ppc64le support was contributed by IBM https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/9-stream/virt/ppc64le/kvm-common/
but the latest qemu-kvm there is 7.0 from 2022.
ARM packages for ovirt are still being built in COPR and in CentOS Virtualization SIG, not sure if someone ever gave them a try
Sandro Bonazzola
Hi team,
The planning guide has:
Enterprise Linux 9 doesn’t support virtualization for ppc64le: CentOS Virtualization SIG<https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization> is working on re-introducing virtualization support but it’s not ready yet.
The oVirt project also provides packages for the 64-bit ARM architecture (ARM 64) but only as a Technology Preview.
Ie. Do we / are we going to support ppc ? Unlikely, or ARM - quite possible ?