LACP across multiple switches
by Jorge Visentini
Hi all.
Is it possible to configure oVirt for work with two NICs in bond/LACP
across two switches, according to the image below?
[image: LACP_Across_Two_Switchs.png]
Thank you all.
You guys do a wonderful job.
Jorge Visentini
+55 55 98432-9868
2 years, 9 months
OVS switch type for hosted-engine
by Devin A. Bougie
Is it possible to setup a hosted engine using the OVS switch type instead of Legacy? If it's not possible to start out as OVS, instructions for switching from Legacy to OVS after the fact would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
2 years, 10 months
USB3 redirection
by Rik Theys
I'm trying to assign a USB3 controller to a CentOS 7.4 VM in oVirt 4.1
with USB redirection enabled.
I've created the following file in /etc/ovirt-engine/osinfo.conf.d: with content
os.other.devices.usb.controller.value = nec-xhci
and have restarted ovirt-engine.
If I disable USB-support in the web interface for the VM, the xhci
controller is added to the VM (I can see it in the qemu-kvm
commandline), but usb redirection is not available.
If I enable USB-support in the UI, no xhci controller is added (only 4
uhci controllers).
Is there a way to make the controllers for usb redirection xhci controllers?
Rik Theys
System Engineer
KU Leuven - Dept. Elektrotechniek (ESAT)
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2440 - B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
<<Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors>>
2 years, 10 months
OVN routing and firewalling in oVirt
by Gianluca Cecchi
how do we manage routing between different OVN networks in oVirt?
And between OVN networks and physical ones?
Based on architecture read here:
I see terms for logical routers and gateway routers respectively but how to
apply to oVirt configuration?
Do I have to choose between setting up a specialized VM or a physical one:
is it applicable/advisable to put on oVirt host itself the gateway
Is there any security policy (like security groups in Openstack) to
2 years, 11 months
Install hosted-engine - Task Get local VM IP failed
by florentl
Hi all,
I try to install hosted-engine on node : ovirt-node-ng-4.2.3-0.20180518.
Every times I get stuck on :
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 50, "changed":
true, "cmd": "virsh -r net-dhcp-leases default | grep -i
00:16:3e:6c:5a:91 | awk '{ print $5 }' | cut -f1 -d'/'", "delta":
"0:00:00.108872", "end": "2018-06-01 11:17:34.421769", "rc": 0, "start":
"2018-06-01 11:17:34.312897", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [],
"stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
I tried with static IP Address and with DHCP but both failed.
To be more specific, I installed three nodes, deployed glusterfs with
the wizard. I'm in a nested virtualization environment for this lab
(Vmware Esxi Hypervisor).
My node IP is : / and I want the hosted-engine vm has
3 years
NFS Synology NAS (DSM 7)
by Maton, Brett
Hi List,
I can't get oVirt (running on oVirt Node hosts) to connect
to an NFS share on a Synology NAS.
I gave up trying to get the hosted engine deployed and put that on an
iscsi volume instead...
The directory being exported from NAS is owned by vdsm / kvm (36:36)
perms I've tried:
Tried auto / v3 / v4_0
As others have mentioned regarding NFS, if I connect manually from the
host with
It connects and works just fine.
If I try to add the share as a domain in oVirt I get
Operation Cancelled
Error while executing action Add Storage Connection: Permission settings on
the specified path do not allow access to the storage.
Verify permission settings on the specified storage path.
When tailing /var/log/messages on
When tailing /var/log/messages on the oVirt host, I see this message appear
(I changed the domain name for this post so the dots might be transcoded in
Aug 27 17:36:07 ov001 systemd[1]:
The NAS is running the 'new' DSM 7, /etc/exports looks like this:
/volume1/ov_nas x.x.x.x(rw,async,no_root_squash,anonuid=36,anongid=36)
(reloaded with exportfs -ra)
Any suggestions appreciated.
3 years
VM hanging at sustained high throughput
by David Johnson
Hi ovirt gurus,
This is an interesting issue, one I never expected to have.
When I push high volumes of writes to my NAS, I will cause VM's to go into
a paused state. I'm looking at this from a number of angles, including
upgrades on the NAS appliance.
I can reproduce this problem at will running a centos 7.9 VM on Ovirt 4.5.
1. Is my analysis of the failure (below) reasonable/correct?
2. What am I looking for to validate this?
3. Is there a configuration that I can set to make it a little more robust
while I acquire the hardware to improve the NAS?
Standard test of file write speed:
[root@cen-79-pgsql-01 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=./test bs=512k count=4096
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
2147483648 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 1.68431 s, 1.3 GB/s
Give it more data
[root@cen-79-pgsql-01 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=./test bs=512k count=12228
12228+0 records in
12228+0 records out
6410993664 bytes (6.4 GB) copied, 7.22078 s, 888 MB/s
The odds are about 50/50 that 6 GB will kill the VM, but 100% when I hit 8
What I think appears to be happening is that the intent cache on the NAS is
on an SSD, and my VM's are pushing data about three times as fast as the
SSD can handle. When the SSD gets queued up beyond a certain point, the NAS
(which places reliability over speed) says "Whoah Nellie!", and the VM
*David Johnson*
3 years
Deploy ovirt-csi in the kubernetes cluster
I want to deploy ovirt-csi in the kubernetes cluster. But the guide only has how to deploy to openshift.
How can I deploy the ovirt-csi in the kubernetes cluster? Is there any way to do that?
3 years, 1 month
Host needs to be reinstalled after configuring power management
by Andrew DeMaria
I am running ovirt 4.3 and have found the following action item immediately
after configuring power management for a host:
Host needs to be reinstalled as important configuration changes were
applied on it.
The thing is - I've just freshly installed this host and it seems strange
that I need to reinstall it.
Is there a better way to install a host and configure power management
without having to reinstall it after?
3 years, 1 month
Import an exported VM using Ansible
Hello everybody!
I'm trying to automate a copy of a VM from one Datacenter to another using an Ansible.playbook.
I'm able to:
- Create a snapshot of the source VM
- create a clone from the snapshot
- remove the snapshot
- attach an Export Domain
- export the clone to the Export Domain
- remove the clone
- detach the Export domain from the source Datacenter and attach to the destination.
Unfortunately I cannot find a module to:
- import the VM from the Export Domain
- delete the VM image from the Export Domain.
Any hint on how to do that?
Thanks in advance. Cheers.
PS: if someone is interested I can share the playbook.
3 years, 1 month