USB3 redirection
by Rik Theys
I'm trying to assign a USB3 controller to a CentOS 7.4 VM in oVirt 4.1
with USB redirection enabled.
I've created the following file in /etc/ovirt-engine/osinfo.conf.d: with content
os.other.devices.usb.controller.value = nec-xhci
and have restarted ovirt-engine.
If I disable USB-support in the web interface for the VM, the xhci
controller is added to the VM (I can see it in the qemu-kvm
commandline), but usb redirection is not available.
If I enable USB-support in the UI, no xhci controller is added (only 4
uhci controllers).
Is there a way to make the controllers for usb redirection xhci controllers?
Rik Theys
System Engineer
KU Leuven - Dept. Elektrotechniek (ESAT)
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2440 - B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
<<Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors>>
2 years, 10 months
OVN routing and firewalling in oVirt
by Gianluca Cecchi
how do we manage routing between different OVN networks in oVirt?
And between OVN networks and physical ones?
Based on architecture read here:
I see terms for logical routers and gateway routers respectively but how to
apply to oVirt configuration?
Do I have to choose between setting up a specialized VM or a physical one:
is it applicable/advisable to put on oVirt host itself the gateway
Is there any security policy (like security groups in Openstack) to
2 years, 11 months
Install hosted-engine - Task Get local VM IP failed
by florentl
Hi all,
I try to install hosted-engine on node : ovirt-node-ng-4.2.3-0.20180518.
Every times I get stuck on :
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 50, "changed":
true, "cmd": "virsh -r net-dhcp-leases default | grep -i
00:16:3e:6c:5a:91 | awk '{ print $5 }' | cut -f1 -d'/'", "delta":
"0:00:00.108872", "end": "2018-06-01 11:17:34.421769", "rc": 0, "start":
"2018-06-01 11:17:34.312897", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [],
"stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
I tried with static IP Address and with DHCP but both failed.
To be more specific, I installed three nodes, deployed glusterfs with
the wizard. I'm in a nested virtualization environment for this lab
(Vmware Esxi Hypervisor).
My node IP is : / and I want the hosted-engine vm has
3 years
Host needs to be reinstalled after configuring power management
by Andrew DeMaria
I am running ovirt 4.3 and have found the following action item immediately
after configuring power management for a host:
Host needs to be reinstalled as important configuration changes were
applied on it.
The thing is - I've just freshly installed this host and it seems strange
that I need to reinstall it.
Is there a better way to install a host and configure power management
without having to reinstall it after?
3 years, 1 month
Import an exported VM using Ansible
Hello everybody!
I'm trying to automate a copy of a VM from one Datacenter to another using an Ansible.playbook.
I'm able to:
- Create a snapshot of the source VM
- create a clone from the snapshot
- remove the snapshot
- attach an Export Domain
- export the clone to the Export Domain
- remove the clone
- detach the Export domain from the source Datacenter and attach to the destination.
Unfortunately I cannot find a module to:
- import the VM from the Export Domain
- delete the VM image from the Export Domain.
Any hint on how to do that?
Thanks in advance. Cheers.
PS: if someone is interested I can share the playbook.
3 years, 1 month
Lots of storage.MailBox.SpmMailMonitor
by Fabrice Bacchella
My vdsm log files are huge:
-rw-r--r-- 1 vdsm kvm 1.8G Nov 22 11:32 vdsm.log
And this is juste half an hour of logs:
$ head -1 vdsm.log
2018-11-22 11:01:12,132+0100 ERROR (mailbox-spm) [storage.MailBox.SpmMailMonitor] mailbox 2 checksum failed, not clearing mailbox, clearing new mail (data='...lots of data', expected='\xa4\x06\x08\x00') (mailbox:612)
I just upgraded vdsm:
$ rpm -qi vdsm
Name : vdsm
Version : 4.20.43
3 years, 2 months
Template for Ubuntu 18.04 Server Issues
I have built a system as a template on oVirt. Specifically, Ubuntu 18.04 server.
I am noticing an issue when creating new vms from that template. I used the check box for "seal template" when creating the template.
When I create a new Ubuntu VM I am getting duplicate IP addresses for all the machines created from the template.
It seems like the checkbox doesn't fully function as intended. I would need to do further manual steps to clear up this issue.
Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Is this expected or have I missed something?
Thanks for your input!
3 years, 6 months
Libgfapi considerations
by Jayme
Are there currently any known issues with using libgfapi in the latest
stable version of ovirt in hci deployments? I have recently enabled it and
have noticed a significant (over 4x) increase in io performance on my vms.
I’m concerned however since it does not seem to be an ovirt default
setting. Is libgfapi considered safe and stable to use in ovirt 4.3 hci?
3 years, 8 months
poweroff and reboot with ovirt_vm ansible module
by Nathanaël Blanchet
Hello, is there a way to poweroff or reboot (without stopped and running
state) a vm with the ovirt_vm ansible module?
Nathanaël Blanchet
Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax 33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
3 years, 10 months
supervdsm failing during network_caps
by Alan G
I have issues with one host where supervdsm is failing in network_caps.
I see the following trace in the log.
MainProcess|jsonrpc/1::ERROR::2020-01-06 03:01:05,558::supervdsm_server::100::SuperVdsm.ServerCallback::(wrapper) Error in network_caps
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/", line 98, in wrapper
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/", line 56, in network_caps
return netswitch.configurator.netcaps(compatibility=30600)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netswitch/", line 317, in netcaps
net_caps = netinfo(compatibility=compatibility)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netswitch/", line 325, in netinfo
_netinfo = netinfo_get(vdsmnets, compatibility)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netinfo/", line 150, in get
return _stringify_mtus(_get(vdsmnets))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netinfo/", line 59, in _get
ipaddrs = getIpAddrs()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netinfo/", line 72, in getIpAddrs
for addr in nl_addr.iter_addrs():
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netlink/", line 33, in iter_addrs
with _nl_addr_cache(sock) as addr_cache:
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 17, in __enter__
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netlink/", line 92, in _cache_manager
cache = cache_allocator(sock)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netlink/", line 469, in rtnl_addr_alloc_cache
raise IOError(-err, nl_geterror(err))
IOError: [Errno 16] Message sequence number mismatch
A restart of supervdsm will resolve the issue for a period, maybe 24 hours, then it will occur again. So I'm thinking it's resource exhaustion or a leak of some kind?
Running with VDSM at 4.20.46.
I've had a look through the bugzilla and can't find an exact match, closest was this one which seems to be a RHV only fix.
3 years, 11 months