project in the future?
Do you plan to switch to another technology?
If something has already been written about this or there is a roadmap, I ask for a link.
Thank you!
2 years, 5 months
separate DWH/grafana machine with keycloak enabled
by Yedidyah Bar David
Hi all,
$Subject is currently broken.
We do not have yet an open bug for this but did have a few related
(but different) ones, including:
While looking at this, I decided it's about time to have
ovirt-system-tests test this flow, as it seems it's not tested enough
Right now, I managed to make it all work, but do have some open
questions, thus current email.
What I have right now
1. This harmless patch to the engine, to just add new library code,
only to be used (for now) by grafana setup code (later):
I see no obvious reason to not merge it already, but if it turns out
that only grafana setup is going to ever use it, it might be easier to
move this code there. In principle it can be useful also for OVN, as
commented there.
2. This patch to DWH. It's "mandatory", but not enough to get a
complete solution. Should be ready for merge. Requires above engine
3. This PR for ovirt-system-tests:
What's inside:
3.1. "Make grafana test use grafana_fqdn" - should be trivial and harmless.
3.2. "WIP: Add separate-machine-basic-suite-master" - started as a
copy of basic-suite-master. Much of it is links to there. To review
the rest, you can compare with relevant files in basic-suite. "WIP",
because it's not enough, see later, but is probably more-or-less also
ready for merging.
3.3. "WIP: Add the dwh/grafana host name to keycloak redirect URIs" -
this is where my main question/issue is. Without this, our setup code
sets redirectUris to point only at the engine machine, so when trying
to login to grafana with SSO, you get an error from keycloak, e.g. as
When configuring things manually, it's up to the user to handle all of
this. This applies either to oVirt users that want to do this
manually, or to RHV users, where keycloak is not integrated:
So it sounds like it makes sense to fix this in dwh/grafana setup
code, not in OST, right? But this is slightly more risky and annoying,
as we'll need to prompt asking the user for the keycloak admin
password. Perhaps we do want to do this anyway, but perhaps it's
enough to document how to do this manually (and keep this patch in OST
as an implementation of this document).
3.4. "WIP: Copy test_verify_engine_certs to test_001" not sure I
always needed it, but should be harmless. Perhaps should be done more
nicely somehow also for other suites.
Opinions/comments/ideas/suggestions/whatever are most welcome!
Thanks and best regards,
2 years, 5 months
Adding documentation - Migrating from a self-hosted engine to a standalone
by David White
Hi. I'm working on adding instructions to the documentation for how to migrate from a self-hosted engine to a stand alone manager. This will be the first time I've contributed anything to this project (or any larger open source project for that matter), so before I get too far in the weeds, I wanted to run this by the community so as not to waste my time if this is a bad idea.
My general high level documentation is here:
These are the steps that I took when I did my own migration.
(Note to self: Need to add a step at the end to log into the Manager and disable the Gluster service by going to Computer --> Clusters --> (Edit the cluster) --> Uncheck the "Enable Gluster Service" checkbox.
And I've forked the ovirt-site repo and started working on the documentation here:
I still have a ways to go before I'm ready to request a PR, but I'm open to any & all feedback.
Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
2 years, 5 months
Creating an oVirt Engine Appliance on a different EL Distro (eg Rocky Linux)
by Matthew J Black
Hi All,
Here's an interesting question (that I originally asked in the Users List, but which someone suggested I ask here - so I am):
What is the process (ie the Step-By-Step process) to create an/the oVirt Engine Appliance
based on another version of EL (ie in my case, Rocky Linux)?
Is there a "Manual" somewhere? I mean, surely the oVirt Project's Release
Manager has *something* that they follow to create the relevant rpm file - no?
2 years, 6 months