OVN and change of mgmt network
by Gianluca Cecchi
I previously had OVN running on engine (as OVN provider with northd and
northbound and southbound DBs) and hosts (with OVN controller).
After changing mgmt ip of hosts (engine has retained instead the same ip),
I executed again on them the command:
vdsm-tool ovn-config <ip_of_engine> <nel_local_ip_of_host>
Now I think I have to clean up some things, eg:
1) On engine
where I get these lines below
systemctl status ovn-northd.service -l
. . .
Sep 29 14:41:42 ovmgr1 ovsdb-server[940]: ovs|00005|reconnect|ERR|tcp: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds,
Oct 03 11:52:00 ovmgr1 ovsdb-server[940]: ovs|00006|reconnect|ERR|tcp: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds,
The two IPs are the old ones of two hosts
It seems that a restart of the services has fixed...
Can anyone confirm if I have to do anything else?
2) On hosts (there are 3 hosts with OVN on ip
where I currently have this output
[root@ov301 ~]# ovs-vsctl show
Bridge br-int
fail_mode: secure
Port "ovn-1dce5b-0"
Interface "ovn-1dce5b-0"
type: geneve
options: {csum="true", key=flow, remote_ip=""}
Port "ovn-ddecf0-0"
Interface "ovn-ddecf0-0"
type: geneve
options: {csum="true", key=flow, remote_ip=""}
Port "ovn-fd413b-0"
Interface "ovn-fd413b-0"
type: geneve
options: {csum="true", key=flow, remote_ip=""}
Port br-int
Interface br-int
type: internal
ovs_version: "2.7.2"
[root@ov301 ~]#
The IPs of kind 10.4.192.x are ok.
But there is a left-over of an old host I initially used for tests,
corresponding to, that now doesn't exist anymore
How can I clean records for 1) and 2)?
4 years, 1 month
encrypted GENEVE traffic
by Pavel Nakonechnyi
Dear oVirt Community,
From my understanding oVirt does not support Open vSwitch IPSEC tunneling for GENEVE traffic (which is described on pages http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/howto/ipsec/ and http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/tutorials/ipsec/).
Are there plans to introduce such support? (or explicitly not to..)
Is it possible to somehow manually configure such tunneling for existing virtual networks? (even in a limited way)
Alternatively, is it possible to deploy oVirt on top of the tunneled (i.e. via VXLAN, IPSec) interfaces? This will allow to encrypt all management traffic.
Such requirement arises when using oVirt deployment on third-party premises with untrusted network.
Thank in advance for any clarifications. :)
WBR, Pavel
4 years, 1 month
"gluster-ansible-roles is not installed on Host" error on Cockpit
by Hesham Ahmed
On a new 4.3.1 oVirt Node installation, when trying to deploy HCI
(also when trying adding a new gluster volume to existing clusters)
using Cockpit, an error is displayed "gluster-ansible-roles is not
installed on Host. To continue deployment, please install
gluster-ansible-roles on Host and try again". There is no package
named gluster-ansible-roles in the repositories:
[root@localhost ~]# yum install gluster-ansible-roles
Loaded plugins: enabled_repos_upload, fastestmirror, imgbased-persist,
package_upload, product-id, search-disabled-repos,
subscription-manager, vdsmupgrade
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use
subscription-manager to register.
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* ovirt-4.3-epel: mirror.horizon.vn
No package gluster-ansible-roles available.
Error: Nothing to do
Uploading Enabled Repositories Report
Cannot upload enabled repos report, is this client registered?
This is due to check introduced here:
Changing the line from:
[ "rpm", "-qa", "gluster-ansible-roles" ], { "superuser":"require" }
[ "rpm", "-qa", "gluster-ansible" ], { "superuser":"require" }
resolves the issue. The above code snippet is installed at
/usr/share/cockpit/ovirt-dashboard/app.js on oVirt node and can be
patched by running "sed -i 's/gluster-ansible-roles/gluster-ansible/g'
/usr/share/cockpit/ovirt-dashboard/app.js && systemctl restart
4 years, 3 months
Error exporting into ova
by Gianluca Cecchi
I'm playing with export_vm_as_ova.py downloaded from the examples github:
My environment is oVirt with iSCSI storage domain.
It fails leaving an ova.tmp file
In webadmin gui:
Starting to export Vm enginecopy1 as a Virtual Appliance
7/19/1911:55:12 AM
VDSM ov301 command TeardownImageVDS failed: Cannot deactivate Logical
Volume: ('General Storage Exception: ("5 [] [\' Logical volume
7/19/1912:25:36 PM
Failed to export Vm enginecopy1 as a Virtual Appliance to path
/save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova on Host ov301
7/19/1912:25:37 PM
During export I have this qemu-img process creating the disk over the loop
root 30878 30871 0 11:55 pts/2 00:00:00 su -p -c qemu-img convert
-T none -O qcow2
'/dev/loop1' vdsm
vdsm 30882 30878 10 11:55 ? 00:00:00 qemu-img convert -T none -O
The ova.tmp file is getting filled while command runs
[root@ov301 ]# du -sh /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
416M /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]#
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]# du -sh /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
911M /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
[root@ov301 ]#
and the final generated / not completed file is in this state:
[root@ov301 ]# qemu-img info /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
image: /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
file format: raw
virtual size: 30G (32217446400 bytes)
disk size: 30G
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]#
But I notice that the timestamp of the file is about 67 minutes after start
of job and well after the notice of its failure....
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]# ll /save_ova/base/dump/
total 30963632
-rw-------. 1 root root 32217446400 Jul 19 13:02 myvm2.ova.tmp
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]#
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]# du -sh /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
30G /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]#
In engine.log the first error I see is 30 minutes after start
2019-07-19 12:25:31,563+02 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-64) [2001ddf4] Ansible
playbook execution failed: Timeout occurred while executing Ansible
2019-07-19 12:25:31,563+02 INFO
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-64) [2001ddf4] Ansible
playbook command has exited with value: 1
2019-07-19 12:25:31,564+02 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-64) [2001ddf4] Failed to
create OVA. Please check logs for more details:
2019-07-19 12:25:31,565+02 INFO
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-64) [2001ddf4] START,
TeardownImageVDSCommand(HostName = ov301,
log id: 3d2246f7
2019-07-19 12:25:36,569+02 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-64) [2001ddf4] EVENT_ID:
VDS_BROKER_COMMAND_FAILURE(10,802), VDSM ov301 command TeardownImageVDS
failed: Cannot deactivate Logical Volume: ('General Storage Exception: ("5
[] [\' Logical volume
In ansible playbook suggested log file I don't see anything useful.
It ends with timestamps when the script has been launched.
Last lines are:
2019-07-19 11:55:33,877 p=5699 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-ova-export-pre-pack :
Retrieving the temporary path for the OVA file] ***
2019-07-19 11:55:34,198 p=5699 u=ovirt | changed: [ov301] => {
"changed": true,
"dest": "/save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp",
"gid": 0,
"group": "root",
"mode": "0600",
"owner": "root",
"secontext": "system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0",
"size": 32217446912,
"state": "file",
"uid": 0
2019-07-19 11:55:34,204 p=5699 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-ova-pack : Run
packing script] *************************************
It seems 30 minutes... for timeout? About what, ansible job?
Or possibly implicit user session created when running the python script?
The snapshot has been correctly deleted (as I see also in engine.log), I
don't see it in webadmin gui.
Any known problem?
Just for test I executed again at 14:24 and I see same Ansible error at
The snapshot gets deleted, while the qemu-img command still continues....
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]# ps -ef | grep qemu-img
root 13504 13501 0 14:24 pts/1 00:00:00 su -p -c qemu-img convert
-T none -O qcow2
'/dev/loop0' vdsm
vdsm 13505 13504 3 14:24 ? 00:01:26 qemu-img convert -T none -O
root 17587 24530 0 15:05 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto qemu-img
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]#
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]# du -sh /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
24G /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]# ll /save_ova/base/dump/myvm2.ova.tmp
-rw-------. 1 root root 32217446400 Jul 19 15:14
[root@ov301 sysctl.d]#
and then continues until image copy completes, but at this time the job has
already aborted and so the completion of the ova composition doesn't go
ahead... and I remain with the ova.tmp file...
How to extend timeout?
Thanks in advance,
4 years, 6 months
deprecating export domain?
by Charles Kozler
I recently read on this list from a redhat member that export domain is
either being deprecated or looking at being deprecated
To that end, can you share details? Can you share any notes/postings/bz's
that document this? I would imagine something like this would be discussed
in larger audience
This seems like a somewhat significant change to make and I am curious
where this is scheduled? Currently, a lot of my backups rely explicitly on
an export domain for online snapshots, so I'd like to plan accordingly
4 years, 6 months
Support for Shared SAS storage
by Vinícius Ferrão
I’ve two compute nodes with SAS Direct Attached sharing the same disks.
Looking at the supported types I can’t see this on the documentation: https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/admin-guide/chap-Storage.html
There’s is local storage on this documentation, but my case is two machines, both using SAS, connected to the same machines. It’s the VRTX hardware from Dell.
Is there any support for this? It should be just like Fibre Channel and iSCSI, but with SAS instead.
4 years, 7 months
Shutdown procedure for single host HCI Gluster
by Gianluca Cecchi
I'm testing the single node HCI with ovirt-node-ng 4.3.9 iso.
Very nice and many improvements over the last time I tried it. Good!
I have a doubt related to shutdown procedure of the server.
Here below my steps:
- Shutdown all VMs (except engine)
- Put into maintenance data and vmstore domains
- Enable Global HA Maintenance
- Shutdown engine
- Shutdown hypervisor
It seems that the last step doesn't end and I had to brutally power off the
Here the screenshot regarding infinite failure in unmounting
What would be the right step to do before the final shutdown of hypervisor?
4 years, 7 months
Upgrade ovirt from 3.4 to 4.3
by lu.alfonsi@almaviva.it
Good morning,
i have a difficult enviroment with 20 Hypervisors based on ovirt 3.4.3-1 and i would like to reach the 4.3 version. Which are the best steps to achieve these objective?
Thanks in advance
4 years, 8 months
Re: Single instance scaleup.
by Strahil
Hi Leo,
As you do not have a distributed volume , you can easily switch to replica 2 arbiter 1 or replica 3 volumes.
You can use the following for adding the bricks:
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolivOn May 26, 2019 10:54, Leo David <leoalex(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Stahil,
> Thank you so much for yout input !
> gluster volume info
> Volume Name: engine
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: d7449fc2-cc35-4f80-a776-68e4a3dbd7e1
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1:
> Options Reconfigured:
> nfs.disable: on
> transport.address-family: inet
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> features.shard: on
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> performance.strict-o-direct: off
> network.remote-dio: off
> network.ping-timeout: 30
> user.cifs: off
> performance.quick-read: off
> performance.read-ahead: off
> performance.io-cache: off
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> Volume Name: ssd-samsung
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: 76576cc6-220b-4651-952d-99846178a19e
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1:
> Options Reconfigured:
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> performance.io-cache: off
> performance.read-ahead: off
> performance.quick-read: off
> user.cifs: off
> network.ping-timeout: 30
> network.remote-dio: off
> performance.strict-o-direct: on
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> features.shard: on
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> transport.address-family: inet
> nfs.disable: on
> The other two hosts will be - this is gluster dedicated network over 10GB sfp+ switch.
> - host 2 wil have identical harware configuration with host 1 ( each disk is actually a raid0 array )
> - host 3 has:
> - 1 ssd for OS
> - 1 ssd - for adding to engine volume in a full replica 3
> - 2 ssd's in a raid 1 array to be added as arbiter for the data volume ( ssd-samsung )
> So the plan is to have "engine" scaled in a full replica 3, and "ssd-samsung" scalled in a replica 3 arbitrated.
> On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 10:34 AM Strahil <hunter86_bg(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi Leo,
>> Gluster is quite smart, but in order to provide any hints , can you provide output of 'gluster volume info <glustervol>'.
>> If you have 2 more systems , keep in mind that it is best to mirror the storage on the second replica (2 disks on 1 machine -> 2 disks on the new machine), while for the arbiter this is not neccessary.
>> What is your network and NICs ? Based on my experience , I can recommend at least 10 gbit/s interfase(s).
>> Best Regards,
>> Strahil Nikolov
>> On May 26, 2019 07:52, Leo David <leoalex(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> Can someone help me to clarify this ?
>>> I have a single-node 4.2.8 installation ( only two gluster storage domains - distributed single drive volumes ). Now I just got two identintical servers and I would like to go for a 3 nodes bundle.
>>> Is it possible ( after joining the new nodes to the cluster ) to expand the existing volumes across the new nodes and change them to replica 3 arbitrated ?
>>> If so, could you share with me what would it be the procedure ?
>>> Thank you very much !
>>> Leo
> --
> Best regards, Leo David
4 years, 9 months